All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 171 - Chapter 176
176 chapters
Ellen devised a plan to arrange a meeting with the mafia backing the gangsters. When he discovered the identity of the mafia leader, he didn't hesitate to use one of his connections to set up a meeting."Vox have you already talked to one of our connections and set up a meeting with the mafia boss?" Ellen asked and sat down properly looking at the piles of work that was on his desk.Vox sat down and answered. "Yes, Commander. I was able to talk to them on your behalf and they have agreed to meet up. The meeting has already been scheduled. But commander, are you sure you want to do this?""What do you mean, Vox?" Ellen asked and looked at his eyes directly."We have just won a war, Commander. You wanted another war to happen, you have already lost half of your troops. Risking your life in this another war won't be worth it. Your in-laws have not been good to you they treated you badly and you were not like a part of their family, " Vox tried to reason up.Vox thinks that it is not wort
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Chapter 171
The mafia boss leaned back in her chair and let out a laugh, a sharp, mocking sound that echoed through the room. Her expression quickly turned serious, as she taunted, "What if I don’t want to give the gangster to you, Ellen? What then? What will you do?"The mafia boss laughs at Ellen and goes serious, the mafia boss taunts Ellen that if she doesn’t want to give the gangster to him, what will Ellen do?Ellen’s smirked and answered. "I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means killing you.""Do you think it would be easy for you to kill me? It won't be an easy task that you would even get out of here alive. Because I am sure that if one of us shoots, then all of us might die now. So, I think better not to be so arrogant, Ellen. Something you want is not as easy as what you are saying right now. It doesn't even make sense that you wanted this man of mine, " Amanda said even if she knew that his man was the one that killed his family of Sophia."Then I think we would see if I can kill
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"How about making me your wife and there would not be any problem anymore?" Amanda offered while biting her lips trying to seduce Ellen."Pardon?" Ellen said as he felt that he had heard her wrong.Amanda winked at her and repeated it. "Make me your wife and there would not be any problem anymore. So, is that a deal?""You are indeed insane!" Ellen angrily whispered to himself as he closed his fist and shook his head."Yes, darling! I'm crazy for you. You are all that it takes to stop this thing. Make me your wife even just as your second wife, I don't care. If I have a share of your sexy hot body, then that would be alright. So, darling agree on my offer and there won't be a problem from either side and it's a promise, " Amanda offered and smiled looking at Ellen.Ellen gets up from his seat because he was pissed at her.Amanda saw that Ellen stood up which made her grin. "You are standing already, is that a, yes?"Ellen looked at her with a serious look and declared. "I would rather
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Chapter 173
Before anyone could react, the doors burst open, and a hail of bullets rained down on them. The sound of gunfire was deafening, echoing off the metal walls of the warehouse. Ellen, Vox, and the mafia boss, Emilia, dove for cover as Ellen’s elite troops formed a protective barrier around them, returning fire with precision.“Take cover!” Ellen shouted, his voice shaking seeing the death of his men.Ellen watched in horror as his men fell, one by one, their bodies shielding him from the relentless Blood stained the concrete floor, and the stench of death filled the air. Emilia crouched beside Ellen, her face pale but resolute."Take cover I will use my power to burn this asshole on the ground. I would make sure that they would scream in pain and beg for mercy for doing this to us. They have messed with the wrong man, and they thought they could be treated this way. This is such an acceptable!" Ellen angrily said as he was about to use his powers.“Commander,” Emelia said urgently. “You
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Chapter 174
As Ellen, Vox, Emilia, and the remaining troops were disarmed and led, inside the warehouse. The gangster's men shoved them forward, their weapons trained on the captives. Vox and Emilia exchanged dark looks, their anger and frustration boiling over."This is all because of that treacherous mafia boss," Vox muttered bitterly. "She played us, deceived us, and now we're paying the price."Emilia nodded, her eyes flashing with fury. "We'll make her pay for this, Commander. We have to get out of here alive and take our revenge."Ellen, his wrists bound painfully behind his back, gritted his teeth. "We will," he vowed, his voice low and filled with determination. "But first, we need to survive."The gangster, walking beside them with a smirked expression, overheard their exchange and laughed. "You think you'll make it out of here alive? That's amusing. You're never leaving this place."They were led to a dimly lit section of the warehouse where the gangster's men roughly separated Ellen fr
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Chapter 175
“Ah, Sophie,” Vito crooned into the phone, “so glad you decided to reach out. Saves us a lot of trouble.”Ellen’s heart sank. He had hoped against hope that Sophie had a plan, that she wouldn't fall into Vito’s trap. But hearing Vito’s words, it seemed the worst had happened. Ellen tried to catch Vito’s eyes, but he ignored him, too engrossed at Sophie.There was a moment of silence, and then Vito's expression changed from satisfaction to curiosity. He frowned and glanced at Ellen, then back at the phone. “How did you get this number?” he asked, suspicion creeping into his voice. “Who gave it to you?”Before Ellen could react, a shimmering light appeared beside Vito, and the holographic image of Amanda materialized. She was smiling brightly, waving as if she was joining a casual video call rather than a tense hostage situation.“Hello everyone!” Amanda greeted cheerfully, her voice echoing slightly in the cavernous space. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything too serious.”Vito’s face t
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