All Chapters of GUN GOD IN FANTASIA WORLD: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
144 chapters
Lighting Team
Adele, Kelly, and Angela had a heartbreak when they heard that Amy had already become the lover of John. But then they were even more stunned when they heard Alisa was also his lover.This made them confused for a while but then their eyes became firm as a strong man in this world can easily have multiple women.So the news didn't discourage them but increased their courage.While Elisa at the side was also stunned and then she felt annoyed in her heart. This feeling made her feel a little uncomfortable. So she left the place.Two hours later.Suddenly John saw people approaching in their direction. But what made him was that it was an army of girls and they were riding Lighting Eagle whose size was comparable to a big truck.The scene made John feel amazed as from the auras he felt that he was an ant. This was the feeling that he had never experienced before. It was as if the people that were coming wanted to kill them then he won't have any chance to retaliate at all.At this moment
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John Showing Of His Wealth
A few minutes later.John looked at Alisa and later released Elisa and then she returned to his side.Karin said in a cold tone," John we will take the princess and leave now".Elisa had a complicated expression on her face as John was the person who saved her but in return, he wasn't rewarded.Just before leaving, Karin suddenly said," I know that all of you people are following John. But here is endless dessert. The nearest settlement is 2000 kilometers away from here. So I will give you all an option. You can choose to join the Light Empire and I will make sure that you will be given a baron status"." For those of you who don't know what a Baron means, I will tell you clearly that you will own a territory and you will rule there".As soon as she finished speaking many people had a look of desire but it lasted just for a few seconds and then they looked at John.John said," It's your choice to choose but after making the choice don't regret it".John's words made the people immedia
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Elisa's Outburst
Timmy looked at the purple scroll that was in his hand with complicated emotions. He never thought that one day he would be able to reach Master Blacksmith with just a piece of paper.He looked at his daughter and decided to impart to her all the experience so that she could also reach the master level as fast as she could.Then he tore the scrolls and immediately felt countless pieces of information pour into his mind.While Timmy was receiving experience, the people beside them had a look of envy in their eyes.They also knew the importance of the master blacksmith as the minimum quality of weapon that he could create was green quality and if he tried his best then he could create purple quality.So they didn't have to worry about being equipped with purple weapons in the future.Then John asked," Is there anyone who is the alchemist?".Jerry came forward with a slightly hesitant expression.John immediately said," Jerry after you reach intermediate alchemist I will also give you an
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Elisa and John Reconciliation
Karin was shocked after listening to what Elisa said to her. But she couldn't even say a word to defend herself as she had seen how corrupt nobles could be.Not to mention the Light Empire was very big so if they wanted to control it then they required the power of nobles. Even if they were corrupt the official authorities kept one eye close. Also, those officials were bribed so if she took action on account of Elisa then it would be a fight between nobles and the Queen.There was also another problem that made her unable to take action and it was the number of troops. Those nobles also had an army of their own. So if the fight started no one knows who would win in the end.While Elsia felt that she missed John very much. She didn't know but that person's face kept coming into her mind again and again.Suddenly Elisa said," Karin you fly us back to the oasis".Karin was shocked and she said," Elisa".But Elisa said in a cold tone," I am your Princess and it's my order".Karin took a d
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Sand Crab
John was amazed after listening to Elisa's words. Then he looked at the surroundings with a dazed expression as he could everything around him was rapidly changing so he couldn't help but ask," How fast is the Lighting Eagle?".Elisa replied," It can fly up to 1000 km/hour but its normal speed is 400-500 km/hour".John was amazed and then asked," Is the Lighting Eagle exclusive to the Light Empire?".Elisa's expression became a little proud and she said," Of course, it's exclusive to the Light Empire only".John asked a few more questions and time passed by without even knowing.Five hours later.The Lighting Eagle landed and then Karin said," We will stay here for a night and then we will leave the next day".John nodded his head and asked," Where shall we sleep? Is their house for rent?".Elisa replied," Of course. This is a famous oasis known as Silver Shores. The name was given due to an adventure group finding an abundance of silver so many other adventures and families flocked to
