Xander was plunged into a strange world with a vast white guard with a stunning mansion standing before him.

"I'm dead already?" He was awe-struck at the magnificent art that lay before him.

In this vision, a voice re-echoed in his head.

"You are the lost heir of the ancient Dragon tribe known to rule with the world at the beginning of the world.

But most of its descendants were whipped out from the surface of the earth.

The foregoing descendants shall lead a normal Life unless they trigger the family heirloom through the suffering of their blood.

And they will be gifted with unimaginable powers to take over the world...."


Lina's head was still bowed, her head dumbstruck after what she just saw.

Her heart raced faster and she didn't even bother to rise from her position. She knew that it was all going to be a wasted effort.

They were still going to catch up with her either way.

The muscled hunks stepped Forward towards him with smirks on their faces.

"Guess you are nothing more than a toothless and helpless dog now. We are going to have a taste of you today." They towards her with vicious laughter.


Xander's eyes flung open. His blood that had once pumped out of his body pumped right back into him and his chest was completely sealed.

He got off the floor making weird noises that made the rest turn around toward him.

The hunks were stunned and so was Lina. She just literally saw him die right before her eyes.

Or were the stories of rebirth true? Even at that, wasn't he supposed to be in someone else's bother?

The numerous questions that flung through her mind knew no bounds. In the meantime, the initial anger of the hunks soon melted into stalk anger.

His constant interruptions were rather annoying to them, preventing them from carrying on with their business.

"We killed you before and we are going to do it again. But this time, we are going to make it permanent. Not sparing any atom of humanity." They threatened.

They launched towards him with their daggers still in their hands and rather to disjoint his heart from his body.

Lina was frightened, bowing her head throughout the whole process, swearing that it was an already settled battle.

But this time, she was wrong.

Strange moves recollected in Xander's head and his fierce steps were as fast as lightning.

Soon, the duo were on the floor, letting out a grunt of pain but they were not going to give up just yet.

They launched towards him once again with their daggers firmly held. But the metal weapons were more like toys to him.

His lightning moves caught their hands, smashing their bones and a cracking sound came afterward.

They groan in pain, terrified by his fiery gaze. He was the true definition of a beast in human form.

Staring at them, he knew that they could not do any harm to anyone anymore. He had fulfilled his wish and there was no need to be there anymore.

Meanwhile, Lina opened her eyes, and her face was filled with confusion. She expected Xander to be in pain

But the thugs were the ones who were... He had successfully rescued her.

"But how was that even possible?" The question lingered in his mind

But all these were questions that could be answered if she was able to find an answer to the bigger puzzle that faced her.

"Where was he?" She pulled off from the floor.

Even though she had her resentments towards him initially, it was no gain in saying that he risked his life to save hers. At least, he owed her an appreciation.

Worst thoughts ran through her mind but he pushed them away. Until she had confirmed this, she could not believe it.

She searched through the mud thinking that he had fallen into the waters. Her eyes ached as morning approached.

Lina could already hear sounds in the woods and grow the odd clicks, she could already tell that they were the rescue team that had been sent by his father.

A sigh of relief escaped from her lips. At least apart from every other thing, their presence was going to make things a lot easier for her.

The guards looked over to her and their leader stepped forward towards her.

"Miss. Lina, your father was really worried there was a pain in his eyes as he spoke. He would have been given a death sentence if he didn't find her.

"At least now you know that I'm fine." She resorted.

"We are grateful Miss. Please come with us to the car and we will take you home safely."

No matter how hard she tried to hard it, it was pretty obvious that she had caught a cold but she was not going to make any move until she found Xander.

"Not yet?" She responded.

"Huh?" The expression of the leader of the group was dripping over with shock and confusion.

"I want you to help me find the young man that had saved me last night when all of you proved to be useless sluts that need replacement." Her words were extremely cold.


"No buts," Lina said.

"Start searching right away. I have already had enough for one night." She said her tone dripped down with coldness.

After knowing her for quite a while, they knew better than to argue with the heiress as they ran deep into the water in search of any signs of life.

But after searching repeatedly, they could not find anything of use.

Lina was highly disappointed and had to do as the guards had said this time. But she was still rest assured that he was alive.

Through one way or the other, she was certainly going to find him eventually.

Immediately she got home, she began her search for him, surfing through the web. Even though it was a night during that period, she could still pick out that handsome face that she could not help but steal a glance at.

Angry at herself that the heiress of such a powerful business group would be intruded by such a punk of what she would call the lowest category.


Meanwhile, Xander pulled off from the water at the other end of the river.

He was afraid that Lina might do something to him, knowing how she had behaved even after he only wanted to help her in the first instance.

For this reason, right after he was done dealing with the thugs, he ran off towards the water.

Even though he had spent the whole of the foggy night in the ice-dripping water, she still seemed pretty shocked.

His next point of meeting was the family Villa. He drew a really deep sigh as he made his way in that direction.

He parted the door open, almost everyone was in the house and there was a stranger there too.

Looking closer in his direction, it was eating for him to pick out who this stranger was.

He was the youngest most talked about person in the whole city and the direct heir of one of the most pharmaceutical companies in the City, known for its pain, Andrew.

And of course, it was nothing compared to the three most influential families in the city and the most dreaded amongst them.

Immediately he stepped into the room, everyone turned right around towards him. His presumed stink was able for everyone to know who it already was.

Their heads flung around towards him and their nostrils twisted with scornfulness.

"That fool. I told you that he was certainly going to be back." Lady Mrs. Willow whispered into Helena's ears.

"Such a scumbag bag." Her cousin muttered from behind with all the hatred that she could muster.

Right from the very first day that he stepped foot into the family Villa, she had always hated him with so much passion.

"Did you even take your bath before coming to this place? Cause you stink like hell."

Andrew walked towards him until he was right before Xander, enough to feel his breath.

He paired at him with a sense of motherly care in his glance but Xander could always take note of the mockery underneath his lips.

"Dare Xander. I didn't know you were that broke. If you had spoken up initially, I would have gotten you some clothes so you would look better you know." He sounded caring but in the real sense, he was not.

Xander maintained an extremely cold expression on his face.

"I don't need your stuff." He replied.

"How inconsiderate and stubborn of you, he was only trying to help?" Lady Willow chimed in quickly.

But Xander ignored her words.

"Are the divorce papers ready?" He inquired about replacing his gaze on Helena.

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