All Chapters of GUN GOD IN FANTASIA WORLD: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
144 chapters
" What the f*ck happened? Can anyone tell me what happened?"." Hell no. I just heard some small explosion and nothing else"." F*ck who the hell is that guy and what is the weapon?".As for the bronze grade adventures who came to watch the play were frozen on the spot as even they couldn't see what happened. Just at this time, they saw John walking towards the Rat group and asking them to heal themselves so that he could have enough fun.This made them realize one thing for sure. Whoever this guy John was behind the mask he was surely a vengeful person. This made them feel fear from the bottom of their heart and suddenly they didn't want to stay here as the atmosphere was so chilling.Flashback.Just when John saw that Kelly had counted three. He used Bullet time. As soon as he used it, he could feel the time had slowed down for him. Instead, his reaction speed was so fast that people could hardly see any of his movements. He aimed and fired a total of 20 shots. Of the five-person
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The City Lord Palace was huge as it was big enough to have an artificial pond, a garden for exotic flowers and fruits were grown, a stable that had more than 30 Flaming Horses, and not to mention a personal training ground.All of this was owned by the city owner alone. His name was Albert and he came from C Grade City. As there, he was a nobody. So he had to come to this abandoned place which was the most dangerous place. As the monster might attack at any time.Here he could do anything as his strength had already reached tier 3. So no one could challenge his majesty. Today he held a banquet for all the adventurers present at this City. He wanted to hire them and wanted to become the sole ruler of this city.Looking at the adventurer that had come to his palace he smiled and felt pleased in his heart. All of the iron and bronze-grade adventurers were present here. He looked at the butler and asked," Is everyone present here?".The old man immediately replied in a respectful tone,"
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John The City Lord
Shadow who was sitting on the chair and looking at the scene in front of her with wide open eyes.She remembered the boy that Kelly asked to investigate was John Wick. So she found his appearance was similar to him. So she wanted to take action and help him.But suddenly a mutation occurred. The boy directly cursed Albert. This made her stunned and then she suddenly felt a sense of crisis in her heart. But before she could react she saw three people fall with a thud.She wanted to know what happened. But there was no one to reply to her. Just at this time, Alan the son of Albert screamed in anger but what she heard made her stunned. Alan had hired the Rat gang to kill him so she heard a bang and with that Alan's head exploded like a watermelon. Just at this time, John began to vomit and looked at his hands which were trembling. He immediately cursed," F*ck b*tch if you hadn't kidnapped me nothing would happen like this".Then he looked at the crowd and found that one face was famili
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John became the city lord but instead of being happy, he had a troubled expression. At this time the adventurers were already leaving the room leaving three people inside the hall.Other servants were waiting for John's order. And he immediately said," You all come tomorrow I will talk to you later".But one of the servants said," City lord we will wait for you until you finish the work".John just nodded his head and then he walked to the body of Alan's father and Alan and took off their storage bag. After that, he began to search other people's storage bags and easily found five more of them.He kept them inside on the table as he found that he couldn't store them inside the space ring.While he was salvaging the storage bag, Shadow and Adele's expressions were strange.At this moment Shadow finally coughed and she said," John since you have become the city lord then you need to keep this city safe. You also know that every year a monster tide will erupt. So we need to make preparat
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Level 12
On the top floor of the Adventurer Alliance.Kelly was sitting on the chair and waiting for the food to be delivered. " Where did Shadow go to? How come it's taking so much time to bring the food?".Saying so she had a puzzled expression on her face. At this time her stomach made a strange sound. So she decided to go and find something to eat.The door was suddenly opened and Shadow walked in with a food bag. Kelly immediately rushed towards Shadow and she snatched the food bag from her hand. Then he took out the bread and some meat dish and began to enjoy herself.Shadow waited for Kelly to finish her lunch then she said," Kelly do you know a big change took place tonight".Kelly looked at Shadow and asked," What kind of big change can take place?".Shadow replied," Albert was killed by John and I have appointed him as the city lord".Kelly immediately asked in a confused expression," What do you mean?".Shadow said with the same tone," John was kidnapped, and when he found the ide
