All Chapters of GUN GOD IN FANTASIA WORLD: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
144 chapters
Hunting Goblins
Listening to Jerry's words, John realized the seriousness of the problem. Then he said," Jerry don't worry I will kill every single one of them".Jerry replied," Okay John. But we already have reached the entrance of the cave. Maybe some goblins might be scouting ahead. So be careful".John replied," You point me to the place where the cave is. I will go alone".Jerry immediately pointed toward a direction and said," Just three hundred meters away from here is the Goblin's cave. Also John some goblins can even climb the tree so be careful".So he rushed back towards the village. Seeing this John made marks on the tree and continued his way in.Just at this time, he could feel that he was being watched by someone. He looked at the surroundings with a vigilant expression. He also summoned the gun and had the silencer attached to it. At this time he felt a gust of cool breeze passing by his face. He could smell blood from it. This made him frown and then he looked at the tree top and
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Hunting Goblins 2
John looked at the cave that had gotten wider and found that the smell had already become unbearable.So he looked ahead only to see that this place was full of goblins. There were more than 100 goblins that were in groups. They were either sitting or sleeping. Some of them were even sharpened than wooden spears.Just at this time, he could hear the woman scream and then he saw a goblin that was the size of a human dragging a woman who had bruises all over the place. She was naked and the goblins immediately screamed in excitement watching a woman who was brutally slapped.Then John took out the gun and was ready to take action. He found that those goblins were going to violate her.So he used the web shooter and found that he could use it to pull the women. So he used it hastily only to find that a goblin was stuck with it." Damm it ", John cursed and then pulled the golin and also shot it dead.The sudden scene startled everyone, except the women who had already left the desire to
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Killing The Rat Adventurer Group
At the Greenwood Village.Matt the guard looked at Jerry and said," Jerry you can't leave the village unless that adventurer returns".Jerry just signed in resignation and replied," Don't worry Uncle Matt I won't leave the village".Just at this time, they heard footsteps and then they suddenly found that John had finally appeared.Seeing this both of them breathed a sigh of relief.Matt then opened the wooden door and asked," How did your work go adventurer?".John replied," I cleaned the goblins. So except for the ones that had not returned from hunting, all other goblins had been killed by me. I also burned their bodies. If you want then I can accompany you again but I need to wash my body and also some women were killed by those goblins".Saying so he took out the headless corpse from the storage ring and placed it down.Matt immediately replied," No person had gone missing from our village. Maybe she might be an unlucky adventurer".John said," Okay, then what shall I do with the
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Returning To City
John then asked," Matt who is the chief of the village?".Matt's expression became angry and he replied in a tone of helplessness," John the village chief is a funny person. As after Jerry's mom had been raped at that time Village chief took action against the Rat adventurer but due to this reason he was attacked and they also broke his legs. Now he is lying in bed".John replied," What can I do to make the Village chief walk again? Will a health potion be enough to recover him back?".Matt shook his head and replied," Health potion can't treat such serious injuries. We need a priest to help us. But you also know hiring a priest to cast a cure requires at least a minimum of 1 gold coin".John thought for a while and then he asked," Matt why don't you all move to the D city. There you can live under their protection".Matt shook his head and replied," John you might not know but twenty years before when we came then we tried to enter the city to seek refuge there. But the city lord did
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Level 13
John returned to the City D01.He seriously found that this city's population had hardly reached thousands. So he began to think of opening up space and rebuilding a city from scratch. The current city already had an enclosed wall and it was built within 1*1 Square kilometer. But after thinking about the manpower, the cost of materials, and other resources required to build the city he felt it was impossible to build it with his current power.So he gave up and soon reached the Mansion. He was greeted by the guards and he responded to them one by one.John's return alerted Alisa and Amy. Alisa took Tom and the other nine people to visit John along with Amy." John you have finally returned. You could have informed us that you won't be returning yesterday".Amy immediately complained to John after seeing him.Alisa from the side said," John these are the people who lived with me. I would like to introduce them to you".John's stomach made a sound that made him embarrassed and he said
