All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
176 chapters
Ellen can feel the sense of relief and pride when the enemy’s troops surrendered and bowed in reverence in front of Sedan. Meanwhile Sedan didn’t even bother looking over his new set of troops, and just tending to his wife who’s still in shock right now.Ellen steps forward and look at Vox, Sedan is completely focus on his wife’s well-being and couldn’t decide right now. So, Ellen must step up and do anything he can to support his brother.As he looks over on the new troops that’s added to Sedan’s force, “Vox,” he called out to him. Vox immediately runs towards Ellen.“Yes, commander?”“For now, I’ll be taking the lead. Guide this people to the headquarters and gather them all around.” He began, “We need to see who’s loyal or not. We need to be extra vigilant for assassinations.”"We shouldn't be complacent," Ellen added, his tone serious. Vox nodded and turned to assist all the troops.No one protested, and Ellen scanned them all, looking for any suspicious movements. When they were
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Chapter 121 ABANDONED
As much as Sophie want to abandon and cut off her family because of their behavior towards Ellen, she just couldn’t let her family ruin what Ellen just accomplished.Right now, she’s on a call with the chairman Alexiou, “So, what’s your answer?” she asked.Sophie couldn’t help the anger swell up inside her because of the situation she’s in. “If you keep saying no to us, I will let all the stockholders in the company pull out their investments and never let any investors invest in your company.”“I couldn't care less if one of my companies fails under that lowborn's leadership," she sneered, directing her insult at Ellen. “Just look at how he runs the company; he's hardly ever in the office!”Sophie frowned, questioning, “How would you know that? Have you been visiting my husband in his office just to cause trouble?”“Why else would I know? Of course I go there! It was mine before you sold the company to that bastard!”“You ungrateful child! Now look at what you’ve done, he’s taking ov
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Chapter 122 DISRESPECT
If only Sophie didn’t say that they will attend the family meeting with the Alexiou, Ellen wouldn’t come. Why else Ellen would willingly go even if it against his will, of course it’s for Sophie.Ellen escorted Sophie to get out of the car and she cling her hand to Ellen’s hands. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Ellen asked her once more.Sophie sighs, “It’s for the company, I know you work hard every day for the company, and I don’t want that hard work to be in vain just because my family couldn’t accept, I married an amazing husband.”“Like I said, you don’t have to worry yourself with the company. I can easily handle any bomb they throw at us.” Ellen replied. Sophie squeeze Ellen’s hands and she smiled at him.“I know…I know you can,” she paused, “But if I can help you, I will help you as much as I can.”“Don’t worry about my family insulting us again, I will fight back. I don’t care if they’re my family, I won’t tolerate people who disrespects my husband in front of me,” she sa
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Chapter 123 MESSED UP
"Ellen!" Sophie called out to him as she follows her husband.Ellen didn’t look back until he got on his car. "What?""Let's go back!" Sophie begged his husband while she was holding her huge belly."No, I won’t. I can’t take their insults anymore, Sophie. I have tried so hard…” he paused, “So hard to let their insults get through to me, but that is the last straw.”“I can’t even swallow their own words anymore. It was hard for me to say this, but my dignity has been crushed into pieces. If I go back there, I don’t know what I might do to them," Ellen responded with ragged breath, feeling wounded by their words.Ellen didn't want to let his wife down but hearing those words coming from there family. He felt so hurt, and he was unable to stay another second in there if they keep on insulting him."Let’s just go back and tell them what--""No, I can't handle them anymore. If I must go back in there again, I don't know how I'll react. They're being too much, and they don't even realize t
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Chapter 124
"What do you think I’ve been doing all this time?" Ellen looked furiously at his wife. “Aren’t I being patient and letting them say whatever they want at me?”Sophie’s breath hitched and looked at Ellen with a frown. "I’m just saying that you should just let everything go, because—”"Because what? Sophie are you serious? Are you even listening to me?" Ellen asked in disbelief.Sophie glanced at Ellen, her expression a mix of shock and dismay. She couldn't help but feel emotional, a surge of irritation bubbling up within her at both herself and the situation they found themselves in.“You were there, and you heard the words they were saying to me. I can't bear to stomach their insults any longer. They've crossed the line, and it's unacceptable. If the tables were turned, I wouldn't let my family speak to you like that, and you know it!”"You don’t even have a family, so how would I know?” Sophie exclaimed. There was a sudden pause between them, their eyes locking with anger. “You don’t
