All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
176 chapters
Ellen wakes up on the stretcher, he is being rushed to the hospital, the last thing he remembers was earlier they were in the garden of his mansion.Ellen opened his eyes and heard Sophie's voice "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE DIE ON ME ELLEN WILLMOTT!!! ”When Ellen woke up again he was in the hospital going to the ER for surgery because he was shot in the back which possibly also hit his heart. He stopped their progress in the ER and Ellen took off her oxygen mask.Ellen looked at Sophie and told her. "I'm so sorry, Darling! Because of me your life was so messed up and I couldn't give you a normal life, "Sophia just cried at his words, and then Ellen wiped her tears and smiled weakly at Sophie. "Sorry....." The Doctor said. "We need to hurry and send Commander straight to the ER, " then they put Ellen back on the stretcher and sent him to the ER. They waited for hours in the waiting room with everyone that close to Ellen. EMILIA who's holding Farasha since Sophia was in a state of pan
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Chapter 161
Sophie leaves the couple behind and went to the waiting room, still waiting for Ellen’s operation to be successful. Vox, Aurora, and Emilia who’s holding Farasha in her arms are sitting on the bench, agitated, and waiting for Ellen’s recovery.Sophie stops walking and look at the door where they take Ellen to, and her dress covered in blood. His dress that’s white earlier had turned bloody red, her hands trembling still covered in Ellen’s blood.Sophie closes her eyes and steels herself. She walked down the hallway and when everyone saw her, they immediately stand up and walk towards Sophie.“How’s the territory, I want to talk to Lyric, we need to stabilize the territory. Not until we learn who help Henry, we shouldn’t let our guard down and…and…”“Sophie,” Aurora immediately grabs her hands and squeeze it, “calm down. Lyric is already taking care of the territory’s security and steeling are defense for possible attacks from the inside and outside.”“Yes, that’s right Ms. Sophie.” Vo
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Chapter 162
“Are you sure that you’re totally fine now?” the doctor asked once again, looking intently at Ellen.Ellen sighed and smiled at the doctor, “What more tests do I need to pass to convince you? I’m fine. Really.”The doctor adjusted his glasses and looked at Ellen sternly. “I understand you’re eager to get back on your feet, and thanks to your daughter’s miraculous healings your wounds are completely healed, but you suffered a severe injury. We need to ensure you’re fully recovered before you resume any strenuous activity.”“You’re the one who cleared my pass, we double and triple check it. I have more important things to do, I don’t have the time to rest and lay down knowing Henry’s accomplice could threaten my family and our territory again.”“I understand the concern and thank you, but I have more things to do.” The doctor sighs and taps Ellen shoulders.Ellen looks at Emilia and Vox, “Get Sophie to the car, I’ll have to talk to doc first,” Ellen said. He looks at Sophie and smiled a
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Chapter 163
The next thing morning, Ellen is on his way to Maximus office without alarming him. Like what had they planned, everything went smoothly without complications and rising suspicions from Maximus.The only thing he knows is Ellen isn’t investigating what happened to Henry and how did he got any help, which is false that his team spread to reach his ears to not let him anxious and leave the country.When the elevator stops on the top floor, immediately the police men who accompanied them walk their way first to Maximus office.“Who are you people? You are not supposed to be here!” Maximus secretary said as she stands up and tried to stop the men coming inside Maximus office.The police put his badge on the secretary’s face and signaled his men to go inside. They barge in without hassle.Ellen waited outside Maximus’s office with Vox and Emilia. They watched as the scene unfolded, the tension palpable. The sound of heavy footsteps and authoritative voices filled the air as police officers
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Chapter 164
Ellen's heart raced as he sat in the stagnant traffic, his mind consumed with worry for Sophie and her family. Frustration boiled within him as the cars remained immobile."Damn it! Can't we find another route?!" Ellen barked at the driver, his impatience palpable."I'm sorry, Commander, but we're stuck here. I can't maneuver or take any detours," the driver explained apologetically.Ellen clenched his fists, feeling powerless in the face of the situation. His mind raced with thoughts of Sophie and the tragedy she was enduring."I'll go check what's happening," Vox offered, stepping out of the vehicle in an attempt to assess the situation.As Vox exited, Emilia turned to Ellen, her voice gentle yet firm. "Commander, please try to calm down. I know you're frustrated and angry, but Sophie needs your strength right now. If you show her this behavior, it will only intensify her grief."Upon Vox's return to the car, he conveyed the grim update to Ellen. "Commander," he began, his voice car
