All Chapters of GUN GOD IN FANTASIA WORLD: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
144 chapters
Next day.Amy had already asked Jason to set up a table and chair for her and she was currently waiting for people to register their names in the garden.As she was sitting she looked at John with an envious expression who was lying on the mattress just a few meters away from her.Seeing this she said," John".John opened his left eye lazily and asked," What happened?".Amy said in a serious tone," John I read the book last night in which I found that people couldn't cross the sea due to the whirlpool that appears anytime and anywhere in the Black Sea".Saying so she stopped and then added," Then how sure are you that you can take us safely across the Black Sea?".John closed his eyes and replied in a lazy tone," Ah your question is indeed good. But let me enjoy this beautiful morning".Saying so he enjoyed the cool air that was blowing around him made him feel refreshed and the warm sunshine made him so comfortable that he just wanted to sleep.Amy tried her best to maintain a calm e
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Killing Tim
Five days later.Amy looked at the few people who wanted to follow John out of this place.So she said," The names I call will stand on the left side of the room"." Shadow, Kelly, Angela, Kathy, Timmy, Betty, Tony, Edward, Ron, Adele, Amanda, Aster, Jenny, Jerry, and Mary".As soon as she finished speaking the names, John suddenly said," Have any of you brought the assassins with you here?".The people in the hall had a confused expression.Just at this time they only saw beams of light passing and before they could even know what happened the headless corpse fell.The sudden change of situation made everyone startled.While John put the energy ray back and he used his goggles to easily find that there were armed adventurers who had already come to the door to attack him. This made him puzzled but when he saw Tim's face he had a knowing expression on his face.So he said," You all don't have to worry at all. Just wait for my return".Saying so he left the room.While there were soun
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Killing Mathew
John looked at everyone and said," You all don't need to worry about it. Next, I need to solve some trouble so you can stay here for a day. I will return tonight and then we can leave this place".Saying so he looked at Amy and Alisa.Amy said," John be careful".While Alisa asked," Shall I go with you?".John shook his head and replied," Alisa you stay here as I will be fine".Alisa sighed and Rose, Niona, and Lily also said," John be careful".John smiled and then he flew off. Looking at John flying the people who were stunned immediately began to say," Did you see what I saw just now?".Kelly shook Shadow and she said," Shadow, John, he flew away!!".Shadow came to her senses and said," Okay Kelly don't get too excited".Angela and Kathy also had a look of disbelief on their faces as they had never seen a person who could fly. So this was a great blow to them as they came from the royal family.Adele had stars in her eyes and she even said," Dad I have decided to marry John".Edwa
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Chatting With Layla
John looked into Layla's eyes and asked," Tell me if I reach the mainland then what do I need to get an identity there".Layla wanted John to join her organization but she gave up as he was a killing god and if he got angry then the royal kingdom might be doomed. So she carefully said," John you can get the identity by joining the adventurer association. Unlike the adventure association that killed people with unknown talents, there is no such thing. If you can get enough contribution points then you can even open a city".At this time there wasn't any disdain like last time. As for John, she was getting a very dangerous feeling so she honestly said what he wanted to know. Not to mention she wanted him to leave her alone as fast as he could.John nodded his head after listening to Layla's words then he asked another question," So Layla, I want to know if the gold currency is used there".Layla nodded her head and replied," You can use the gold coins as you use them here. The same is
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Amy And Alisa
After the girls left John immediately checked his little bro and then wiped the sweat on his forehead. As the last few minutes of his life were so exciting that made him not know whether to be happy or sad.While Amy and Rose were also blushing heavily. Rose said," Amy you were so domineering now".Amy blushed even more and said," Rose please don't mention it. It's so embarrassing".Then both of them found that Alisa was not there. This made them puzzled but they left the place.Back in John's room.John lay on the bed and suddenly he said," Alisa how long are you going to remain in stealth?".Alisa immediately came out of stealth and then she looked at John with hot eyes and said," John I need you".John looked at Alisa who was blushing. So he asked," Why do you need me?".Alisa didn't listen to John's nonsense instead she removed her clothes and said," John I want to make love with you right now".John took a deep breath to calm himself down and said," Okay"." Shall we help each o
