All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
176 chapters
Chapter 130
One week after the incident of revealing Ellen’s identity, Ellen now is back from office. These past few days there’s no movements from the Alexiou’s except that same day when they knew who he really was.Ellen discovered that their system had been breached and someone was hacking into it. Classified data regarding his companies and important contracts hadn't been stolen; only information about him had been compromised.Ellen knew it was the Alexiou who did it, but he let it go, he knew that the chairman wanted to confirm if what she heard is really true. Despite his suspicions, Ellen decided not to confront the Alexiou family directly about the breach.He expects that one of these days, the chairman would make a move but it’s been a week and there’s no action from their end. Ellen thought they must have planning something big this time and he couldn’t wait.And if they really made a move, Ellen is already prepared. He is one step ahead from them and wouldn’t let himself be manipulate
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Chapter 131
Ellen went home on time, when he opens the door, he was greeted by his lovely wife in a long cute maternity dress.“Welcome home, my love!” Sophie excitedly said. Ellen chuckles and embrace her.Ellen kneels and kisses Sophie’s belly, “How’s my little Sen? You didn’t trouble mommy when I’m not around?” Ellen asked with a smile. Ellen looks up and stare at his wife, smiling back at him.“Let’s have dinner together,” Sophie said with a smile.Sophie pulls him towards the dining table and proudly presents the dishes on the table. Sophie pulls the chair for Ellen to sit, he hesitated but eventually sat down.Sophie smiled and sat across from Ellen, “Look I cook all our favorite!” Sophie said excitedly.“What’s the occasion?” Ellen asked and started eating, “Uhm! This taste delicious love!”Ellen devoured the meal like it was his last and Sophie couldn’t help but be giddy as he watched Ellen’s reaction to her food.“I just wanted to cook for you for once before I give birth to Sen,” Sophie
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Chapter 132
It’s been two days since the office incident with the chairman. Ellen is currently visiting their house because Sophie’s family keeps pestering her on inviting Ellen over to chat.Sophie couldn’t help but be excited because finally her long time wish that they accept Ellen is finally coming true. Their relationship is slowly improving but deep inside Ellen is disgusted by how he was treated now by the Alexiou.Right now, Ellen and Sophie are walking to the Alexiou main house towards the garden to enjoy the imported rare tea that Daniel, Lily’s husband, got from his business partner overseas.“Ah! My daughter and son!” Selena greeted as she stands up to approach Ellen and Sophie.Ellen smile as if it didn’t make Selena’s greeting made him want to puke his guts out. It’s strange to be treated right by them.“Hello mother!” Sophie said with a wide smile. Selena kisses her cheek to cheek and was about to kiss Ellen too, but Ellen raises his eyebrow on her that made Selena flinched and pau
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Chapter 133
The talked between them suddenly changed into how Sophie is and what the baby needs. Sophie said that everything is already taken care of and they don’t need to add more things to their nursery room because it is already full of Sen’s things and what their child needed.“What about your check-up? I wanted to accompany you and hear about my grandson's well-being!” Selena exclaimed.“I'd also like to join and bring him some more educational toys. Which hospital and doctor are you visiting?” Stefano added."I know several excellent OB-GYNs, and I can arrange for you to be admitted to the top hospital here in Kester City," the chairman offered.Ellen quietly listened as he savored his tea, though he couldn't fully enjoy its flavor due to its improper brewing. Only people of the northern land of his country can brew this tea, if not properly brewed, it leaves a bitter aftertaste. The sweetness and the aroma of the tea is still overpowering but when you drink water after this, you can taste
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Chapter 134
“What? God?” Sophie said as she removed her hands that Ellen’s holding, suddenly Ellen felt anxious. “I must have been hearing things,” Sophie said as she backs away a little.“Sophie, it’s true. Please hear me out first,” Ellen said.Ellen stands up and tried to hold her hand again, but Sophie put her hands up to his face. “Wait, just let that news sink in to me first.”“Sophie,” he gently called out. Sophie bites her lips and look at Ellen in his eyes. Sophie can see the anxiety and fear on Ellen’s eyes, but his face remains expressionless.“Are you seriously a God?” Sophie said as she looks up to Ellen, meeting his eyes filled with worry.“I can explain, I know you’re disappointed at me—”“Disappointed? I’m not Ellen, I’m just shock at what you just told me. I was taken a back. This news just exceeded my expectation.”“I always thought that you’re one of the sons of a rich family, or a normal human who’s really a hard worker…or, or!” Sophie said in a serious tone and still can’t be
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Chapter 135