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Chapter 165
Ellen stormed out of the house, his mind racing with fury and desperation. Lyric quickly followed him, her voice calling out, "Commander! Where are you going?!"Ellen ignored her at first, but when she persisted, shouting, "This isn’t the time to be swayed by your emotions! Sophie needs your support!" he turned on her aggressively."This is why I’m doing this! That motherfucker threatened me! He must have been the one who did this!" Ellen’s eyes burned with a mix of anger and determination."I don’t know what you’re talking about, Commander. Who are you talking about?" Lyric asked, confusion etched on her face."That bastard, Maximus! Before the police took him away, he threatened me and my family. He said he would kill them!"Lyric's eyes widened. "Commander, we don’t have any evidence that it’s Maximus. You could get yourself in serious trouble if you act rashly."Ellen clenched his fists, his whole body trembling with the effort to hold back his rage. "Who else would have the guts
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Chapter 166
Vox and Emilia entered the observation room, peering through the one-way glass into the interrogation room. Ellen stood face-to-face with Maximus, who wore a smug look of defiance.“Look at him, still acting high and mighty,” Vox muttered, his eyes fixed on Maximus.“Do you still think this was a good idea? What if the commander kills Maximus?” Emilia asked anxiously, biting her nail.“The commander wouldn’t do that... would he?” Vox replied, though his heart pounded harder as he glanced at Ellen again.“I don’t think it was a good idea to let them meet alone. I know the commander—he’ll tear this bastard apart!” Emilia said, her voice rising with worry.“I just hope the commander keeps him alive. Maximus needs to pay for what happened to—FUCK! Did you see that?” Vox exclaimed as Ellen’s punch sent Maximus flying across the room, blood splattering from his mouth.“Oh god, this is going to be bloody! We need to stop the commander,” Emilia said, tapping Vox on the shoulder.Vox remained
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Chapter 167
As Ellen sprinted through the forest with Lily in his arms, he could not hear any more pursuers in the distance. “Are you sure someone’s following you?”“Yes! Yes, so please just let’s go back! We need to go back and hurry!” Lily said as he sobs while clasping her hands together.Ellen just saw her state, she’s trembling aggressively, she has wounds on her body and blood stain on her head. You can see the terror in her eyes, Ellen didn’t stop running. The urgency of their situation spurred him on, and he moved with a singular focus: getting Lily to safety.They reached the edge of the woods, and Ellen spotted his supercar parked where he had left it. He quickened his pace, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but his determination unyielding."Hang on, Lily," Ellen said, his voice strained but resolute. "We’re almost there."Lily clung to him, her grip tight despite her evident exhaustion and fear. “Thank you, Ellen,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.Ellen reached the car and ge
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Two days after Ellen found Lily in the woods, he sent Vox to investigate the case. Now, Vox had returned with new information that would shed light on the tragic events."Commander!" Vox greeted, bowing respectfully before closing the door behind him. He approached Ellen with a serious expression, ready to deliver the findings."Vox?" Ellen looked up from his desk, setting aside the files he was reviewing. “What’s the situation?”Vox took a deep breath before speaking. "I have found out the reason why Sophie’s family was killed. It was because of Stefano!""What do you mean?” Ellen responded, his curiosity piqued. “How is Stefano linked to this?”"Commander, Stefano was seen out of the country engaging in gambling activities. It was reported that he accumulated a significant debt due to his repeated losses," Vox explained.“Is this why he’s been embezzling money from the chairman’s other business affiliates? We’ve gathered information about the Alexiou family’s background in the past,
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As Ellen, Vox, and Sophie entered the headquarters meeting room, they saw everyone waiting for them, including Lyric, Emilia, and the leader of the intel team, even the ministers."Commander, Sophie, we've made some significant progress," Lyric said as they approached.“Is everyone here?” Ellen asked. Ellen and Sophie sits beside each other in front of the long table.“Yes, commander.” They all said in unison.Ellen nodded; his expression serious. "Good. Let’s start." Ellen said and sat down properly in his seat.Aliyah, Sedan, Vox, Lyric, Emelia, the minister, and every other important people that he would need in the meeting arrived. His wife was beside him and got his back to be able to discuss an important matter."Everyone must have known by now that my in-laws were killed by the gangsters. Their death was unexpected and unexpected. They have known that they are my in-laws and still have harmed them. It was like they were declaring war on us. They put shame on my wife's name
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