Xander walked aimlessly through the street, even though he had acted strong back there, his heart was still ripped apart.

The skies broke his bond, a splash of water wetted his skin.

He decided to pay homage to the last man that he had good memories of. The elder of the Wilson family that has brought him over to get married to his eldest daughter.

He was the last man that ever treated him like the human being he was. Xander drew a really deep breath.

Getting over to the grave of Mr. Patrick, he fell to the floor not caring if the floor was already dripping over with mud.

"Thank you for everything that you did for me." His appreciation was preceded by a deep sigh

It was already dark. He didn't even have a place to call a home but he was not returning to that mini hell hole.

While he continued to walk, he heard a shrill cry from ahead from afar. He drew a stop and listened closer. It was a female voice and she was deep in despair.

His reflexes picked off together with his reflexes and he made a run towards her direction.

Before him stood a stunning lady. Her gaze was enough to pull any off from his feet. And her perfect figure bulging out.

From the clothes that she was putting on, she could already tell that she was a member of a really big class family, even more than the Wilson family.

Laying on the floor, she was still keeping her cold demeanor as she shrunk under the shadowy glaze of two muscle hunks.

"Don't come close to me. Or I am going to make you pay for it. Her words were firm.

"My guards are going to come running to this place soon and you are not going to like what they are going to do to you if an heir falls off from my head." She threatened.

The two men whose belts were already pulled off, revealing their boxer briefs, laughed viciously.

Though she was afraid, she didn't show it, confident even in the face of death.

"You don't have those fancy toys of yours here darling. But you do have us and we are going to give you the best treatment ever." They shot a vicious stare at her.

Soon, a still voice echoed throughout the hall of the woods and they paused.

"Step away from the lady." The voice came again.

They turned around towards the sound of the voice, and their gaze met with Xander.

They expected to see a beast but were rather disappointed by the looks of an ant. He looked malnourished and easily tossed by the east wind.

If there was anything. He needed protection for himself. How could someone like him challenge them?

So how was he expecting to save a lady from two monsters when compared to his minute size?

His burst of laughter forced itself out from their lips as they stared in belief. "How brave." They didn't realize when a drop of tear escaped from their eyes.

Lina gritted her teeth with anger and disbelief. "What's he doing here? Does he have a death wish?" She muttered under her breath.

"How can you confront to men?" She flared at how stupid he was to embrace his own death.

But her harsh statements were ignored as he went ahead to say.

"Didn't you just hear what I said? I said "step away from the lady right this minute." His voice was filled with much authority.

The men in the place paused their laughter walking over to him with deadly frowns on their faces.

"Or what?" They glared at him staring right into his eyes waiting for what he was going to say.

They revealed that they were armed, bringing out their pockets, knife and dagger from their pockets.

Xander was sweaty even in the chilly cold but he was determined not to leave the lady in despair and cowardly away.

He paired with a helpless Lina who was looking lost and confused at the same time not knowing what to do.

"At my signal run away." He said to her, gesturing with his head but she was not buying his idea, even for a moment.

"The scumbag." She gritted her teeth, muttering under her breath.

"Why the heck is he doing this?" She whispered to herself.

There was a flinch in her facial expression as she went further to say.

"Stop trying to act heroic already. You are outnumbered. Save yourself while you can." She replied not wanting any man's blood on her hand

But Xander was rather stubborn. He flung towards the men, through kicks at them. More like throwing his strength into the air.

Even though there was just one of them, he was malnutritioned and there was no way that he was going to win.

He knew already that he was no match for the hunks even with their weapons, he was just trying to buy time for Miss. Lina to run.

He tried as much as he could to talk to her with his eyes but she wasn't ready to listen to him even for a single moment.

Xander was frustrated to the extent that he gritted his teeth. "Will you just listen to me for once?" She gritted.

"Do it now, your life is worth a thousand more than mine. At least you will be able to achieve more." He yelled.

But even before he could complete the statements, one of the men ran out of patience, stabbing him right through the chest.

Blood guards out from his mouth and his chest.

"Dung." The sound emitted from his fall to the ground and flood sprinkled on his clothes and aim, running down his hands and down through his fingers to the ring that was handed over to him by his father.

Lina shrunk, a strand of tear escaped from her eyes even without her knowledge of it.

While her head was bowed, a green light emitted from the ring in his fingers. But it was so faint that none of them noticed this.

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