All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
160 chapters
Doctor Saint walked gradually towards his direction and he had a dark smile hovering on his face. He was walking so close to Xander, staring right into his eyes that he could already feel his breath.Afterward, he turned around towards everyone else that was in the room with a strange look on his face."I told you all right from the very beginning not to trust the fool. Now see where all of that has eventually led to." He soon muttered under his breath.Erica was grossly disappointed while Xander was still in awe. He was sure that he had done exactly as he had recollected in his head.Thoughts ran swiftly through his head as he tried hard to think about what he could have done wrong in the instance.But no matter how hard he tried to think about it, nothing was coming to his head.He turned around towards Erica who was frowning deeply now and even without caring, he went ahead to request."I think that I should try again." He said to her but for a while, he did not get a response.T
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Xander already knew about this. Even though it looked like she was dead already, she still had some sort of consciousness in her that enabled her to hear everything.But the next set of words was also more than enough to throw him off balance."And the medicine that Xander administered to me worked quite a while ago. I was just too tired to stand up at the instant." She replied with a sudden look on her face.Her facial expression shifted towards Xander who was also shifting his towards her direction at the same time and their eyes crossed paths.She got off the bed, her sister Erica thinking that she wasn't too well already tried to stop her but she pushed her sister away with a strange look on her face and said."Don't worry about me. I will be just fine." She soon replied and walked over to where Xander was standingFor a while, they only stared at each other without spitting out words from their mouths.Then she stepped forward and hugged him tightly. If not for the fact that ther
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Lina drew closer towards him, sniffing his lips even more for quite a while before she pulled backward and muttered."Yeah. I was right." She muttered feigning annoyance."Where are you cheating on me?" The smile that hovered on her face was more of a friendly than an angry one.He could already feel his heart racing on his chest as he continued to stare right into her eyes.Then she paused, making the racing of his heart increase even more before he went ahead to mutter."Don't worry. You won't be able to cheat on me. I am sure that you are mine already." She smiled and kissed him on the lips before she eventually pulled away from him.Soon enough, brought out something from her pocket and handed it over to him. A little piece of paper.He stared at it for quite a while. But no matter how hard he stared at it, he still didn't know what he was going to use it for.He turned around towards her with Inquiry on the lips before he went ahead to inquire still rather staring at the paper.
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Lina blinked twice, still staring at the person that was right before her. At least this wasn't what she was expecting, a lady trying to break into the Villa..She waved her hands and the guards let their hands off her almost in her instant. "This is going to be interesting." She muttered under her breath but Xander trapped her slightly making her turn around towards him."What's wrong Xander Love?" She inquired with a smile making Stacy's brow twitch almost in an instant."Love?" She shot a death frown at Xander who jerked his eyes away from her as soon as possible, replacing them with Lina and counting his words."She is with me." He muttered."Huh! With you?" She exclaimed, turning around towards Xander with a strange look on her face."We are friends." He finally ended.Without saying another word, Lina stepped forward towards Xander, folding her hands into his."That's great. I knew that I could trust you, Xie." He got a nickname already even though he didn't know exactly what wa
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The central party in the city it was. Everyone was present since the mayor was going to be around.He was going to be delivering her speech and sitting right before him was Jane, blotting in the grace that surrounded her.A man walked towards her. He could be said to tower over his fellow men and make them look like grasshoppers. He was cute since taken taken care of and most especially, he was a prince from the far north.Seeing that such a personality was coming in her direction, Jane quickly fixed herself beaming all around with smiles.The ladies that were seated starred in utmost jealousy. Hearts raced and some had their hands clutched to the hem of their gowns in anger."It's a pleasant thing that Stacy ain't here after all." She muttered under her breath and her face brightened up with even more smiles.He came to her and kissed her hands. "Lady Jane." His smiles brightened up her words.Her heart almost jumped out of her chest. Blood rushed through her body. If he called her
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Lina and Xander sat together in the same room. A strange sense of silence engulfed them.Then she suddenly stepped out of the room with a strange look on her face. He could tell that something was wrong but could not pinpoint exactly what it was.Not soon enough, a cracking sound was heard, a sign that she was back in the room as he turned around towards the direction of the sound.She was holding a few pairs of clothing in her hands and she handed it over to him."Why don't you try these out?" She Inquired once again.He stared at the clothes that were in her hands before he returned her stare back to her with a strange look of curiosity hovering on her face."What's this for?" He inquired me staring right into her eyes.The smile on her face seemed to disappear almost in an instant making him think that he might have said something wrong.But before he could even get to spit out another word from his mouth, she glared at him making him jerk back.Then she broke down, getting him ev
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"I didn't hear me?" She inquired about pacing off to get something else from the table."Not that I didn't hear you." He began but before he could finish the statement, he was cut shot."I meant the car." She replied with a smile on her face. "That's her name, me. It's kind of a signature for all my cars. I wanted you to take me somewhere." She began clarifying her words."Sure! That's the nicest name to give to a car." He blurted out in whispers, making sure that she didn't hear the words."But where are we heading to?" He inquired."Do you think that you won't be able to protect me? I should get a guard?" He replied without replying to the message."No! Not that." Xander replied with a strange look on his face."Shameless flirt." He muttered seeing the way that she flung her body and he didn't realize that these words had forced themselves out of his mouth."Is there a problem?" She turned around, noting that she didn't hear the words properly."No! Not at all." He replied with a f
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Xander stared at the men for quite a while as they continued to stare at him with so much hatred.There was anger flowing through his vines so he tried his best to control his anger. Rather, he turned around towards Lina and whispered into her ears."We should leave." He finally said."Didn't you hear that I was just talking to you?" The leader of the gang said with an oppressive air in his voice.For the first time, Xander turned around towards the men with a death-inspired frown on his face and inquired."What do you want?" He inquired staring right into their eyes without a single trace of fear in their eyes."Jane said that she wants you and you are coming with us right away." He said.Lina was confused as to what they were talking about as he continued to stare, his anger rising even more until his hands were eventually clutched into a deadly ball.Lina turned around towards them and went ahead to inquire to clarify the thoughts that were already flowing in her head."What are th
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Another man came forward, Xander was already in his battle stance, thinking that he was there to fight.But then, Ben soon fell on his knees getting everyone stunned at the same time.As for Xander, the anger that had been welling up in him seemed to have disappeared almost in a moment.And the grip around his hands also loosened. His ears were keen to listen to what the man that was before him had to say."Master Xander. It isn't our fault and you have to understand us. Jane gave us an order that if we don't come with you, we will all lose our lives.So it's either we fight you and die or die at the hands of our master's daughter to whom we have sworn an oath.Please forgive us and understand our plights." He pleaded.Immediately he was done saying these words, the men were all kneeling alongside him, their hearts racing hard against their chest as they chorused."Young master. Please show us mercy." They pleaded earnestly.Xander continued to stare at them for quite a while but his
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Now the hall was silent, knowing the gravity of the words that Xander just froze and for a while, it seemed like time had been frozen.Xander stared at her eyes for another moment, getting her petrified for quite a while. The racing of her heart increased even more as he dropped her hands off.But Xander was never ready to fight with any of them that were there. He was going to deal with Jane in some other way."If you want your father treated. Then you are going to ask me most politely. Apart from that, you can start preparing his coffin for his funeral already."The crowd was equally stunned by his words but they were too stunned to speak. Was the almighty and ever-proud Jane going to give up her ego by talking to someone like him just to save the life of her father was the question that lingered in their minds for quite a while and most people didn't even think that was possible.Xander turned around ready to leave. He wasn't going to spend a hell of a time there. But halfway thro
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