All Chapters of The Traveler: Martial Druid: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
41 chapters
Chapter 11
"...congratulations. You passed"Katsuo wanted to jump and scream in joy but he held himself back. Finally! After 7 months of gruelling, he had finally passed all the exams sensei had prepared for him. This meant that he should be able to start his mana training soon.During these 7 months, Aranel Sensei had taught him the common knowledge of this world, starting from the major countries to what happened in the past. Katsuo didn't think he had even studied this much for his high school exam."So sensei, we can finally start mana training, right?""Why are you asking the obvious? Of course not! Think of yourself as a baby, you only learnt how to speak. You can only be considered a toddler now. So what do you teach to a baby after how to speak?""How to walk?"Katsuo was finally used to Aranel Sensei's weird pace."Correct, then what do you think walking would be for you?""I guess it would be moving my body?"Katsuo took a second to ponder before answering the question."You are right,
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Chapter 12
"Woosh*Grey blur was running all around him again going whichever way it wanted.*Thud*It crashed against the invisible barrier again and fell to the ground. Looking at it struggling like that Katsuo felt heartbroken. It had been a month since his sensei had given him Grey Blur to take care of and there still weren't any improvements. Because it was such a wild animal Aranel Sensei had put a leash spell on it. It could only move around in a fifty-meter radius around Katsuo. The first mission sensei had given him was to learn her name. Katsuo thought it would be an easy mission since he and Grey Blur had a history and he didn't think it would be a problem, but as long as she had any energy Grey Blur would run all around him and try to escape her leash. She wouldn't even speak a word to him.He knew that she could understand him thanks to his skill [Polyglot] but she was refusing to even speak to him. She didn't even eat anything Katsuo had given her, instead, she would hunt when Ka
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Chapter 13
After that day Aria kept visiting Katsuo but she would run away the moment she sensed Aranel Sensei. Today was also one of those days.But today carried a deeper meaning for him. Today was the day he could finally start learning how to use mana!After his [Martial Arts: Seiryuu Style Karate] skill reached Elementary lv.9 it stopped growing. If he wanted to grow it any further he needed real combat experience, not just sparring. His sensei noticed this as well so she decided to finally teach him how to be a druid."Well then. Son, tell me how jobs are divided in this world."Aranel Sensei didn't forget to use this opportunity to test Katsuo's knowledge."Yes, Sensei! Jobs in this continent can be divided into three paths. The path of warrior, which focuses on how to use weapons and tempering the body. The path of rogue, which focuses on utility and dexterity. And lastly, the path of mage which focuses on casting spells and attuning to mana."Aranel Sensei nodded."You are correct. The
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Chapter 14
When Katsuo woke up it was already the next day. Finally!Finally, he could use mana!He was on his way to becoming the strongest man this world had ever seen!Well...Fine, maybe that was an exaggeration but thanks to his system he was at least sure that he could get into the top 10 without much trouble."It seems like you have finally woken up dearie."Aranel Sensei walked inside Katsuo's living quarters."Yes, Sensei!""Good. Now that you have set forth into the path of nature there is no turning back. I have told you about the ways of nature in the past. Now let's talk about the specifics of being a druid. You know that druids fall under the spellcaster category, then how do they get stronger?"Katsuo grumbled inside. He had just woken up and didn't even have a chance to check his stats yet but Aranel Sensei was already having another class. "Uhm, warriors get stronger by creating an aura core in their body and converting the mana they have intaken to aura. Rogues get stronger b
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Chapter 15
When Katsuo came to himself he found that it was already the next day.Honestly, it was quite jarring. For the last couple of days, he was basically either sleeping due to exhaustion or in a trance.Now that he was finally alone he decided to check his stats before Aranel Sensei came to check up on him."Status Window"It had been a couple of weeks since he last checked his stats so he was excited to see how much they changed.---[Name]: Katsuo Um’rael[Age]: 19[Job]: Druid[Rank]: 1[Title]: The Traveler, Druid[Background]: Adopted son of Aranel Um’rael[Strength]: 98[Agility]: 96[Willpower]: 32[Vitality]: 99[Charisma]: 13[Mana]: 65[Active Skills]: Appraisal (Max)[Passive Skills]: Heavenly Body (Max), Polyglot (Max), Martial Arts: Seiryuu Style Karate (Elementary lv.9), Source of Mana (lv.1), Vow of Riv’shae (Max)---65!?He suddenly had 65 mana!He felt like he could suddenly die from happiness.Katsuo didn't say anything to Aranel Sensei but he was actually quite bothere
