All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
176 chapters
Chapter 101 Demetrio Punished
Ellen went back to his mansion and to his secret underground lair. Emilia who’s busy with the intel team turned around to see her commander."Commander, we've gathered all the information we needed," she began. "We found out that Demetrio sought a partnership with the Alexiou. However, they proposed a marriage without informing the Alexiou family first to corner them.”Emilia continued, “They sought the Alexious' influence to expand their business in Kester City. That's why the business partnership evolved into a marriage proposal.”“Are they aware that Sophie is married, and that I am her husband?”“No, Commander. Our security measures are robust, making it difficult for anyone to access your personal information easily. Whenever there's an attempt to investigate you, our intel team is immediately alerted. However, there's no record of them or any other parties attempting to look into your background.”“Unless they have an insider,” she added.“That's possible. Check if the Alexiou f
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Ellen went to where all the citizens of Denser Kingdom were being held captive. Ellen’s troops are holding them in an open space while their hands and feet she both tied by a chain that’s connected.Ellen stopped in front of them, “Citizens of Denser,” Ellen began. “I am Ellen Willmott, Commander of Arzenthrals—”“Murderer!”“Savage!”“You completely burn down our homes!”“We will not listen to a murderer like you!”Vox interfered, “Shut up!” he yelled. “Murderer? Did you see him kill any of your family? Relatives or friends?”“Did any of you get killed by his own hands?” he asked, “No innocent lives got killed except for Demetrio, your god!”“Liar!”“Don’t listen to them they are lying to us!”“You killed my baby! You killed my children!” a mother cried while punching her chest, agony and despair were written all over her face while crying desperately.“My poor babies, I don’t even know if their bones are still burned to the ground,”“You mean these children?” Lyric intercepted.“Mom
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Chapter 103 PREGNANT
After the invasion of Denser Kingdom, things grew quiet. Ellen got to spend some time with his wife for a week, free from any threats or family interference. It was a tranquil time for them.Ellen, pleased with the results of his efforts, successfully expanded his territory and won the acquisition bidding for H&K company. He felt content with these accomplishments; it seemed his efforts were finally paying off. With Sedan, the troublemaker, now married to Aliyah. The issue with Rose was resolved too; she was now free from the influence of Chairman Alexiou. The only remaining problems were with the Alexiou family and Marleen.The whole four months are so hectic, from the moment he married to Sophie up until today, it was hectic and chaotic. Ellen just shaking his head in disbelief that the whole whirlpool of events just happened in four months.Now, Ellen is busy with the board members of the company. He’s in the meeting with them, it is a general assembly meeting for appointing Ellen
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“I will tell him, but don’t think I didn’t warn you. Ellen will be extremely mad about this,” Vox said. Before aggressively letting her go.Marlene glared at Vox as she rubs her arms that Vox tightly grip. “I will wait for him tomorrow two pm at Saint Jude Hospital. He better come or else I will show up in front of their house and tell his wife he’s the father of the baby I’m carrying!”Vox gave her a spiteful look before leaving the auditorium. Marlene legs wobble as she felt all the fear and anxiety she’s repressing inside. Her kneels wobble and she falls to the ground. Marlene felt the loneliness and alone in this world, no one beside her and her baby. If this baby couldn’t make it, she’ll be all alone.Marlene felt a cramp in her stomach, her eyes went to her belly. “Please,” she said while calming herself. She took deep breaths and calm herself.However, her stomach keeps cramping. So, she stands up and tried to rub her small bump. “Don’t worry, baby. Mommy will take care of you,
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Vox finally told Ellen that Marlene had a miscarriage and explain everything. “Commander,” he called out nervously. Ellen can see the tense in his expression and Ellen already know what he will say.Vox and Ellen are inside the office in the company, Ellen leaned in on his chair and waited for Vox to tell him what he said on the phone that he needed to know immediately. “Spit it out, why do you keep hesitating it pisses me off!”Vox cleared his throat, “Marlene is pregnant,” he said. Just as Ellen has expected, it was about Marlene’s pregnancy. “And you are the father,” he added.Ellen just looks at Vox blankly. Ellen had no reaction or whatsoever about the news Vox just dropped. Vox looks baffled as to why his commander isn’t reacting to his news, “Commander, did you hear what I just said?”“Marlene is pregnant…and you’re the father—”“I heard you,” he said resting his elbows on to the armchair and his hands clasp together. “Then why aren’t you surprise?”“What do you want me to do,
