"Xander? How could it be that he is the one that he came for?" It was difficult for them to believe what laid right before their very eyes.

The guards who were so engrossed with what they were doing and didn't realize what had been going on shot a sneer at her.

Even though they were too captivated by her alluring beauty, they knew better to separate their private life from work life.

Richard was certainly not the kindest of bosses.

They shot a quick glance at the lady that was trying to raise their captive up and one of them held their hands.

"What do you think it is that you are trying to miss?" They inquired swiftly

There was a quick gasp throughout the place. Today was certainly a day where surprises were going to roll out.

She frowned. The guards didn't know who she was but nobody has ever treated her in such a manner before.

Her bodyguards who noticed from their car quickly nosed their way into the place and grappled the hands of the man.

Richard's security paired up and almost peeped their pants at the massive structure that they could only be equated to ants before.

Cold chills ran through their spine knowing that they had gotten themselves into a lot of trouble.

"What do you want us to do with them ma'am?" They inquired gravely, still holding the hands of the man that had dared to touch her.

"Serve the bones of the first man. And for the others. Use your head." Lina replied and pulled away slowly.

The guards got forward towards them, and they were soon sent flying into the air. "Crack." The loud shattering of bones could be heard, followed by the loud groan from one of the men.

For the rest of them, blood gushed out from every single outline of their body. Laying on the floor, they could hardly move, grunting with pain.

Finally they were done and Lina helped Xander odd from the floor with her stretched hands.

Richard was still surprised and confused at the events that were happening so fast.

And what was more shocking was that the renowned and most talked about figure in the hall of the city didn't come for him but instead for that punk.

He was equally handsome, well built and had everything that she would want in a man.

Jealousy filled his bones. And felt like ripping Xander apart with his claws. He was always standing in his way and he hated him so much for that.

"Now tell me Xander, which of them tried to bully my boyfriend?" Lina.

The proceeding words got the whole of the crowd flying with shock. It had been rumored that their Lina was single and even a virgin and no man could penetrate her cycle.

But then, she comes publicly to announce that she now has a boyfriend. While the men were jealous of Xander, the ladies could not help it but gritted their teeth under the oppressive Aura of the heiress.

Richard, who was still finding it difficult to believe and could not accept that he had lost the battle to someone like Richard, stepped forward.

His frown was directly towards Richard. Enough to rip him apart if that was possible.

"You foolish con man. Have you succeeded in deceiving the most successful heiress in the whole of the city? Do you know how much trouble it is that you will be getting yourself into?" He frowned.

"Excuse you?" Lina said and Richard replaced her gaze back to her.

This time, the frown that was hovering on his face was soon replaced with a smile.

"Miss. Lina, you don't know who he is. He is a well known scammer and a renowned gold digger. He is going to divorce today right after his wife discovered how much of her wealth he had sucked." Richard began his explanation

Lina scoffed.

"What is he taking me for? A fool?"

Before she came to that place, she had already done her personal research on the matter. How much Xander had treated his wife as a queen, only for her to get pregnant for another man.

"Such an ungrateful fool." She muttered under her breath.

"Is that so..Or you are Just picking after his dung?" He replied.

Richard froze. He had not expected her to say the words.

"You have to save yourself. If I am lying, why is he so quiet about it?"

"It's already fact. Do I have to confirm it again?" Xander, who was still weak after the beating, was still firm with his words.

Richard's facial expression changed.

"You..." He pointed his finger towards him but pulled it back after some moments.

"It seemed as though the beating that you had been given previously was not enough." Richard didn't realize when he said words.

The frown on Lina's face deepened.

"So it was you that had the guts to touch him and you still have the guts to spill it before me?" She thundered.

Before he could say anything worthy of note, Lina flung multii slaps at him until the side of his mouth bleed.

He stared at the crowd. His embarrassment that such a thing was done in public surprising the inner pain that he felt.

Meanwhile, Helana who had been gritting with jealousy could not stand it anymore. She was yet to understand the position of the person that was standing before her.

"It's not enough that you had to bring your boyfriend to our divorce. You still have to make hee cause trouble?" She frowned.

Xander could not believe her words. He let out a bitter chuckle as he went ahead to say with a bitter expression on his face.

"So tell me. What exactly are we going to refer to Richard that you have been cheating with for such a long time now. Your pet?" He responded.

A smile hovered on Lina's face seeing them barter. Xander was never a coward as he was equal to the task.

"You.." she growled.

"Get this piece of trash out of this place right away or you are not going to like what I am going to do to you." Helena said.

"Do your worst." He replied.

The words made her flare up with anger. Meanwhile, Lina was still trying to process the words that she had been referred to as.

Her teeths clenched as she turned around towards Helana and inquired.

"What did you just refer to me as?" Lina waited for her to retrieve her Words.

But to her surprise and also to the surprise of everyone present and including Richard, she repeated the words.

"You are nothing more than a useless piece of trash." Helena responded.

"Retrieve those words of yours now." She said,

But an over pampered Helana who didn't know who she was dealing with was certainly not going to do that.

"You can obviously do your worst because I am certainly not going to do that." She replied.

Before she could tell what happened next, a slap handed on her cheeks.

Helena was furious and tried to return the slap but her hands were held up in the air by one of Lina's guards and another slap landed on her face.

She was stunned, right from the day that she was born still now, no one had ever dared to treat in such a manner.

Her guts were already sinking down with anger. She wanted her revenge and wanted Lina to fall down on her knees and kiss her feet and apologize. She has Richard.

With forced tears streaming down from her cute little baby face, she made her way towards Richard and fell down on his arms.

"You are not going to allow him go scout free are you? After everything that she had done to the mother of your child and you." Her hands ran through the outlines of her protruding stomach.

"Call your father Richard. You know that he is not going to take any incidence of someone molesting his child.

He is in the army and is certainly going to send down a battalion to bring her down together with those puppets of hers." She lamented, expecting Richard to do something quickly about it.

While Lina watched with a playful smile on her face and her hands crossed over her chest. Richard was trying to avoid her as hard as he could but a stubborn Helana would not let him be.

"Richard. Are you even listening to me? Are you just going to let her go?" She was already getting fed up.

That was certainly his last stray. Richard drew her off from his body and slapped her head on his face, pulling her under the heavy weight of shock and surprise.

"Have you gone mad?" He thundered at her. The inner sockets of his eyes blazing with fury and the pattern of his free breathing growing irregular by the minute.

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