All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
176 chapters
Chapter 140
“Shit!” Ellen cursed; he immediately wraps Sophie with fire that wouldn’t hurt her to get her away from the enemy’s clutches.“Get away from her!” he yelled as he rushes towards Sophie’s location. Sedan stops in his tracks; he saw the guy went to ash when he got enveloped by Ellen’s fire.Sedan was relieved when Ellen arrived and grab Sophie. Sophie immediately hugs Ellen and didn’t let him go. Ellen can feel her whole-body trembling in fear as he held her close.“I’m here, don’t cry, don’t cry.” he said trying to calm her down. He was rubbing her back and Sophie felt a little cramp on her belly.“Oh, no…Sen,” she said, groaning in immense pain. Ellen pulls away and check Sophie’s condition. Sophie grabs her belly trying to ease the discomfort but her nothing seems to work.“What’s happening? Sophie, please talk to me!” Ellen asked, his face filled with worry.“My baby, Sen… it hurts!” Sophie said struggling to talk with her belly cramping so much. Ellen held her tightly and look arou
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Chapter 141
“Did you trace this person’s location?” Ellen said as he steps in to instruct the team. “Lyric, did you do what I tell you to? Did you manage to block all exit and entry points in the territory?” “Yes, commander. When told Vox about the order, I already done it.” Lyric said standing beside Ellen. “I knew there’s something wrong when someone called me to the mansion as per your orders even though you’re at the indoor garden, I check the security cameras and block all the entry and exits ways inside the territory.” “Good, what about their location?” Ellen asked. “Did you locate their current location?” Ellen stands straight and look at Lyric when he didn’t hear any response from her. Sedan stands beside Ellen, waiting for her news. However, Lyric remains silent that made Sedan anxious. “Lyric, tell me…Did you locate the bastard who took my wife?!” Sedan exclaimed. He grabs onto Lyrics shoulders, but Lyric shakes her head and close her eyes. “I apologize Master Sedan, but I couldn’t.
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Chapter 142
“Commander, all of the ministers are in the meeting room waiting for you.” Vox said after Ellen got out from Sophie’s room. Ellen sighs and nodded at Vox with a serious look on his face. Ellen opens the door to the meeting room and walk towards in front of the table, “I can’t believe people have the guts to ruin this joyous day,” he begins. "Not only did the enemies infiltrate our territory undetected, but they strategically chose to strike on a day when our defenses were down.” Ellen slammed his hands on the table so loud it echoed through the room, “I don’t have the time to argue with all of my incompetent ministers, so I will put off my anger for now and decide on what to do with all of you after I’m done with this mission.” Ellen said with a firm tone. Ellen stands up properly and look down on his ministers, “Mr. Randall,” he called to the minister of war, “I will give you the reigns to look after the territory while we’re gone--” “But commander, I am the minister of war, I sho
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Chapter 143
It’s finally midnight, everyone is on standby and waiting for Ellen’s orders. After observing the territory all night, they finally ready to launch their attack. The elite force of Ellen sneakily entered the city without suspicions and blended inside. The reason for this is to assassinate the people who’s guarding the entrance of the Purlex territory. It’s a good thing that Purlex is surrounded with trees, so Ellen and his troops won’t be seen by the enemies. Ellen looks at the woods and saw the Shinzen armies that surrounding the area two meters away are waiting for Ellen signal, Ellen thought its finally time. Suddenly Ellen received a message report from Lyric. Ellen looks at Sedan and reported the message out loud, " We have a report from Lyric,” he paused, Sedan suddenly stands up, his eyes searching for news about his wife. “Aliyah and the abductor are almost halfway at the purlex. The abductor has a scroll that teleported them near two cities away from here," she said. “He’s
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Chapter 144 SHOT HIM
“Kill that bastard!” “Kill him! Kill him!” “Don’t let him get away! Tie him up!” The central town of the Purlex was in chaos and screams of hatred and wail of thousand of women are heard across the land. Ellen stare into the scene unfolding in front of him. The leader was being tortured by the people he had abuse, the women who’s crying and couldn’t do anything but let out a cry of pain because of the leaders abuse to their women children. Vox approach Ellen, “Do you think this is enough?” Ellen stare at the leaders who’s screaming in help because of pain. “No, this isn’t. I can skin him alive and break all the bones he has and heal him each time he was in brink of death and repeat the cycle until he’s the one who wishes to end himself.” Ellen said with cold voice. “I could do that, but Sedan was right to let the people do the justice they deserved. Since this is unlawful place, no one would be persecuted if that bastard dies from the people’s hands.” “This is the only punishmen
