All Chapters of GUN GOD IN FANTASIA WORLD: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
144 chapters
Tin Adventures
This C03 city was spread over 5 square kilometers. This didn't include the farms that were outside the city walls. It was a great place for newbies adventurers. There was a dungeon in which people could book and enter after paying a certain price. Once the dungeon is cleared it can increase the newbie level by two to three times.So this place was way more powerful than the D-grade city. John looked at the girls and asked," Do you want to go and explore this place".Rose and Alisa replied," We can go after Niona and Lily return".John nodded his head and fifteen minutes later.Rose got up and said," John, Niona, and Lily shouldn't have taken so much time. So we must check on them".John said," Okay then".Saying so they both walked out of the inn to see a crowd.They also heard the crowd talking." Hey bro did you hear that the city lord's son Tin is presenting another beautiful girl"." Hey, I hope that they can escape this city or else they might be raped again"." Indeed Tin is a
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Black Market
C03 CityCity Lord Mansion.Inside a room.A person who had blonde hair similar to Tin's was looking at the priest and later shook his head and said," I am sorry Tim but your son's life and blood had lost any chance to recover it".Tim the city lord whose appearance was similar to Tin had a cold expression on his face when he heard Aster's words. As he was the renowned advanced priest in his city.He suddenly asked," Can anyone else heal in the B-grade city heal him?".Aster shook his head and replied," No one can heal him anymore unless you find the legendary grade medicine".Tim's expression became gloomy and then he said," Okay Aster you can take your leave".Aster sighed and then he said," Tim, you must keep your mind calm and not attack the city lord. Even though he is from a grade city he is following the empire's orders. When he returns you can deal with him".Tim's expression was gloomy and he nodded his head.Aster knew Tim's character so he didn't say anymore and walked out
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Visiting Tim's Castle
Inside the Inn.John was going to sleep but he decided to see if the surrounding place was safe so he checked it once if the city lord wanted to take action then he would send someone.Sure enough. As soon as he used the goggles he found 12 assassins had surrounded the room. They were ready to take action anytime.Seeing this John's expression became cold and then he decided to take action.But before that, he walked towards the room where the girls were.Then he knocked on the door and found that Alisa had opened the door and she saw his face and asked," John what are you doing here?".John replied," I came here to talk about something important".Alisa opened the door and let him in.As soon as John entered the room he was shocked to see the clothes scattered around and found other girls hiding in the bathroom.This made him breathe a sigh of relief and then he said," We are surrounded by the Assassins. But you can rest assured that I will take care of them".Alisa asked," And anyth
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Plan To Remain Low
Back at the castle.Tim took out the healing potion and drank it and then he poured another one in his son's mouth.He then looked at the corpses and found they were all the assassins who were responsible for protecting his life.To train them he needed a large number of resources but now all those people had been killed by John. And looking at the expression on their faces they were confused until the moment they died.This made them feel chilled in their heart. Tim also found that he had underestimated the enemy too much. He thought that he was a random city lord of D grade city.But he was wrong. John was way more powerful than anyone could imagine. He also felt that a person with such talents must have been reared by one of the five families of the adventurer association. Or else the empire would never tolerate such a person.When he jumped to the conclusion he immediately slapped Tin and said," You bastard only knows to create trouble for me".Tin was still confused about his fat
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Alisa was stunned and then Lily suddenly asked in confusion," John are you an assassin?".John looked at the dagger that had penetrated deeply inside the wooden wall and he thought," With the stats boost it must not be a problem to kill those orcs".Then he looked at Lily and asked," Did you say something?".Lily puffed her cheeks and said," Nothing".John also wore the cloak and then the group left the inn.Soon they reached the shot that sold scrolls and John bought advanced agility, strength, and defense scrolls for 18 gold coins for 9 each.The girls also bought it with their gold coins.Then he took them to the blacksmith shop. He found the place after asking a few people on the road.He had already stored a month's worth of food for five of them to consume so he didn't have to waste time buying the food and water.Of course, he bought some barbeque and ate it with the girls and soon reached the blacksmith shop.It was named Betty's Shop.As soon as he walked inside he could hear
