All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
176 chapters
"Have you made sure that Sophia was safe?" Ellen asked while he was on his way to his kingdom. Even though he didn’t want leave Sophie’s side right now, he needs to. Ellen was just grateful that his wife is understanding and forgiving.Ellen sighs and Emilia noticed his weary expression. She looks at his commander and answered. "Yes, commander! Vox is with her right now guarding her. And we added some guards as well, ""Good, then! I don't want any harm to happen to my wife, while I am away. Make sure to have contact with Vox, so when something happens, he could immediately report to us.” Ellen said with a strict voice.Knowing that the biggest threat in his marriage is his in-laws, then it was hard for her to move. Since he doesn't want his marriage to end as awful as his previous marriage."I have mentioned that to Vox already, Sir. I have told him if anything suspicious would happen he would immediately contact me so that I can tell you. As well as every move in the mansion, so we
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The meeting about the grand royal wedding was just finished. Ellen let his other ministers leave, and just let his most loyal adviser, Lyric, to stay."I'll send you the budget for the wedding preparations. Ensure that everything they desire meets their expectations," Ellen instructed."I don't want to undermine Sedan or make him a target of ridicule just because he's my brother," Ellen continued, a note of concern in his voice.Lyric's confusion surfaced. "What do you mean, Commander?"Ellen sighed heavily. "I don't want them to endure what Sophie and I faced when we got married. They mocked and ridiculed Sophie simply because she's my wife."Lyric can see her commander feeling burdened by his past experiences. “I understand, Commander,” Lyric replied, her voice softening with empathy.“I will be allocating you the budget and leave everything to you,” Ellen said as he talked to Lyric."Since you are the one that I trusted the most, I think you picture what she wanted to happen in her
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Tomorrow would be the big wedding of Aliyah and Sedan in the Saint Lysia Cathedral. So, Ellen decided to come to the mansion in the kingdom of Aliyah to visit her and his brother as well."Aliyah?" Ellen settled himself immediately as he was offered some tea by Aliyah."Yes? You have visited us unexpected brother-in-law. You should have informed me that you are coming so I was able to prepare a good meal for you.”“I'm ashamed of myself seeing that I cannot even prepare a simple meal for you and can just offer you some tea right now,” Aliyah bowed down in disappointment at herself."Don’t worry that was not just my purpose on why I came to visit. I just wanted to talk about something important with you, " Ellen assured her.Ellen looked at Aliyah and smiled, that he was right that he accepted the offer of the wedding of Aliyah on her brother Sedan. Since he felt that they are a perfect match for each other."So, what is it?""Do you need assistance with the preparations for your weddi
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The grand royal wedding day for Sedan and Aliyah have already been in the middle of the process. Everyone from the God of both kingdoms under their alliance came to watch the wedding of the two."Your brother's wedding is so grand!"Ellen chuckled and almost burst into tears seeing his brother getting married in the middle of the altar. "Of course! He is my only brother and deserves this grand wedding. He looks so handsome in his suit and was so lucky to have a wife like Aliyah.""I'm sure that the two of them would grow old together. I mean--- just looked at the happiness in their eyes, you can immediately tell from here that their marriage would last a century. I'm hoping and praying for the best in their relationship.""My brother actually has a good taste in women. I mean looked at her, she looked at Sedan so genuine. Their love is so deep that we can't even measure how much they love each other, " Ellen responded looking at his brother and Aliyah that was currently saying their w
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"Your speech is lovely and made me cry!" Aliyah praised him and wiped the tears that were flowing on her and eyes.Ellen smiled and said. "It was nothing! I have been preparing that speech for a whole month. I was also a bit nervous since this is not just an ordinary wedding ceremony like before. This is my brother's ceremony and wanted everything to be perfect and would not have anything bad to happen even just a slight mistake, "."What bad thing could happen on this good day? Also, this wedding is much more than I expected it to be. It was like a wedding of the century, " Aliyah answered.Ellen just smiled at her."Brother thank you for everything. You have done so much for us. This wedding has cost millions. You didn't even think twice about spending this amount of money so that we could have the perfect wedding that Aliyah and I wanted," Sedan thanked his brother. He was so thankful to him and could just stop himself from crying.“Sedan,” he said while looking at his brother awkw
