All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
176 chapters
"Sophie?" Ellen saw his wife become unconscious and bleeding all over her.Ellen was out of himself when he saw blood soaking the bottom of her dress. “What have you done to my wife…”"What the!" Henry saw what was happening and let go of Sophie who fell on the ground.Ellen started attacking Henry and didn’t stop punching Henry and no one could get into Ellen to stop him from killing Henry."Please, stop!" Henry begged as he was unable to move and was bleeding heavily.Henry's bones crashed one by one, as the punches were a heavy blow. Henry felt he was gonna die as the punches were getting a bit intense. He tried to fight back but was unable to do it since Ellen got the upper hand."I will do everything you want, please stop it. I can't breathe properly. I'm sorry! Please, Ellen. Let me go!" Henry begged like a dog, but Ellen acted like he was not hearing some things.Ellen was beating Henry like crazy everyone accepted Henry’s fate to die. Since it was hard for anyone to come near
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"Are you incompetent?" Ellen angrily asked.Ellen was angry at the doctor's incompetence for asking him that kind of question. Making him choose between his child or his wife. He would never choose because both are important to him.The doctor sighed and said. "Commander, I know that this is hard for you. It would be a hard decision to make, but you need to choose. Because their life is at stake, if you don’t choose now, you will lose both of them,”Ellen looked at him and ordered. "Save both of them no matter what. Don't give those shitty excuses. I would not choose between my wife and my child!”“Make sure that you would save both of my child and wife because if not,” he paused, “The consequences you would face are far worse than you can imagine. So don't dare you asked me that damn question again. Got it?"Ellen would not force himself just to accept the fate of his wife and child to die. If he needed to use force to ensure the safety and delivery of his child and the life of his w
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"I missed you!" Sophie said and cried in Ellen's arms.Ellen hugged Sophie tightly and didn't let her go, as she continued to cry in his arms. He was missing the warmth embrace of his wife and feeling that warmth again. He just wanted to stay in that position for a long time and never let go of Sophie again."I missed you as well, Sophie. I was so worried about you when I woke up. The last thing I remember was you are giving birth to our child. I guess I have collapsed because of the intense situation that I was in. But now I am here, and you are currently in my arms that I never wanted to let go anymore, " Ellen expressed his longing desire for her warmth.Sophie and Ellen get reunited and Sophie cries on Ellen’s shoulders and Ellen hugs her tightly never wanting to release her."I never wanted to let go of this warm hug as well, Ellen!" Sophie said and smiled as she cried in joy.Ellen said that he was sorry about what happened to her. "I'm sorry for what happened to you, Sophie. I
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Ellen and Sophia stayed another week at the hospital. Since they still need to be observed by the doctor to make sure that their health is alright."Are you excited to go home?" Ellen consulted his wife.Ellen looked at their baby and carried her in his arms, Farasha had smile on him that made his heart flutter."Of course! I also miss our home and to think that we gonna have our own privacy after a week. I’m glad that we are going home, and you are alright now!" Sophia happily said and smiled at her husband."Well, I don’t think you can count on that we are gonna have some privacy. Because I think Sedan and Aurora would prepare a whole welcome celebration for us. So, I think you need to be ready!" Ellen answered as he knew that his siblings won’t let it slipped and be surely have not let him not celebrate their homecoming."I guess so...." Sophia replied and just shrugged her shoulders fixing the things that they would bring home.Ellen and his family could finally return home and un
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"Do you think your parents would love it if we have invited them in here?" Ellen asked his wife's permission.Sophia put the sleeping Farasha down and answered. "If you want to invite them, then it's your choice. If love to be here, then we'll see. Just invite them and let's see the outcome if they would love to be here or not, ""Okay! I guess..." Ellen said and shrugged his shoulders.Ellen sent some emails, letters, and messages to Sophia's family inviting them to their place. Ellen and Sophie decided to invite Sophie’s family to Arzenthral. Ellen took their advice of Sedan to invite the family of Sophia to welcome them into his territory.Upon their arrival, the chairman, Selena, Lily, Stefano, and Daniel are looking around, looking down on Ellen’s people and the whole city's livelihood at every chance. They looked disgusted at the place not impressed that the buildings were tall and luxuries enough for them."Stop the car in here!" The chairman ordered as he saw the most luxuriou