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Chapter 106 BETRAYAL
“Sophie,” Ellen uttered under his breath. He steps forward slowly, hesitating. His eyes fixed on his wife who look hurt and is about to cry.“Sophie, love…” he said while trying to sense her out. Ellen didn’t mind what expression he has on his face, what matter most right now is to clear things out with her.“Love, let me explain,”“STAY THERE!” Sophie exclaimed. Ellen was taken aback; it is the first time she yelled at him like this. Sophie isn’t the type to yell when she’s anger, but when she does, it means Ellen messed up.“Don’t you dare take another step,” she said with a scowl look in her face. Ellen can see the disgust, the disappointment, and hurt in her eyes.Marlene who understood the situation quickly run to Ellen’s side and cling on to his arms. Sophie can see the hurt and sadness in Ellen’s face, he wanted to approach her and touch her.Sophie’s eyes landed on Marlene’s hands clinging on to his husbands’ hands and then to Marlene’s eyes. Marlene gave her a smirk and held
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Chapter 107 KILL HER
After the heavy argument, Sophie left him alone and return to their house. Ellen decided to go to his secret underground lair to cool his head off. Emilia and Vox didn’t dare to voice out their concern and just follow their commander.“Emilia, go to Sophie. I want a doctor on standby and look for Sophie’s condition.” Ellen ordered while walking at the hallway.“Yes commander,”“Give her everything she wants, but don’t let her be alone. She needed someone right now.”“I will permit it if she wants to have fresh air, but do not let her leave this place.” Ellen said while he has a dark expression on his face.“Yes, commander.” Emilia said before excusing herself. Ellen continued to walk through where the gym inside the lair is.He opens the door aggressively and his guards who’s inside bowed at him. Ellen ignores them and walk to the mat where his guards are training hand to hand combat.The guards stop what they’re doing and was confused as to why is their commander here, where he rarel
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Chapter 108 DYING
“Marlene! Oh god!” Vox shouted and hide the gun on his back. He pulled a chair beside Marlene’s dead body and lift her body up.Vox struggled to get the rope out of her neck so he grab the rope and pull it from the ceiling. He managed to pull down the rope and carry Marlene’s dead body.He grab a knife from the kitchen and tried to remove the rope from her neck. He successfully did so, and check her pulse. Her body is cold and she’s not breathing anymore.“F*ck!” He immediately stands up and grab his phone in his pocket. His hand trembling while trying to call for Ellen’s number.Ellen pick it up, “Commander,” he started. Ellen didn’t speak and he can sense Vox voice trembling.“She’s dead,” he continued. Ellen was still not responding, “When I got here, she’s already dead.”“She hangs herself and committed suicide,” Vox said while looking at Marlene’s neck with signs of strangling.Vox closed his eyes tightly. "Please, commander! Say something!" he shouted."She killed herself becaus
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Chapter 109 MURDERER
“Oh god, I killed her,” Sophie said while her hands shaking while clasping it together. “What have I done,” she said while slowly looking up to Ellen.Something inside Ellen’s heart tug at the sight of his wife who’s shaking in fear. “Ellen,” she muttered under her breath.Ellen walks up to her and didn’t mind that Sophie didn’t like him to touch her. He embraces his wife tightly and Sophie sobs. “It’s not your fault, this isn’t your fault, Sophie.”“She did this to herself, you did not kill her,” he said while rubbing her back, trying to calm her down.“Shhh…Sophie please,” he pulls away and cup his wife’s face. “Look at me,”Sophie shook her head in denial, refusing to meet Ellen's gaze. "No... No," she muttered, her voice choked with tears.“Please, love. Look at me,” Ellen pleaded, his heart heavy with anguish as he watched his wife's pain unfold before him.Sophie continued to sob, her eyes tightly shut. Ellen felt a wave of helplessness wash over him as he witnessed her tremblin
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"I'll stay here, Boss," Emilia declared. Ellen nodded in agreement. Emilia positioned herself at the front door, discreetly guarding it to prevent any suspicions. It's a precautionary measure, Sophie might get kidnapped again and Ellen might wreak havoc this time.Vox saw Ellen and Sophie beside Marlene’s coffin. He saw how people made comments about Ellen attending his Ex-wife’s funeral and how Sophie being hypocrite.Vox immediately marched towards them and tap Ellen’s shoulders, “Commander,” he whispered, “You’re getting a lot of attention. Would you like to go over there where no one can disturb you?” he said while pointing out the table where it is secluded.Ellen looks at the table he’s pointing out and nodded, “Can you make this people shut up. I don’t want my wife stressing just because people don’t know when to shut up and mind their own business…” Ellen said while throwing daggers at everyone with his cold stares.“Do something about it or I might make them leave this place,
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