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Chapter 145
“What the--”Sedan didn’t hesitate and positioned himself on the back of the abductor to choke him. Sedan tightens his chokehold and keep his positioned firm and steady to not the abductor gets out from his grip.“Let her go!” Sedan shouted. The abductor scoff at him that made Sedan livid and grab his gun on his side and shoots his right foot.“Ahhhh! My foot!!”“I said, let. Her. Go!” Sedan threatened. The abductors were yelling in pain, but he suddenly started to laugh maniacally. Sedan was taken a back and was afraid of what will happened to Aliyah because of the bastard.“Didn’t you hear me?! Stop laughing and let go of my wife or else!” Sedan yelled but the man didn’t flinch and just gave Sedan a wide smirk while having trouble breathing because of Sedan’s chokehold.The man tightened his grip on Aliyah’s neck and hair, making Aliyah who’s unconscious groan in pain, “Khhkk!” Sedan groaned while gritting his teeth trying to be patient to not let his wife get hurt.Sedan's patience
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Chapter 146
“No, brother! Don’t listen to him!’ Sedan shouted across from him, “That’s part of his scheme, if you sign that contract, we will be in disadvantage!”“You think I don’t know that?!” Ellen shouted while staring at the man who’s enjoying the scene right now. “I know how the binding contract works, basically it’s a slave contract that would cause me my life.”“You think I would let this fucker ruin my life?!” Ellen shouted.With a devilish grin, the man remarked, “So, if you're truly against it, I suppose you're fine with this woman meeting her end, huh?” he sneered.“It seems your brother here couldn't care less about your wife and is only concerned with his own selfish desires,” he added.“Fuck you! My brother isn’t like you, you son of a bitch!” Sedan shouted.Ellen looks at the abductor in his eyes and asked, “What if I don’t want to? You can take the money and I will guarantee your safety after fleeing far away from where I could search you.” Ellen said with determination.The man
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Chapter 147
Ellen raised his arms and that signaled vox to shoot the target. Ellen didn’t hesitate and signed the binding contract.Sedan was so mad and punching the ground because of Ellen’s sacrifice. "Why did do you that?" Sedan asked."It was all for you as well so that I can get my wife immediately!" Ellen answered and smiled even if he knows that it would cause his life and powers."It would cause you the valuable things you had. You should not did that for me, you should only did that for yourself," Sedan angrily said as he was unable to accept to himself that his brother have signed the contract for his sake.Ellen smiled and assured him, "Don’t worry the most valuable thing I had was you and my wife, and the family we had. Nothing is much more worth it than all of you that I had in my life. So don’t worry it was my choice to risk those things because I know that it would be worth it after all. So, you don’t need to blamed the things on yourself because it’s not your fault at all,""How c
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"Where is he?" Ellen immediately asked Lyric on the phone as he called her.“Who, commander?” Lyric asked, perplexed about what the commander is saying. “Who are we talking about commander?”“Henry, that bastard is the one who ordered this chaos,” Ellen paused for a second. “Please tell me Sophie is safe.”Lyric couldn’t reply because of shock, she knew that Ellen’s relationship with Henry isn’t good, but not to the point that he would order for Sophie and Aliyah kidnapped. “How the hell did that happened? You told us, Henry saves you from those bastards that attacked you at the indoor garden?”“So, why the hell he is the one who insinuated this kidnapping?!” Lyric said. “I cant believe this!”“Lyric, I don’t have all the time for this chitchat! Just give me the status update!” Ellen responded, irritation evident in his tone.Ellen's tone conveyed a mix of frustration and urgency. He needed information, not inquiries about Henry's motives. "I don't have time to dwell on Henry's betray
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Lyric was nervous while contacting Ellen to inform the bad news. She was having doubts if she would tell Ellen that his wife was missing or if she would fix the mess that she made. But Lyric knew that if she didn't tell Ellen sooner the consequences would be worse.Lyric informed Ellen. "Commander Sophie is missing! When we came into her chambers she was already gone and there were no traces of her. I think Henry have got her already and we have come late, ""What!?"Ellen was furious upon learning that the bastard had gotten his wife already. He was clenching his fist in anger waiting for it to punch Henry in the face."What do you want us to do now, commander?" Lyric asked."Wait for me there!" Ellen said and hung up the call.Ellen immediately teleports back to the headquarters. He must move quickly or else something bad will happen. Ellen knows what Henry is capable and while Sophie is in his hands, she is in danger.Lyric greeted him. "Commander! Henry had taken Sophie to the nor
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