All Chapters of GUN GOD IN FANTASIA WORLD: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
144 chapters
John looked at the new gun form full of love in his eyes.If Alisa and Amy were present here they would get a critical hit.John admired the gun more and more. Originally he thought that he would open a shotgun for the second form but who knew that he directly opened an energy ray. He wanted to test its power but he didn't find a suitable target yet. But he could be sure that he could easily destroy that Bloodthirsty Hound with one shot.Just at this time, the door was knocked and then he heard Amy's voice," John, Alisa has returned and if you are free then we can visit the Greenwood Village".John immediately tried to maintain a normal expression but on the corner of their mouth, the smirk never left. Alisa and Amy were also stunned to see John's face.Alisa suddenly asked," John did something good happen to you?".Amy also looked curiously. While John replied," Yes Alisa a good thing happened. But let's keep it a surprise for now".Listening to John's words both of them became eve
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Village chief
The White light lasted for three seconds and when it disappeared the old man opened his eyes and got up and said," Where am I?".Jack immediately rushed and hugged the old man and began to cry.Seeing the situation, John said," Amy, Alisa let's wait outside".Jerry looked at the village chief and then followed behind John.Outside the hut, Jerry said," John why don't you visit my house".John replied," Okay then I will trouble you next".Jerry nodded his head and took him to his house. There he found that the mattress was already put on the ground to welcome him.Seeing this he sat on the mattress and looked at Amy and Alisa and said," Come and sit here".Amy and Alisa sat down without any hesitation. Then Jerry said," John wait for me here. I will bring you some refreshments".John replied," Okay I looking forward to it".Jerry walked out of the hut leaving John alone with Alisa and Amy.Just at this time, John asked," Amy are you alright? Your face looks pale".Amy smiled and replie
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Healing Jerry's Mother
John, Alisa, and Amy enjoyed the food. The taste was completely different from what they used to eat in the mansion. He liked the vegetable soup that was made from fresh vegetables and then rabbit meat that was roasted on fire with a few spices sprinkled on it. There was also a big red chilly that was placed on another plate and the people urged him to taste the meat with the red chilly.John didn't refuse their request as the meat taste was a little bland due to a lack of salts here. So as soon as he tasted it he felt a sweet and spicy sensation and it enhanced the taste of the meat by a large amount.Several villagers cheered when they saw John eating so straightforwardly. They enjoyed their time and after half an hour the banquet was over.Then John looked at Amy and Alisa and said," You both can discuss everything with the Village Chief. I will take a look at the scenery here".Saying so he looked at Jerry and said," Can you take me on a tour".Matt from the side said," Jack and
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Rose Adventurer Team
" Should I eat one guava each day so that I can eat it for 300 days? But can I be satisfied with one guava each day?".As John was lost in thought he bumped into someone. The first thing that came into his mind was," Very soft".He also felt his hand had landed on something so he subconsciously squeezed it. He felt a soft sensation so he squeezed it once again to only feel a slap on his face.Alisa and Amy at the side were shocked, stunned, and speechless by the scene they saw.Niona the healer of the Rose adventurer team blushed as the boy who crashed out of nowhere not only crashed his head on her tits but also used his hands to squeeze her ass. And that was not once but twice. She didn't have a cold expression on her face but instead, it was replaced with a flustered expression.Rose from the side watched the scene with interest as she also saw that the boy was running toward them and collided with Niona's body directly. They didn't stop him as they recognized the boy was the one
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Giving Rewards
Niona signed the contract as the terms and conditions were to keep everything a secret. Therefore she became curious about what kind of reward she would get if signed the contract.You can also say she was just way too curious right now. So she got up and left the room and inside the other room, John closed the door and said," Niona here is the reward that I was talking about".Saying so he walked towards her and when he reached in front of her, he took out a green scroll.Niona at the side was stunned after seeing John walking towards her. The colliding scene flashed in her mind and she could still feel the place where John touched her and she wanted to feel it more. This made her embarrassed and excited at the same time.Just when she found that John was close enough to take action she saw him taking out a green colour skill scroll. This made her stunned and her mind was unable to process the huge load of information making her stay in one place.As never in her wildest dream she h