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Duke Chris Magma
The Eastern Part of the Light Empire had Endless mountain ranges. These mountain ranges were spread at 500,000 square kilometers. This place was rich in minerals, exotic herbs, rare trees, and fruits. But this place was governed by the beast. They had dominated this place since the Endless Mountain had been created. So no one had fully explored this place but legend says that some people had felt an aura here that made it even harder to breathe. The aura was so terrible that it felt unworldly. Duke Chris Magma was responsible for protecting the border. And he had been doing the job for the last century.But as he had increased his powers he had subdued the other nobles who had settled near the Endless Mountain region to make himself the overlord of this place.He was still not satisfied with the power he had. So he set his eyes on the throne. But he knew that it was impossible to kill the Queen even with all his powers.So he formulated a devious plan of assassinating the only heir
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Ring Of Lich King
John saw the scene and felt chilled in his heart.He pointed the energy ray at the figure and began to charge it.Just at this time, a mutation appeared.The person sitting had his rotten organs and leftover flesh and blood vessels disappearing at rapid speed.Then the skeleton-like figure looked at John with two blue flames burning in its eyes. John found that he had already charged the energy ray for a second. So he immediately released it.The skeleton gave an eerie smile and waved his hand. In the next second a bone armor appeared out of thin air. The ray fired from the Energy Ray collided with the skeleton and then there was no reaction at all.This made John feel that he met a troublesome opponent. He even found that the aura that the skeleton was giving off was way more dangerous than the Zeonia Empire King he had assassinated.So he threw three blue-grade mines toward the boss and directly flew out of the passage.While he was leaving he seemed to have heard an eerie laughter.
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Level 40
John looked at the drop and was speechless for a second. As the amount of mana required to summon the Lich King was huge.But since it was a legendary grade ring he decided to hand it over to the girls whose mana had reached the requirements to summon the Lich King.He was also happy that he finally got a Purple grade Energy pack. In this way, he won't have to worry about ammunition anymore.Also, the drops he got were good at least his people would finally be able to use blue-grade skills.Finally, he looked at the experience and found that it had increased by 300,000 points.Seeing this John smiled and felt that he could finally increase his tier to direct tier 5. So he began to directly increase his tier and he easily reached level 40.John then looked at his new stats.JOHN WICK LV. 40 (250/100000)HP- 400/400MP- 400/400MP RECOVERY RATE- 4/ SECINT- 40CONST- 40 ( STR, PHY, DEX)FREE ATTRIBUTE POINTS- 0TALENT POINT- 0TALENT- ENERGY RAY ( 2ND FORM )TYPE- LASER ATK- 500-100
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The sudden change of events startled everyone. The girls looked at John with a knowing expression while Elisa's eyes also lit up.Baron Zund's face distorted in extreme anger and he immediately screamed," Who the f*ck dares to break the chains. Tell me who the f*ck did it or else everyone will be whipped 30 times".The people watching the excitement were stunned and then they immediately pointed their hands towards John.John saw this and gave the middle finger to those crowds and then said," Hey fatass don't you know how to treat a girl?".Amy and Alisa were stunned after listening to John's words. As they had never been treated by him like this. Rose immediately said," Niona do you think John's emotional intelligence went high all of a sudden".Niona and Lily nodded their heads dumbly.Seeing this Rose finally realized that she wasn't hallucinating.At this time Baron Zund's anger had reached to peak. His face had even turned red due to huge blood flow. He looked at John and said i
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Amazing Garden
Elisa took the lead and walked into a huge palace. They had to pass through the garden first. Along the way, John saw exotic trees and flowers. Some of them were rare fruits while most of the flowers made his mind calm after smelling them.He also saw a few flowers that looked like they had gained intelligence as he could feel that they were looking at him.So as soon as he looked back at the flower it shrank back and had its petals enclosed.Amy and Alisa were amazed by the scene while Elisa from the side said, "The plant's name is DONT SEE ME that would hide if you stare at it for more than three seconds".Elisa then pointed at the trees filled with fiery red fruits and said," That tree is known as firey fruits. It excludes a kind of smell that makes the pests and insects burn if they enter its range".Along the way, she introduced various kinds of magical plants that John never thought of in his wildest dreams. There was also a farting plant that would fart stinky gases if a man t
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