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"Are you sure that you want to visit my family? We are still in the car, and you can still change your mind. It is just one start off the engine, and we can go. I won't force you if you don't want to face them since I understand that they have disrespected you in the past. So, if you don't want to do this, let’s just go home rather than pretending that it's alright for you to be in here, " Sophia said with a smile on her face.Sophia doesn't want to force her husband, to let her family visit Ellen's territory. Because she knows the tension between them and doesn't want her husband to be disrespected and be little again.Ellen smiled at her and assured her. "It's alright! I know that they would thrill to see Farasha and would be happy to spend some time with this little cute baby. I know that things were not easy and have been good. But they are still your family after all, "With a heavy heart, Sophia just sighed and agreed with Ellen. The two have been waiting for the family of Sophi
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Upon learning the bad news that Henry has gotten away from jail, Ellen holds an emergency meeting with all his ministers, Vox, Emilia, Sedan, Aliyah, Mr. Nomad, and Lyric present. Ellen was afraid of the possibilities of the capable things that Henry could do while he was outside jail."We can't let Henry roam around freely. We know what he can do and Farasha, my baby, almost died in his hands. An unborn baby that had not yet experienced the world. Also, a lot of people have died in that while goose chase so this time we won't let that happen," Ellen said.They talked about what happened before and Henry’s agenda. Ellen knows that Henry would come back and harm Sophia again and would seek revenge for what he did to that bastard.Ellen looked at his ministers and ordered. "Find Henry immediately. Search everywhere that you need to search. If you must not sleep at night, then do it! If that is the only thing that we could make sure that we can capture that bastard. We would make sure to
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The day of the celebration had come, and every respectful person was invited. Lyric and Vox were making sure that no one would be able to escape their tight security. Making sure that everyone was safe inside and doing their duty while on patrol.Ellen proudly announces her daughter to his people. Ellen held his daughter in his arms and showed it to everyone and said. "This is my daughter, she was born two weeks ago. The celebration today was about her birth and we would be enjoying the day that she was given to us from heaven. Farasha would soon rule this kingdom when she was old enough to replace me in my position. So I hope everyone would welcome her as the heir of this kingdom as you all welcome me into your hearts, "Everyone was applauded by the speech of Ellen, as she showed Farasha to everyone. They were overwhelmed to see the baby, and they already loved her. They think that she would be a great leader someday like her father.Sedan looked at his brother waiting for the s
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"Remove your hands on my wife!" Ellen demanded.Ellen saw that his wife's shoulders had started bleeding, so he used his power to immediately burn Henry's right hand, making him lose his grip on Sophia. Sophia immediately runs towards Ellen's back to seek some shelter.Henry looked at his shoulder and smirked. "It seems that you are not fighting fair, Ellen. You are using your power while I used my fist to hurt your wife. Why are you afraid that I would kill your wife? Don't worry I am not that cruel enough to do that, like you. If I would kill someone that would be you because you have taken everything away from me. And this time I would make sure to take away everything from you, especially your life, " he said.Ellen and Henry have a fierce conversation. Henry could not still be able to forget the past, and he would still hold the grudge in his heart even if it happened a long time ago."Why are you being like this, Henry? Those things happened a long time ago and that is whe
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Chapter 159
“Everyone, on me!” Ellen commanded. His troops backed him up, standing firm behind him as he fixed Henry with a piercing gaze that sent a shiver down Henry’s spine.“You'll never intimidate me, Ellen. I know your weakness,” Henry taunted with a devilish grin. “I will do whatever it takes to take away what is most precious to you, just like you did to me!”Henry stepped forward, pointing his gun in the direction Sophie had headed. Ellen clenched his jaw, struggling to keep his emotions in check as his fury aura began to seep through.“Poof!” Henry sneered mockingly, laughing devilishly. “What? You’ve taken everything from me. Isn’t it fair that I do the same?”“I didn’t ruin your life. You did that to yourself, you bastard!” Ellen growled, “so, don’t get it fucking twisted!” Henry’s grin faded, replaced by a death glare.“FUCK YOU!” Henry shouted.“Boys, kill everyone in sight. I’ll deal with this motherfucker myself,” Henry declared, both sides readying themselves for an all-out war.
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