All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
176 chapters
"Vox!" Ellen's voice echoed through the chaos. “What in the world are you doing?”“Come back here!” Ellen lunged towards Vox, but he found himself surrounded by his enemies. “F*ck, Vox!”Despite Ellen's calls, Vox seemed oblivious, fixated on Amoris, whose eyes continued to glow ominously. Despite this, he continuously calls out for Vox in order for him to regain Vox control over his body.Ellen grabs the enemy’s weapon and uses it against them. The number of enemies surrounding him doubled making it not easier to catch up with Vox.Cursing under his breath, Ellen pondered, "Is he being manipulated?" He slashed through his opponents, his mind racing with worry."Commander!" Lyric's voice pierced through the chaos. They were completely surrounded, facing overwhelming enemies all at once. “What's happening to Vox?” she demanded.As she fought her way towards Ellen, Lyric voiced her suspicions. “Could it be... a love spell?”"A love spell?" Ellen repeated, furrowing his brow in confu
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“F*ck!”Ellen cursed under his breath. He had been so close to capturing Amoris, yet he let her slip away. Frustrated, he angrily removed his armor vest and let it drop to the ground. Closing his eyes, he tried to reign in the anger simmering inside him, massaging his temples to ease the tension.Taking a deep breath, Ellen forced himself to calm down. He couldn't afford to let his emotions cloud his judgment. Opening his eyes, he glanced around, his mind already racing with plans to deal with the situation.One of his men approached him, concern etched on his face. "Commander, what do you plan to do next?" he inquired. Ellen let out a sigh before replying."We'll do what we've always done," Ellen began, his voice heavy with determination. "Gather all their dead bodies and display them outside our walls. It's been too long since we've enacted this ritual. We need to remind them of the consequences of daring to invade our territory."He scanned the area, his gaze steely. "Leave nobo
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Chapter 93 LOCK HER UP
Rushing to the dungeon, Ellen couldn't believe his eyes. The Vox who had been struggling to break free from his chains earlier was now eerily silent, not moving an inch. Chained to the wall, his hands were spread wide in both directions, standing motionless like a statue.Ellen approached cautiously, his heart pounding with apprehension. "Vox?" he called out tentatively, hoping for some response. But Vox remained unresponsive, his gaze fixed straight ahead, devoid of any emotion.Concerned, Ellen turned to the guards stationed outside the dungeon. "What happened?" he demanded, his voice tinged with urgency.The guard shifted uncomfortably before responding. "He just... stopped, Commander. One moment, he was struggling, and the next, he went completely still. We thought it best not to approach him, given his... condition."Lyric approached Vox slowly, her heart heavy with concern. "Vox," she said softly, tapping his cheeks lightly. "Can you hear me?""I can hear him breathing steadily
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Ellen and Amoris and their subordinates all came to face to face each other. Each one of them are glaring at one another, ready to throw their fist on each other’s faces.Ellen’s minister of peace spoke, “This is not the time to throw daggers on each other. Goddess Amoris, please tell us what you wanted.”“As what Ive said to Commander Ellen, I would like to form an alliance with you.”A loud slam on the table echoed through the room. The minister of war fuming in anger stands up and leaned forward, his gaze piercing. “That’s bullsh*t. You wanted alliance then why would someone who wanted to join hands with us, invade our territory and cast a spell on Commanders right hand man?!”Ellen’s ministers agreed to what the minister of war said. Ellen is just sitting there listening to everyone. Amoris who’s calm as Ellen look at him in the eyes. “I know you loathe the God of destruction, Ronaldo. That bastard took my money and scam me.”“Ronaldo?” the minister of war said. Ronaldo is the nas
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Chapter 95 A Syndicate
“DK company?” Ellen asked, curiosity etched in his voice. The company was renowned as one of the largest in Kester City.His brow furrowed in concern. Rose hadn't mentioned anything about this to Ellen. It seemed Sophie's grandmother had intervened, possibly discarding Rose due to her repeated failures in her role for the chairman. Ellen sighed,“You look exhausted. Let's discuss this tomorrow,” Sophie suggested, offering a bittersweet smile.Ellen shakes his head, “I’m not that tired,” he said. He’s lying but he needed to hear more about this guy that her grandmother wanted her to marry.Ellen smiled at her as he gently lowered, Sophie onto the bed and tucked her under the sheets. “Where are you going?” Sophie inquired."Just to change my clothes. I'll be right back," he reassured her before pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.Returning in his sleeping attire, Ellen slipped into bed beside Sophie, who immediately sought solace in his embrace."I missed you," she whispered. "I co