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Exploring The Greenwood Forest
John then asked," Amy, how is a dungeon created?".Alisa also listened from the side with a careful expression while Amy replied," I don't know much about the creation of dungeons as they randomly appear out of thin air. But I know that after they appear people need to constantly clear the dungeon or else if the monster inside is full then it might lead to a dungeon breakout. In this case, the monster inside the dungeon comes out and begins to kill anything that it sees".John said," Thank you Amy for clearing my doubts".Amy replied," It's okay".Alisa suddenly asked," So is there any way by which we can determine the place where the dungeon appears?".Amy shook her head and she replied," No one knows the answer to this question. But if there is a place with the surroundings destroyed that place also reeks of an aura of death. Then we can be sure that there is a dungeon in that place and a dungeon breakout had already taken".Listening to Amy's words both John and Alisa nodded their
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Hunting The Bloodthirsty Hound
John picked up ten more bullet mushrooms. He also encountered some small animals like rabbits, squirrels, and some wild birds. As their level was only level 1. So John didn't kill them. (Note- People with higher levels can easily see other people's level if it's lower than their own. Some unique equipment and skills can also hide the level)Alisa from the side complained," John are you going to use the bullet mushroom to lure the three-eye goat?".John nodded his head and replied," Indeed, we can lure them then we can get an easy kill. Not to mention after killing the three-eyed goat we can get to the important part is their heart which is the favorite food of Bloodthirsty Hound. As long as we can get their attention and we all can increase our level by two to three times".Alisa and Amy were both stunned by John's courage, as the Bloodthirsty Hound was an evolved form of low-tier monster dog. And its strength had reached tier 3.Suddenly both of the girls became a little less confi
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Level 14
After recovering their hearing sense, Amy and Alisa immediately glared at John while Amy said," John are you sure you were not trying to kill us".John gave her a blank look and replied," Do you think I would do so".Saying so he looked at the corpse of the Bloodthirsty Hound and was replaced by minced meat all over the place. He sighed and felt that this grenade destruction power was way more powerful than he could imagine.But he then saw a purple Light flashing on the place where the Bloodthirsty Hound died.So he said," You girls can climb down. I will be going first".Saying so he used the web shooter to bring himself down under the envious gaze of the girls.Then John picked up the drop and he got the following information.BLOODTHIRSTY DAGGER ( PURPLE ) ( CAN GROW ARE CERTAIN CONDITIONS ARE MET)ATK- 50-150CRIT- 30% CHANCE TO DEAL TRIPLE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE.ADDITIONAL- BLOODSUCKING EFFECT THAT HEALS 5% HEALTH OF THE DAMAGE DONE.RESTRICTION- ASSASSINCAN BE SOUL-BOUND AFTER DROP
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John's EQ Is Low
Alisa replied," Okay John I will do as you tell me to".She also knew that John's secret was too terrible. So the people around him must be trusted and the soul contract was the only thing that could shut the people's mouths.So she walked into the room where Tom and other people were living.She took out the contracts and first patiently explained the pros and cons of signing the soul contract. After that, she asked," If anyone wants to leave then you can leave the room. I will ask John to provide you with 10 silver coins until your age reaches the awakening ceremony".The children looked at each other but no one left the room.Seeing this Alisa breathed a sigh of relief and she said," Okay then you all can drop a drop of blood on the paper. Of course, you all can read and understand before signing it".But Tom took the lead and he picked the knife and poked his finger with it. He dropped a drop of blood and then the soul contract disappeared into thin air.Then he said," I know that
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Energy Ray
Next day.John ate breakfast and then he said," Alisa are you going to put Tom and other people to the Adventurer school?".Alisa nodded her head and replied," I was going to get them admitted to the adventurer school".Listening to the conversation Tom's, Anna's, and other people's eyes lit up.Then John replied," Okay you can bring them to the school. Also, what was the salary that I needed to pay to the three shops that I owned?".Alisa immediately replied," It was 3 gold coins for all the people working in your shop".John took out 3 gold coins and 30 silver coins and then he replied," Help me give them the salary and as for the rest you can use it as you like".Alisa put away the coins and then said," Tom and Anna you both get ready to leave with other people".Saying so she ate the last bit of bread and then got up and left the room.Tom and the other children hurriedly ate the food and also followed Alisa.Amy from the side was eating small pieces of bread and enjoying her time
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