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Reaching Dry Desert
John's excuse made Betty roll her eyes and she came forward touched his hand and said," If you want to lie then you can lie to others, not me".Then she said," I can see other people's professions just by looking at their palms. Of course, some of them are exceptional but most of them I can identify. Like you used a weapon but it's not the dagger. But to use that weapon you use the index finger more".Then she walked towards Alisa and looked at her palm and she immediately said," You are the assassin".Then she looked at Rose, Niona, and Lily's palms respectively and said," She is a sword user, next to her is the staff user and finally she uses a buckler or shield".The girls and John were amazed and then Tony from the side boasted in a proud tone," Don't look at the age of my sister but she has already reached intermediate blacksmith at such a young age".John asked," Is an intermediate blacksmith a good thing?".Tony immediately glared and said," You idiot don't you know how powerfu
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Eagle looked at the new adventurer team with gloomy eyes and he asked," Fill out this form".John took the form and filled it out. He had to mention his name, identity, the city he comes from, the address of that city if it has one, no of members in his teams, and finally, the position he holds in that city".After filling out the form he handed it to the person with one eye. Eagle picked up the form and when he saw the people from D-grade city he immediately gave them a sympathetic look and then said," John you can call me Eagle. You have to wait for ten minutes, I will have your tokens prepared. Till that time you can check the map and pick up a place to defend".John asked," Where can I find the map?".Eagle pointed toward the table next to him and said," You can go there and choose a position you need to defend".John immediately took the girls and found that a general outline of the Dry Desert border region was made and there were several key places marked with Red and Green Fla
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An hour later.Alisa shook John awake and said," Let's head towards our destination".John nodded his head and then he left with the girls again.But just after they traveled a distance of 1 kilometer, John stopped and said," You girls remember to be careful in the desert".The girls had a puzzled expression on their faces and when John saw this he said," You see that red-looking fruit in the middle of the desert?".Alisa, Niona, Rose, and Lily nodded their heads, and seeing this John said," You must never be fooled by the tree's appearance in the desert. Let me give you an example".Saying so he shot towards the tree and green juices began to lick. Under the puzzled gaze of the girls, John fired two more shots, and then an amazing scene happened.The place where the tree had disappeared and was replaced by a strange worm-like creature. The top of its head was similar looking to that of a tree.Seeing the scene, Alisa, Rose, Lily, and Niona almost took a step back. As never in their w
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Dungeon Outbreak
John didn't reply to her words and watched her intently as she didn't reply to his question.The situation became awkward and seeing this Layla took a deep breath and said," I am Layla one of the three leaders or commander of the Dry Desert Border Camp".Saying so she stopped and then she asked," Who are you guys?".John replied," I am John the city lord of D01 city. We are currently here to defend this oasis".Saying so he took out the token and handed it over to her.Layla found the information was indeed correct then why would her danger sense warn her as she had already reached tier 5? But this person had something that could threaten her. Even in Zeonia City, she had not met anyone who could threaten her.So she became a little cautious when dealing with John. And she also warned," John, this checkpoint has already been taken over by the orcs. So if you want then I can change the checkpoints for yours".John immediately shook his head and replied," No need. This is a good place
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Clearing The Oasis
Getting closer John realized that he could see their movement had become slow or rather after using the agility scroll his speed had become too fast.So he immediately began to aim at their vitals and began to harvest the orc's life at a very fast speed.Within ten seconds after using the scrolls, he easily killed the group of orcs that were ten in number. He also found that some of the orcs had red aura so he had a little resistance when piercing their bodies.Just at this time, John's supersense alerted him of the incoming danger, and he immediately moved to the side to only feel an arrow graze past his cheek.Seeing this he immediately looked at the source and found five orcs on top of the tower that was made by the previous group of adventurers but now had been used by those orcs.So he used the web shooter to pull himself towards the orc archer and as soon as he reached the directly instead the dagger into his throat while he also moved to the side narrowly escaping the arrow aga
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