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Chapter 96 BAD NEWS
Ellen quickly reached out to Rose as he drove through the city. "Rose," he began urgently, "Meet me at the Lith bar on Plemento Street.""Right now? I just woke up," she groaned, clearly startled by the sudden call."I know, but it's important," Ellen insisted before ending the call and navigating through the city streets.Arriving at the bar, Ellen was greeted by the respectful manager. "Mr. Wilmott," the manager acknowledged with a nod, to which Ellen simply nodded in return, already heading upstairs.“I have guest,” he said."Please let her in when she arrives, guide her to the second floor." Ellen instructed the manager before ascending to the second floor of the establishment.He sits there where he could see everyone coming in and out of the bar. They offered him drinks but Ellen refuse. It was still early for the bar to open but since he owns this building and this bar, he can easily do whatever he wants.Moments later, Rose entered the bar, looking slightly disheveled from bei
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Ellen got distracted by a phone ring, he picks it up without looking for the caller ID. “Who’s this?” he said while looking at the papers and reports about the acquisition.“Good morning brother-in-law!” a woman exclaimed. Ellen was taken aback and look at the caller ID, it’s unknown.“Who’s this?”“I can’t believe you just forgot about me! I’m Aliyah, your future sister-in-law!” she said, “Sedan’s fiancée!” she added.“I know, what can I do for you? I’m quite busy right now so you might need to stick to the point.” He said while his looking at the papers in front of him.“I called to ask you about the plans about the upcoming engagement ceremony,” she started, “The ministers aren’t favorable about the long period of engagement before the wedding ceremony.”“I’m planning to skip the entire engagement and held a wedding instead,” she said. Ellen stops what he’s doing and pause for a moment.If Sedan hears this, he might back out and run away before the wedding. He leaned back and hear
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The next morning, Ellen arrived at dawn to his territory. He pass by where he and Amoris got into a fight. Everything is looking just like it did before, it feels like there’s no bloodshed happened in this area.Ellen scoff and continue on his way to the headquarters. When he arrived at the hallway where you can see the view of the scope of the territory, he saw Sedan looking over.“Sedan,” Ellen called out. He turned to look and he was baffled.“What are you doing here so early brother?”Ellen stands beside him and look over the territory, “I have something to tell you, let’s go up to the rooftop.” He said.Sedan appeared both bothered and curious about what his brother was going to say. He questioned himself, wondering if he had made any mistakes in managing the territory, or if there was something urgent that needed his attention. His mind raced with questions about why his brother was at the territory so early in the day. Sedan found himself at the rooftop without noticing.The co
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Chapter 99 LOSER
"What do we do now?" Selena the mother of Sophia asked as she looked so stressed.While Stefano, the father of Sophia was walking back and forth while thinking of a plan as well to break the marriage of Ellen and Sophia."I don't know!" Stefano answered looking at his wife who looked so unwell due to stress."W-What if Sophia wanted to leave us now? We can't just let her go back on that prick who doesn't want to do anything to be rich. We need to find a way to separate the two, " Selena said as she sat down on her bed.The two were thinking of planning to make the marriage of Ellen and Sophie won't work anymore, they are thinking of divorcing the two. However, none of their ideas ever work on them."This is all Ellen's fault after all! Our sweet daughter was not like this, she was listening to us before. When Ellen came into her life, she started disobeying our orders, " Stefano angrily stated.“If it weren’t for him, DK company would’ve invested in our company!” Stefano added."Ellen
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Chapter 100 REGRET
Ellen is finally back after a week long stay at the territory. Sedan finally got married to Aliyah, finally one problem down, one more remaining.Ellen let the guards park the car and continue to head inside the mansion. The first thing he look for is his wife, Sophie. Ellen promised that he would stay by her side, but problems always arise. He’s irritated too, he couldn’t even relax at his own territory because he took the work with him.“Sophie?” he called out, looking for his wife at the garden where she usually is. “Sophie, Love?”Ellen frowned and walked through the kitchen. Ellen saw the maid, “Did you know where my wife is?” he asked.“Ms. Sophie is in your room, boss.” She spoke. Ellen nodded and head upstairs to their room.When Ellen opened their room, he heard Sophie vomiting. “Sophie!” he called out and rush to the bathroom.When he opened the door, he saw his wife on the floor, sitting while her hands leaning on the toilet sit. Her hair is a mess and she’s sweating so muc
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