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The wedding party continues, and everyone is having so much fun dancing and drinking to congratulate the union of his brother and Aliyah. Ellen is silently drinking alone, and Vox saw this.“You’re not gonna have fun?” Vox asked while placing his glass on the table and he pulled the chair beside Ellen and settled himself.“I’m good,” Ellen said while sipping on his drink.Vox didn’t talk for a while glancing now and then at Ellen. However, Vox couldn’t stop himself from asking and bother Ellen. “Would you like to drink another cup—”“What is it that you like Vox?”Ellen couldn’t help but turn to see Vox, “What?” he asked, “If you want to have fun, just go for it. I’m good!”Vox purse his lips tightly and somehow look like a puppy that’s being scolded by his owner. Ellen couldn’t figure out why he’s bothering him and couldn’t settle down from his seat.Ellen looks at the drink he’s gulping down and back to his face, “How many shots did you drink?” Ellen asked,“Too many to count?” Vox
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The first thing in the morning Ellen and Sophie hop on their car is to go shopping at the mall near them. Sophie is so excited as she hops on the car, as if a child just got her wish granted. Ellen couldn’t help but shake his head at Sophies reaction.He thought it was cute and he wanted to pinch his wife’s cheeks. It was Sunday and Ellen’s day off, so it was the perfect opportunity to go on a date and grant Sophie’s wishes.“Are you that excited?” he asked. Sophie excitedly nodded at him. Ellen smiled and parked the car in the parking lot.Ellen courteously opened the passenger door for Sophie. Stepping out, she leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, darling," she murmured.With a smile, Ellen closed the door behind her."We should pick a name for a baby starting today?" Sophia excitedly said as the smile on her grew bigger.Sophia fantasies the face of their unborn baby, and she was so excited by the thought of it."Sure, what would you like to pick?" Ellen answered.Sophia
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Chapter 118 RAPED
Ellen arrived at the headquarters in Blasé kingdom, Sedan’s new kingdom. The blasé is located at the northern part of Arzenthrals country and only a two-day trip to Ellen’s territory and Shinzen’s. Ellen strode purposefully into the meeting room, where Sedan's newly appointed ministers and Aliyah were seated around a large table. His expression was serious, his steps determined as he approached them. A minister was about to yell at Ellen who just disrespectfully barge in when he recognizes it was Ellen, “Commander Ellen,” the minister stammered. He trembles as he fixes his posture and anxiously stands up making him trip a little because of the chair behind him. Ellen paused and scan the whole room, his gaze bore to Aliyah who’s staring at him from the beginning. “Brother-in-law—Ah, no. Commander Ellen,” she greets slightly bow her head. Everyone stands up and bow to the commander, “We greet you, Commander Ellen,” they said in unison. Ellen gesture for them to sit and they do so.
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Chapter 118.2 KILLED HIM
“What?” Ellen exclaimed, “What did you just say?” he asked again.“I just found out that the bastard leader of Ruto r*ped Aliyah." he said with gritted teeth. Ellen couldn’t believe what he just heard; someone defiled the goddess of life.“It was a shock to me too. But this happened when Aliyah and Sedan weren’t married yet. This happened after they formed an alliance between Calisis and Aliyah.”Ellen now understands why Aliyah looks so afraid and anxious, she doesn’t want anyone to find out what truly happened between Calisis and Aliyah.“How the f*ck that son of a b*tch gets away with it?” Ellen exclaimed. He clenched his jaw and his fist tightly trying to suppress the anger that was boiling within him.“I don’t know either, commander. The only way to find out about that is to ask the victim herself,” Vox said. Ellen can feel Vox's anger too, who wouldn’t get mad about this news?Ellen would burn the entire world if this happened to Sophie, so he would make sure that it would not h
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"Sedan what are you going to do?" Ellen asked out of concern seeing the murderous eyes on Sedan.Sedan gritted his teeth and said, "I will kill that bastard! I will show him that he should not mess with me. I've tried to be nice, but he keeps taking advantage of me. So, I won’t tolerate this anymore, since he also crosses his line when he touches my wife, ""Kill him?" Sedan asked shocked since hearing that sent shivers on his spine.Ellen wanted to stop his brother but saw the anger in his eyes. He just let him be and followed him where the man was."You bastard!" Sedan shouted seeing the man who did unappropriated things on his wife.Sedan's mind went blank.He grabbed his wife and let her send in the tent in the base camp, and Sedan's began to attack the man."You looked so angry, Sedan? Why because I have tasted your wife as well? I didn't realize she tasted so delicious. I was going to have a second round when you just didn't come right and interrupt our loving mate. Don’t worry
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