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Chapter 16
"Dearie, you are at an important crossroads of your future. Are you ready to make the decision?" "Yes, Sensei!" Aranel nodded her head as she prepared for the ritual. "Well, then. Let's start with what you know. What is the decision you are about to make?" "Yes, Sensei! When creating their 4th source every druid specializes in a school of druidcraft!" "Good. What are those specializations?" "They are the school of elements, the school of shapeshifting and the school of harmony" "Great! So explain to me what each of these schools specializes in" "Well, school of shapeshifting as what might be understood from its name is a school that focuses on using their animal form" "Expand on that" "Uhm, a normal druid can only have two shapeshift forms and they are permanent. Meaning, once you choose an animal to be your shapeshift form you can't change it forever. Also to register a shapeshifting form there are two requirements you have to fulfil. You either have to sign a pact with the
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Chapter 17
"No!"As Aranel saw Katsuo lay down there in his own pool of blood she didn't know what had gone wrong.Of course, this ritual he was undergoing was an important step for a druid to take but it wasn't supposed to be dangerous. It would only change his mana attribute to be more volatile but it was definitely not life-threatening. So what went wrong?As she rushed over to him she examined his body and noticed that he didn't have any pulse.His heart stopped beating?"I know you are there. Come and keep him alive!"Aranel shouted behind him and a layer of green mana covered Katsuo's body keeping him alive. It was Aria.After going through the blessing of nature together with Katsuo she had gained a new tail and now she could use nature-based spells. Aranel knew that this little lass was afraid of her for some reason. So she acted oblivious whenever she was around so that Aria could feel like she hid from her successfully but now was not the time for this. Hence why she ordered her to
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Chapter 18
"Katsuo! Thank Idun you are awake!"Aranel found Katsuo staring into the air. She hoped that it wasn't sequela left behind from his advancement ritual. "Sensei. I am fine but-!"*Zoom*Before he could even warn Aranel that Aria was sleeping she had already zoomed out of the room. Actually, this was something he was curious about as well. Despite their time together, Katsuo still didn't know why she was so vehemently avoiding Aranel Sensei."It's fine my baby. Is there anything wrong? Do you feel weird anywhere?"Aranel put her hand over Katsuo's forehead to check his temperature.*Smack*"It's fine sensei. I don't feel weird"Katsuo smacked away Aranel's hand as he answered."Are you sure nothing is wrong?"Aranel was not convinced everything was fine. She wanted to believe that but what she did was taboo and it wasn't even guaranteed to work. Hence the reason why she couldn't believe it worked out so perfectly. There must be something wrong. Even if there wasn't, she needed to make
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Chapter 19
*Gwak*A raven perched on Aranel's shoulder bringing it a message from the outside world.She frowned."...It seems like I can't hold him back any longer. The time of troubles is upon us. I just wish he had more time"*Sigh****Katsuo was sitting under the waterfall tempering his spirit. It had been some time since he had advanced to rank 6 but he still couldn't go through the ritual. There was no sign of his seventh start coagulating. Was that the right word?Anyway, he figured out that the problem had to be his will.His mana should already be enough to advance and become a Voice of Nature.There was also a second possibility that he was not willing to accept.Maybe it was because of his heart?His heart didn't belong to him. It was the heart of a dragon. Katsuo had come to terms with it but what if this was the limit of his chimeric heart?He also didn't know how to face himself either.Katsuo wasn't a dragon, but he wasn't a human now either.His body was fine currently but wha
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Chapter 20
*Roar* Katsuo was standing in front of a towering black panther. She had lightning-shaped stripes running through her skin. He didn't know if he could come out alive from this fight but Aranel Sensei was right. If he wanted to truly belong in this world he needed to kill Relsai with his own hands. As a person from a peaceful world, the concept of killing was foreign to Katsuo. Sure, he had hunted in order to survive before but that was where the difference lay. He had killed to survive but this was different. Katsuo didn't need to kill Relsai, even if he didn't kill her he could still make a pact with one of her children. There were virtually zero reasons that he needed to kill her. He was only killing her in order to learn how it felt like to take a life. A cruel lesson from Aranel Sensei. "Stop wasting time and come now, boy!" Relsai roared once again inviting Katsuo to attack her. The fact that she didn't attack him already was her showing Katsuo some consideration. She obv
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