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Leaving The Island
The carriage was driven just a kilometer away from the D01 City.John walked out of the carriage with a pale expression and said," Okay now Amy... Vomit....".A minute later.John poured water on his face and said," Okay Amy and Alisa gather everyone in one place".Saying so he waited for just a few minutes.The people were stunned when they saw John bring them to a dense forest.Just when they were confused, John said," You all don't need to worry about anything. Next, I will take you all to a safe place. So don't resist".Although they were confused they did what John said and soon each of them disappeared and appeared in an unknown place.John immediately said," Amy, Alisa, Rose, Niona, Lily, and Shadow. You five will be responsible for watching out for everyone. Remember you can stay only in the tent and not leave the place".He had already set up a big tent that was enough to accommodate them.Then he also pointed at the bathroom and said," You can relive yourself there".Then he
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Two hours later.John once again put the people inside the devourer ring and flew towards the oasis.Four minutes later.A kilometer away from the oasis John took everyone out and said," Girls tell them we are going to reach a human settlement soon enough. If anyone asks about our identity then tell them that we came from an island and crossed it on a boat".Amy immediately conveyed John's words in a loud tone.After that, John said," Okay follow me".Saying so he took out the carriage. Everyone sat and then John said," I will lead the way. Remember to follow behind me".Then he took the lead and began to take them to the oasis.Ten minutes later.Inside a canyon, there was an area filled with trees. He could see a huge lake that was almost 500 cubic meters. There were also small houses made from mud and stone. There were also many people here and using the goggles he found that their population was 150.He could also see that most of the people who came here wore clothes that were d
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Erza Thundermoore
Alisa replied," We came from a small island that reached the mainland recently".As soon as Elisa heard Alisa's words she immediately realized that this was the reason she didn't get any reaction from that boy.So she asked," So how did you cross the sea? How did you deal with the Krakens that are responsible for making Whirpool in the deep sea?".Alisa was stunned after listening to Elisa's words. So she said," I don't know about it. Instead, Elisa if you are the princess then how come you are inside a bandit camp?".Elisa was successfully distracted from the topic and she immediately said in anger," I sneaked out of the Light City to play. But someone recognized my identity. So last night I was kidnapped and brought here".Alisa was stunned and then she asked," So do you know where the nearest human settlement is?".Elisa thought for a second and then clapped her hands. Then she took out a parchment and unfolded it.After that, she pointed her fingers toward the parchment and said,"
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Killing Hobgoblins
John used the goggles and immediately he found out that on top of the rocky mountains, there were hobgoblins. They looked more intellectual than a goblin. He found that their number had reached 70. He also found the leader of the Hobgoblins had a leader and he was leading the archer to shoot arrows towards the houses.John said," You stay in the house. I will be back soon".But Amy held John and said," No John, their archers are way more powerful than any archers you have faced before".John had a puzzled look on his face and seeing this she pointed at the swift horses that had already been killed.They were also killed in a single shot and their head had been penetrated.John was angry as the swift horses could be used to transport in the desert region. But now they were killed.So he immediately began to scout and found there were three archers in Hobgoblins who had the bow that gave off faint green light.And when he looked at the staff in the Hobgoblin leader he found that it was
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Elisa Thundermoore
Amy took the storage bag and decided to hand it over to her white family guards to burn it.Then she asked," So what shall we do next?".John replied," Of course, you can ask the people to prepare the food. I will see if there are any more Hobgoblins left. If so then I will solve them".Amy nodded her head in understanding while Alisa said," John shall I follow you".John thought for a while and he shook his head and said," Alisa you remain here and protect the people".Alisa sighed and then she nodded her head. She also knew that she would only become a burden for him. So decided to increase her tier as soon as she reached the new place.While Elisa at the side was confused as this rude boy John cleared the whole group of Hobgoblins too fast.She suddenly became curious about this person. As she knew something about Hobgolins. They evolved from the goblins and they had the intelligence of a teenage human. As for the elite hobgoblins their intelligence can be said of mature humans and
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