Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon
Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon
Author: Hekky collins

"Hey fool, I told you to wash the dishes. What are you still waiting for?" Xander, mother-in-law, Lady Willow flung a deadly stare at him.

Richard, a young man of about twenty-four years, clothed in rags stood before his lady Willow with sweat dripping down from his face.

Xander was already exhausted as as he would not be given even a single moment to flex his already tired ankles

He was a well-known figure in the city, right after he got married to the city's pearl, Helana.

But it wasn't his will to get married to her either. The grandfather of the Wilson family had brought him home during one of his numerous adventures, forcing Helana to get married to him.

Even though everyone was shocked, they didn't spit out a word due to the old man's deteriorating health.

Refusing his wish might flare up his already high blood pressure, leading him to his early graves and that was not something that they wanted.

But right after his death, it seemed to pave the way for his maltreatment and they began to treat him more like a proper slave, good only for the house chores.

"I was trying to fix a meal before Helena came back." He replied with his head bowed, not daring to look into the eyes of his mother-in-law

Puff!! Lady Willow slapped him hard on the face already reddening with anger.

"So you mean that you are just trying to fix a meal?" She glared at him. "How lazy can you ever get? Just idling around and waiting to be fed?" She glared.

"I wonder why my daughter has not divorced you already." There was fury in their eyes.

But even though he was also angry, he was able to keep down his rising anger with a long sigh.

Soon, a cracking sound came for the door and a familiar aura hit his nostrils. A lady stunning in grace walked into the place.

Immediately her eyes laid on Xander, her face was replaced with a frown. Her hatred for him exceeded all human explanations.

He was more like a tornado in her life. A complete definition of a fool and always lofting around with that awkward smile of his.

Who was ever going to like such a man?

"You are back so early," Xander said, a little bit confused but excited at the same time.

He made a move towards her, to give her a frame hug but then, she flung her hands towards his direction, getting him petrified right on the spot.

"Get my towel ready." She replied.

Though he was embarrassed, he was able to hide it as he went ahead with a nod.

"Okay, ma'am." He said most formally.

She soon got into the bathroom, washed her feet, and came back a few moments later. Soon, Xander was already working her feet, giving them the proper massage that they needed after such a long day at work.

You might wonder what else a woman needs in a man.

"There is a piece of paper in my bag. Take it and hand it over to my mom." She said coldly.

Without hesitation, he drew off the paper from the bag, not even taking a glance at it and he handed it over to Lady Willow together with her glasses on the table, wearing it one on.

She read through the papers and Smiled deeply, her face dripping with excitement as she hugged her daughter.

"I can't believe this. This is what I have been waiting for." Her face was filled with excitement.

"I finally decided to listen to you , your mother and I am happy that I did it." She smiled once again.

While they spoke, his gaze moved around with confusion wanting to be brought into the limelight of what was going on.

"What's going on?" He inquired.

But at the words, both of them shot a deadly stare at him, withering the words in his mouth.

He knew that he had to keep shut immediately, he had already overstepped his boundaries.

But there was something that had been longing in his mind that he wanted to tell her all these while.

His heart raced but he was able to control himself knowing that this would be able to pull him down a mountain.

"Helana. But when are we going to have a child?" He inquired quickly.

The both of them soon burst out into laughter making him a little bit confused.

'What's going on?'

He initially thought that they would be really angry but here they were, laughing. Could it be that they were going to consider it since they were not angry as always?

But he was wrong altogether.

If Xander knew exactly what was going on in their head, he would have thundered at them angrily.

"You fool. She is getting a child soon. At least you will get to take care of her during the period of the pregnancy." He said.

Xander stooped. Finding it difficult to process what they Just said.

Ever since they got married, he had never touched her before. He would not even dare to lay on the same bed with her, always sleeping on the cold floor every single night.

"What do you mean by she is getting a child soon when we have never done anything to the inner room?"

From the looks on Xander's face, he was finding it difficult to keep down his anger.

"You fool. Do you think that I will stoop so low to having a child with you?" Helena replied.

Xander stood up from his squat, throwing the towel in his hands to the astonishment of both of them.

"You cheated me, you legally married husband, and dare to fling it in my face? Have you no shame."

"Just take a look at you. Talking about shame. When you are the true definition of what you profess."

"A total disgrace to manhood. The only thing that you do is idle around all day. While I got out and fed us."

'Did she just stay idle all day?" He bites his lower lips bitterly.

When he worked even more than a slave would. Doing all the house chores. To meet up, he would wake up as early as three am and go back to sleep by one AM.

Talk less of the slaps that he receives daily from this set of people. And to think of it, that he was doing all of this with the thoughts that he still had the love of his wife.

Now they wanted him to take care of someone else's child.

Xander chuckled bitterly. His last stray of patience just broke.

"Get me a divorce Helana. I am tired of all of these. It's obvious that our love means absolutely nothing to you." His stare was unfazed.

Shockwaves went down her spine. She never thought that he was going to ask for a divorce. He was a homeless man and needed them to survive for sure.

But she didn't show it.

She smiled deeply.

"And how do you think that you are going to survive on the street?" He inquired.

"That's out of your business," he replied. Just do as I have said."

"You fool. Don't dare to talk to my daughter in such a manner." Lady Willow attempted to slap her but he held her hands high up in the air.

"That era is over Mrs. Willow." He muttered, replacing her hands.

She fell backward, taken aback.

Helena was angry at the same time and wanted to teach him a good lesson that he was not going to forget in a while.

"You want a divorce, right? A divorce you are going to get." She replied.

He walked out of the house afterward. And they shot glances at each other in disbelief.

"Don't worry. When he meets with the harsh realities of the street, he is going to come back." Lady Willow assured her.

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