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Early in the morning.John opened his eyes in the morning and then he looked at the surroundings with a dazed expression. He finally remembered the event of the last night and realized that currently, his identity is the city lord.Then he went up and found a servant was already waiting with a water bowl and towel.Seeing this he frowned and replied," Next time I can wash my face on my own. You don't need to do these trivial works".The servant was stunned and then he bowed his head and replied," But Young Master it's my duty to serve you".John replied," I don't need you to do this work. Also, help me find the person who is responsible for doing all other work".The servant replied," The young master you killed the butler. So there is currently no one who can take over that position".John was stunned and then felt that being a city lord was not an easy thing.Then he asked," How many coins was the butler paid?".The servant replied with a respectful expression," Young Master the but
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Amy White
" First I will explain to you the rules of this examination. No one must cheat. After I distribute the papers to everyone. You all must write your name, age, and talent you have awakened if you have any"." After that, you can read the paper but you can't write unless I ring the bell. The time for you all to solve the problem is 30 minutes. After that, I will ring the bell and you all must not write after that, or else you all will be disqualified".But two of them raised their hands and then one of them said in embarrassment," Young city lord, we just wanted to see you in person so we appeared here. Can we leave now".John's expression darkened and then he said," Okay you can leave".As soon as he said five girls left the room leaving five more girls.John's face became gloomy and he said," Jason next time remember to add a note that idlers are not allowed or else they will be punished".Jason trembled in fear and he said," Yes Young Master".While the other five girls were relieved
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Amy and Alisa Shocked
Jason didn't hesitate anymore and he left the room. Then he looked at Amy and said," Amy your salary will be 1 gold coin and you will work under Alisa".Amy was startled and then she said," Okay City Lord I will work under her".John asked," Amy do you have awakened any talent?".Amy replied," Of course City Lord. I have awakened the Priest talent. So I can heal people".John took out a green scroll gave it to her and said," Here since you will work for me then you have to work well. This scroll might help you get the suitable skills that you need".Amy and Alisa were both stunned. In this city having a white-grade skill was enough to make an adventurer make a name for themselves. So looking at the Green-grade scroll, Amy and Alisa were both frightened stupid.John urged," Hurry up and use it".Amy picked up the scroll under John's persuasion and she used it on the spot. Then she looked at John and immediately said with a smile," Young City Lord, I have awakened a new skill that is g
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Just at this time, Alisa finally opened her eyes and she immediately looked at John and went towards him, and kneeled in front of him.Seeing this Jonn said," Alisa you don't need to kneel in front of anyone from today. As you know the most noble occupation. So even if the king comes in front of you, you won't kneel".Alisa got up and said," Master you have given me this power so I will only kneel in front of you and not anyone. Also, I swear to protect your life".John smiled and replied," Okay Alisa you can't protect me with your strength yet. I need you to become strong enough. Only then can you protect me".Alisa was stunned and then said," Yes indeed Master, I will need to work hard".John replied," Here are two pieces of gold for you Amy. There are also 100 gold coins in the storage bag with the documents that require people to pay. So you can pay them as you like. If you lack the funds then you can come to me".Amy picked up the gold coins with a solemn expression and she said,
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Greenwood Village
He saw them and said," Amy they were training so you can do what you want on them".Amy immediately took out a staff and chanted something in a low voice for two seconds and then she waved her staff toward the injured people.The people who were injured were all healing at a rapid speed.Seeing this Richard was stunned and then he asked," Amy we need to talk".Then both of them walked into the room and Richard looked at her daughter and asked," Did John reward you with a green skill scroll?".But Amy didn't reply and seeing this he patted his head and said," Amy, Dad will fully support you. If you need any help then tell me".Amy smiled and replied," Dad I need your help to bring some people with good character who have awakened an Alchemist and a formation master to come and work for John. He will reward them generously".Richard said," Don't worry, leave this to me. I will go personally and recruit those people".Amy smiled and said," Thank you, Dad".....Inside the Adventurer Buil
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