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Chapter 125
"Are we really gonna visit, Sophie without any notice?" Lily asked while they are in the car with her parents."Yes, why not? We are her family after all, so we can visit her anytime we want. So just shut up and let sit there because we are gonna visit your sister. We don't know what kind of hell your sister is living with that poor man, " her mother responded.“Do you remember what happened to the Rose girl mom hired to seduce that bastard?” Selena asked.“Yes, ugh! She was beaten into pulp!” Lily said with disgust.“That’s why we should go and check on her. Seeing her at the family meeting is not enough. We need to check fully how that bastard treat my daughter!”The parents of Sophie have planned a visit to their daughter, since they wanted to see how see was doing. They still don’t like Ellen even they are married for so long, since they felt that a poor man like him, should not be married with their daughter.“She’s mother’s favorite, and the one who will inherit mother’s fortune
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Chapter 126
“What the hell are you saying, Lily?” Stefano said in a whisper. “Didn’t you hear that Ellen is the commander of the strongest kingdom?”"Are you even thinking?" Stefano angrily exclaimed at Lily. “If Ellen found out what you’ve been scheming, not only you’ll die, but the whole family would also!” he added.“I’m just saying, father. Aren’t you mad that he’s wrap us around his finger? We have been fooled and I bet he also fooled Sophie too!”“Stop it, Lily!” Selena said gripping lily’s hand tightly, pulling her to her side. With gritted teeth, Selena whispered to her, “I already felt bad that I did those things to Ellen and called him names! I don’t want this situation to escalate even more!”“We have to be on his good side from now on!” she said. “We have to find a solution to make up for what we’ve done to Ellen.”“Your mom is right. We’ve done enough damage on Ellen. We need to be on his good side now.” Stefano added. Lily couldn’t help but roll her eyes to what her parents saying.
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Chapter 127
"Commander what should we do with them?" Vox asked as he was ready to grab his sword and slit their throat.Ellen looked at them and asked them. "What do you want?""I'll kill them for you!" Vox said and drew his sword ready to slit their throat."Stop it!" Ellen stopped Vox on time and be back off after that.The fear in their eyes was shown when they saw that they almost died by sword. So, they have back away for a moment."Commander these people have kept on bullying you since day one. I don’t even understand why you kept them alive. Because if someone has done it to you, you would surely kill them with your own hands. They should have died the moment they open their mouth," Vox tried to reason."Mom! Dad!" Lily pulled her parents as she gulped seeing that Vox was not joking.Ellen glared at Vox and said. "Don't forget that they are the family of Sophia that is the only thing that was keeping them alive right now. If Sophia doesn't even care about them, I will not let them live the
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Chapter 128
“Mother! Mother!”Selena shouted as they make their way into their main house. After the confrontation with Ellen and his subordinate, Stefano said that they will visit some other time and come back home immediately because the situation is getting worse.Stefano doesn’t want their relationship with Ellen severe and the only thing they could do is to fall back and regroup to discuss what they have to do from now on.“Mother!” Selena yelled as she barges inside the chairman’s office.“What is it? Are you planning to wreck my hundred-dollar door? Calm down, will you?!” the chairman said as she sips her tea.She sits upright in her seat, unaware of what her family knows about Ellen. The revelation that Ellen is a god, their son-in-law, would surely both shock and delight their grandmother.“Mother I have good news and bad news!” Selena said.“What do you want to hear first?” Stefano asked."Can we just reveal the truth and then strategize how to handle the aftermath?" Lily suggested with
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Chapter 129
“This won’t do, Commander. We have to get rid of them.”Vox said after they went inside Ellen’s office. Ellen sits on his chair in front of his table and sigh heavily. He can see that Vox is anxious about Sophie’s parents knowing Ellen’s true identity.“Can you stop walking back and forth, I’m dizzy just by looking at you.” Ellen said as he rests his back on his chair.“I’m also anxious about this situation.” He said after he sits up again. “Part of me wanted to get rid of them but if I do that, Sophie wouldn’t forgive me.”“We had this huge fight because of her family recently and I learned that even if she treats them like this, she can’t still let go of the bond she has with her family.”Vox gritted his teeth, “But commander, you told me that you wouldn’t let any humans manipulate and blackmail you again.”“I did,”“Then why are you just letting it go?! I can see their true intentions commander! I know they won’t settle around now that they know who you truly are!”“That family is
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