"And what do you think you are? I already prepared the divorce settlement dumb ass. We can move over to the court already." Helana gritted her teeth.

While they all got into the car and zoomed off, he was made to endure the scorching rays of the sun.

He finally got to the place with sweat dripping down from his face.

There was an obvious frown on Helena's lips, wishing that she could tear him apart into two halves.

"What took you so long?" Her voice was like the thunderclap of lightning bolts.

But he firmly ignored her harsh words. The onlookers could not help but stare at the indifference between the both of them.

"Isn't that the famous live-son-in-law of the Reid family?" The onlookers could not help but stare in spite.

They were both washed up with hatred and jealousy as to how a very beautiful lady would get stuck with such a man in the first place.

"He looks even more terrible than he is described."

The chatters filled his ears but he couldn't care less even for a single moment.

"We should get this over with already." He said turning over to Xander was already getting fed up.

"At least we are going to be over with this punk." They muttered.

They walked into the courthouse. The sight of Richard who was more than a prominent figure was enough to pull stares.

Words went round the hall. Their hearts stopped not wanting to offend the young billionaire even for a single moment.

He was already given a seat before the person who was going to work with them.

"Would you need any drink, sir?" The guard said with a professional look on his face.

A broad smile hovered on Richard's face. His cheeks were already swelling with pride seeing how he was being treated like an executive.

"No. That won't be necessary. I have a really expensive taste and I don't want to spoil that." He replied with a grin on his face.

The security officer that had come to him grinned, his face washed up with embarrassment as he strolled away from the place.

Meanwhile, Xander on the other hand was treated with so much scorn, everyone was irritated by his presence.

He frowned, wanting to get over the hectic process already. They were finally called off to the receptionist's table.

It was time for Xander to capture his fingerprints but immediately he placed his hands, the machine beeps red.

Everyone in the hall was surprised as his stuff was not accessible. He tried again but it was also the same.

There was confusion in the hall as to what was going on. He stared at his fingers.

"What was wrong?" He could not help it but Inquire.

"Could it be about what had happened previously?" He thought once again.

But then, he pushed the thoughts off his head. He could not make excuses already when he didn't have evidence.

Helena was already flirting with anger, gritting her teeth and pointing her fingers at him.

"Why isn't it working? You have done something so that it's not going to work right so that I will be stuck with you forever?" She shot a deadly stare at him.

He frowned deeply, bitter that even after the years that they had been married, she could still look at him in such a way.

"You were here just like I am. How is that even possible?" He inquired further with a thick frown on his face.

Richard got to him and held him up by his collar.

"Now tell me, what have you done? What stupid trick are you trying to play again this time?" He glared at him.

Xander quickly pushed her hands away from him and said nonchalantly.

"I told you already. I didn't do anything." He responded by getting tired of the accusations for a day.

"Whether you like it or not, you are certainly going to get divorced with her today."

Over to the receptionist that shivered under the heavy weight of his presence, he said.

"Can't anything be done about it?" He inquired further.

Her words were as short and respectful as they could ever be, knowing the situation of the billionaire that was standing before her.

"I'm sorry sir. There is nothing that can be done. It has to be registered in the national bureau." She replied, shaking her head.

They had to move outside for a while, to decide what they were eventually going to do.

Everyone was already rejoicing outside, thinking that the divorce was already a success but it turned out that they were eventually wrong.

"We could not. He gave some silly excuse,

She shot off from her eyes sockets that were already blazing With hatred.

"Fool, I knew that he was going to do something real stupid." Her hands were clenched until they popped.

Richard could no longer control his anger, he sped off towards Xander and said.

"You thought that you were going to get away with this right? I am certainly going to make sure that you pay." But before he could finish his Statement, Xander struck his hands off, already getting fed up.

"I already told you that I have nothing to do with it." He replied.

There was a sudden gasp throughout the whole hall as they could not believe what he just had done. "Did he just strike off Richard's hands?" Chatters went through the arena.

"He has gotten himself into a whole lot of trouble that he will not be able to get himself off from this one." Another voice streamed into his hearings.

His anger flared up from the center of his head as the words that he just heard agitated his anger.

Richard beckoned to the guards that were standing from afar and they answered his call immediately.

"You called sir." They said with a slight bow.

"I want to hear the cracking of his limbs and his hands bones. Do a bad job and you might have to face consequences." He returned.

They bowed and got to Xander whose heart was already at his palms.

You fool. You dared to strike the hands of our master. You are certainly going to face the consequences today." They glared at him.

The guards walked over to Xander, ready to teach him a really good lesson that he was not going to forget in a really long time.

But before they could get to do this, the show was stolen.

Before the convoy rode the latest model Porsche drove past. Everyone was captivated by the glance of it, lost in their stare and their heartbeats shot up.

Their faces were filled with expectant emotions, wanting to know who it was that was inside the car.

As for Richard, his once limelight car which was nowhere to the latter was now nothing before his eyes.

Anyone would be angry in this case as he gritted his teeth with anger, wanting to crush whoever it was that was inside the car with his hands.

But that was until the beautiful and curvy lady that had occupied the car came off from the car.

His boobs bulged out effortlessly from her body. The man's lips were far apart and dripping under the seductive aura of the lady.

Soon, chatters began to go around the hall.

"Isn't that the heiress of the Kenneth business group?" A voice echoed.

The ladies who had been gritting their teeth were soon drenched with shock. She was the most controversial figure in the hall of the city.

Known to have built her family's empire within the space of two months. My heart raced as most people silently took their phones and took silent photos of her.

"Is Richard so rich and powerful that such a powerful lady would grace his event?" Chatters went round the place.

Richard swelled with a bribe. His family was nowhere near hers and at several instances when he could steal glances at her, He wasn't bold enough even to approach her.

Not like he would be allowed to in the first place, he was only going to disgrace himself.

But now, she was taking the initiative to come to him herself.

The smile on his face deepened.

"I never knew that I was such a powerful figure." He muttered to himself. "I must have been underrating myself grossly."

Richard fixed his collar and straightened up, waiting for her to make his way towards him.

She then came to him. Or in other words, walked past him.

"Miss. I am sure that you will come for me. What an honor it is for you to grace my event." He muttered.

But then, she did something that sent a rampage through the arena.

"Came for you?" She hissed. "You must be out of your senses.

Don you really think so highly of yourself?" She said with a really long hiss and walked past his as though he was some piece of shit.

Richard was awe-struck, still trying to believe the words that he just heard. But thankfully, most people in the Crowd had not heard what she said.

"Then if he isn't here for Richard. Who could the heiress be here for?" There were chatters all over the place as everyone was eager to see who it was going to be.

But they were disappointed when she Walked past their heroes and got over to Xander with a smile on her face like the rising sun ray.

"Finally, I found you." She said, stretching her hands towards him and everyone in the area was taken aback by shock.

"Xander? But how is that even possible?" Thoughts ran through their minds. But no matter how hard they tried to think about it, they still could not comprehend what was going on.

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