When they arrived at their mansion, Emilia greeted them. “Welcome home, Ms. Sophie and boss.” She said calmly.“How’s the visit with your family?” she added. Ellen eyed Emilia not to ask her. She understood and zipped her mouth.“As usual, tiring.” She said as she hands her bag to Emilia.Sophie aggressively turns around and look at Ellen sharply. Ellen flinched and was wondering why his wife is acting this way.“What?” he asked. Sophie eyes squinted and looked at him up and down, “What’s with that look, love?”“I still can’t believe I married a God.” She said. Emilia suddenly gasps, her both hands on her mouth covering it. She looks at Ellen and back at Sophie.Suddenly, Sophie eyes widened in shock and fear crept into her. Sophie walks towards Ellen and grab the hem of his sleeve, “Oh no, did I do something I shouldn’t?”“Did they know? Or it’s still a secret and I screw it up.” She said in a whisper. Ellen laughs and grab her by the waist because she’s acting so cute.“What do we d
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Chapter 136
When they arrived at the territory, Ellen and Sophie was greeted with all of the ministers, subordinates and Lyric outside the headquarters.Vox opened the door for Ellen and Sophie, and they step out of the car. Ellen escorted his wife out and everyone waited as Sophie gets out of the car.After the Sophie got out of the car, everyone’s eyes bore to the most beautiful woman in a white elegant dress. Her hair in a tight bun, her skin glowing and being pregnant added an ethereal glow to her appearance. She walked gracefully towards the group, her presence commanding attention and admiration.Ellen, standing beside her, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as he stares at his wife. Sophie couldn’t help but secretly get shy and anxious on the inside but remain calm and collected on the inside.“Ellen,” she whispered, “Are you sure that your people will want me?”Ellen smiled at her. “What if I came off as a woman with bad intentions? I really should’ve brought that basket of fruits.”
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Chapter 137
The next day, Sophie woke up late and couldn’t find Ellen in their room. When Emilia senses that Sophie’s awake, she knocks on the door, “Are you awake, Ms. Sophie?”Sophie gets up and rubs her eyes as she sits up, “You can come in, Emilia.” She said. Sophie look at the clock on her bedside table and notice it was already one in the afternoon.“Where’s Ellen?” she asked as Emilia place her outfit for the day on the bed. “He’s in a meeting with the ministers, Ms. He said that it will be quick however, the ministers are holding him much longer since they’re addressing important details regarding the territory.”Sophie nodded at her, “I guess I’ll be eating alone. I exhausted my body last night, a lot of people come and greeted me,”“Yes, and today…” she paused as she helps Sophie go to the bathroom. “The envoys from our allied forces are already here to meet and greet you, Ms. Sophie.” She said that made Sophie’s eyes widened in shock.“Really? Oh no I even woke up late. Did I made thin
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Chapter 138
Ellen is talking with one of the oldest leaders of Fellor Kingdom, Nomad, where this kingdom imports oil through different countries.“Ellen,” Nomad said. “It’s great to see you after such a long time, commander.” He added.“It’s good to see you too, Mr. Nomad, how’s your health?” Ellen said as he shakes Nomad’s hands.“Don’t mind this old guy, health. When you reach this age, all you have to worry is how to make the moments last.” Nomad’s laughs so is Ellen.“You still need to cut back on the alcohol, Mr. Nomad,” Ellen remarked, gesturing towards the glass of wine in the older man's hand. “How many glasses have you had already?”“Don't take away this old man's happiness, Ellen,” Mr. Nomad replied with a chuckle, taking another sip of his wine. “The wine from Arzenthral is truly exquisite.”“There’s something about Arzenthral wines that make you want to drink two or more bottle.” He said as he taps Ellen’s shoulders. Ellen just smilingly defeated by the old man as he shakes his head.
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Chapter 139
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought this guy here already introduce us properly to you.” Aliyah said with gritted teeth while eyeing badly at Ellen.Ellen cleared his throat and didn’t meet Aliyah’s eyes. “Why didn’t you say so, Ellen? Pardon my insolence and the way I talk to you earlier, Goddess Aliyah.”Aliyah suddenly change her tone and look at Aliyah with a sweet smile, “Oh please, you can drop the formality. You can talk to me like earlier. We’re sisters in law now, no need to be bothered by the way you address me.”“Thank goodness, I’m really sorry.” Sophie said with an apologetic smile. Sophie looks at Ellen, but Ellen didn’t want to meet her eyes, “If only this big oaf introduces me with my sister-in-law properly, I wouldn’t be bothered this much!” she said as she roll her eyes.Ellen just frowned and look at Sophie, “I didn’t tell you because, you don’t have to. They should be the one introducing themselves to you, you’re my wife.” Ellen said.“Look at this guy, still so high and pro
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