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Rose Seduces John
John became curious and asked," What kind of exclusive skills?".Rose immediately took his hand and placed it on her tits and helped him squeeze it and then she replied," You can enjoy us whenever you want. Let me add one more thing before you reply to your answer".Saying so she stopped and added," We three are sisters and I can order them both to serve you".John immediately took back his hand and he felt that the will to find a girl whom he could love was falling apart.Rose also saw that John had already been moved by her words. She wanted to do anything to get him to sign the Employment Soul Contract. As she had already reached 20 years old and together with her sisters she had completed many adventures. But the result of two years was that her level was still level 17 together with her sisters.This also showed that if they had skills above white grade then they might have already reached tier 3 and above by now.Even though she worked for Kelly she worked to the death and the r
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Kelly And Shadow Conversation
Inside the Adventurer Association.On the third floor." Yes Shadow lick it there. It feels so good".Kelly's voice resounded the whole room.While Shadow suddenly said," Kelly you have enjoyed yourself enough. It's time for you to serve me".Saying so she opened her legs wide open to show her pink fleshy hole that was oozing viscous liquids.Kelly got up but there was dissatisfaction on her face and she said," Sister shadow, I could have had my orgasm if you had played with it just for five minutes more".Saying so she showed her ample breasts and ass and she got down on Shadow's lower body and began to lick and tease it.Shadow was enjoying herself and then she asked," Kelly what rewards are you going to give the Rose Adventurer?".Kelly replied while teasing," What reward should I give them sister Shadow? Do you think a low-grade experience pill could work?".Shadow had a look of disbelief on her face and she pressed Kelly's face on her lower body while choking her she said," The l
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Niona and Lily were stunned and before they could question her, Rose dragged them out in a hurry.Along the way, Rose was quiet while Niona and Lily were anxious in their heart.A few minutes later.Rose saw the mansion and seeing it she felt safe.So she sped her pace and soon entered the gates. She asked the guards to inform John about their arrival.One of the guards reported to Jason and later went to find John who was in his room." Master John, Rose adventurer groups want to see you in a hurry".John listened to Jason's voice and he dropped his pen down and put the page inside his space ring. He was carefully planning his date with Rose the next day.But since he listened to Jason's words he decided to meet them.So he replied," Jason you can take them to the guest room and ask them to wait there".Alisa and Amy who were playing in the garden with the children were unaware of the Rose group's arrival or else they might have already rushed to listen to their conversation.When Ro
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Killer Ant
After dinner.John was looking at the reading of the book that had recorded the details of Killer Ant." Killer Ant are found in groups of five. Each team consists of Ants whose level is between 15-20. There is also a high chance of encountering an elite group whose level is between 22-27"." The main thing to remember when encountering the Killer ant is that you must escape as soon as you see it"..." The Killer Ant's defense is twice that of any other tier 2 creature and the elites' defense is four. The normal Killer Ant has just one skill which is berserker which increases its speed, strength, and endurance for five seconds. The Elite have one additional skill Stone Barrage or Earth Swamp. Both skills range is 200 meters so they can easily kill any adventurer within tier 2"..." If you have just one chance to counterattack then you can attack it's Antena. That's the weak part. Cutting it off will make the Killer Ant lose its sense for a second or two. You can take this opportun
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Ghostly Roar
John started the adventure of exploring the Greenwood Forest.He hadn't changed the gun form to a normal one. He wanted to test how powerful the new weapon was and also wanted to see if the magazine would drop after killing.Suddenly John asked," Rose do you know which direction those Killer ants are?".Rose replied," Of course. Let me take the lead".John followed behind Rose at the same time he didn't encounter any beast. He also saw some small animals and birds but they were too low so he didn't think about killing them.Suddenly they heard the noise and saw this Rose said," Be careful we might have encountered some monsters".While Niona and Lily had already taken their positions and were ready to aid Rose.Seeing this John said," You all girls can relax. Let me face them alone".Rose replied in a serious tone," John it's not the time to joke".Then they suddenly heard heavy footsteps. This made the girls hear the sink and Rose couldn't help but say," You all get ready to flee. T
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