All Chapters of GUN GOD IN FANTASIA WORLD: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
144 chapters
D01 City Event Part 1
In D01 City.Kelly was looking at Shadow with a look of disbelief and she said," What did you say, sister? You want to give up the fight with John and instead join hands together with him and form a city".Shadow looked at Kelly and said with a serious expression," Kelly we have lost and thoroughly lost. Although I don't want to say that John's power is greater than we can ever imagine I think that after he returns the changes will be bigger and will take everyone by surprise".Kelly asked in a puzzled tone," What do you mean by that he will take everyone by surprise?".Shadow replied," Didn't I bring Randy to visit John a few days ago".Kelly replied," Of course you did. And then your location was unknown".Shadow replied," Then do you know what happened inside the city Lord's mansion that time? Did you see that Randy's face was pale when he came to ask the adventurers to escort him out of this place".Kelly thought for a while and replied," Now that you mentioned it, I remembered th
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D01 City Event Part 2
Suddenly Kelly remembered that sister Shadow had signed the slave contract with John and he was not here which meant Amy was using his place.She also wanted to see what Amy would do. Soon they reached the west city gate and found the atmosphere was way more solemn.Seeing this Amy came forward and Shadow followed behind her." Citizens, Adventurers, and Everyone, I am acting on the orders of the City Lord John to give you some orders".The people were startled after listening to Amy's words. Only some adventurers looked at Amy curiously as they had seen John in action. So they also wanted to see what she would do next.Amy saw that everyone was watching her. Seeing this she said," In fact, you all don't have to worry about those goblins. As the city lord left something that can help defend this city".The people were stunned while Kelly looked at Shadow and later nodded her head.Kelly kept her mouth shut and then Amy walked forward and said," Archers climb up on the wall as for oth
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Level 25/ Huge Change
At the oasis." John what are your plans for today?".Lily asked while eating the bread and omelet. Rose, Niona, and Alisa also looked at John hoping to get the answer.John replied," We are going to find the orcs and hunt them in the process. If possible then I also want to see what the dungeon looks like where the orcs came from".The girls were speechless after listening to John's words.While Niona said," So John is there anything good for us".She said with an envious look on her face.John patted his head and said," If you didn't tell me then I might have forgotten about it".Rose and Niona immediately looked for Alisa and later had already used stealth to disappear.Seeing this they both had a look of regret while John laughed and said," In fact Rose you are in luck".Then he took out a sword that we sheathed and handed it over to her and said," Whenever your sword leaves the sheath then you must feed it with blood".Rose picked the swords with a complicated emotion. She didn't
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Capital City Zeonia.It was a big city that had at least millions of people living there. It was laid out in 50 Square kilometers and was divided into two parts. The outer region was where the commoners lived and the inner region was where the nobles lived. There was also a core region that was only known to a few people.But the core region was not visible to outsiders and even the nobles only a few knew that there was the existence of a core region that was heavily guarded by tier 4 teams. There were at least 200 dead-man teams just guarding the core region.The secret was heavily guarded as the main kingdom of Zeonia resides inside the dungeon. They were the first to find the secret about the dungeon after clearing it one three hundred years ago. So they lived inside the dungeon that could regenerate the resources that could be made into experience pills. The dungeon they lived in was a B grade. While conquering the dungeon the kingdom had paid a heavy price and some people even
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Hunting The Orcs
John was looking at the girls handling the orcs team properly. Except for Niona whose task was to heal and stay at the side.Rose was killing the orcs easily as with the epic weapon her confidence had soared a lot and she was using some bold and risky moves. Lily would also firmly protect Niona using her shield and she also used her shield to easily kill the orcs in the group.As for Alisa she was hiding in the shadows after the killing of the orcs archer and would only take action when they needed help.John found more orc teams and finally, Alisa took the lead in killing the orcs alone which made Rose and Lily also want to compete. So they also decided to take action but they found it very hard to kill those orcs as in their berserk state their strength was no joke.As that could be seen after Niona healed their hands frequently.John who was sitting on the chair and was enjoying the show while eating the guava. He also felt that it was necessary to stock the guava again or else he
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Testing The Power Of Energy Ray
John jumped down the rocky mountain and used the web shooter to easily reach the ground.After that, he decided to test the power of charge attack that the energy ray had.Until now, he didn't get a chance to demonstrate it. Hopefully, here he could see its result.So he looked at the cave that was full of orcs and he immediately used the charge mode to charge the energy ray for two seconds and then he released the trigger to only see a beam of light that lasted for a second. As for the orcs that were guarding the entrance were already dead. He took a deep breath to calm his mind as through the goggles, he could see the charge attack penetration damage had increased. Even three orcs behind that orcs had died.So he was excited all of a sudden and then killed the orcs that blew off the horn and alerted everyone of the intruder.John didn't care about it, instead, he stood a hundred meters away from the cave entrance and waited for those orcs to come out. Soon he saw twenty orcs were
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Level 34
John who was knocked to the ground felt that two to three of his ribs were directly shattered and he could even feel that his right leg and right hand had been fractured. He felt the pain like he never felt before. This also made him realize that this was the real world, not the real world. So he must be cautious or else he might be dead.Then he looked at the orcs and found a few of them were petrified on the spot after seeing their chief had been killed.John took a deep breath and took out the green health potion and drank it in one go. He could feel that the pain had eased a bit.Then he began to shoot at the remaining orcs as who knows when they would attack him.After killing those orcs, John looked at the cave that was filled with colorful drops.But instead of walking towards them to pick it up, he began to first drink another green-grade healing potion. He could feel that his right and left legs were healing at a rapid pace. Then he slowly got up but it made him almost breat
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Devouring Ring Mutation
John then carefully explored the cave and with the goggles, he could see that this cave had a small stream, and in addition to that the space inside was huge. So he decided to explore it.With the goggles, he could see that the cave had its ecosystem as if he had entered into an entirely different world.He also found some small trees where there were small animals probably a desert rabbit that could be seen almost all over the place.He then walked inside and while exploring the cave he suddenly encountered a strange stone. He saw this and found it strange as with the goggles he could see that this piece of stone was emitting a strange glow.Its color would change every second and it continued to.This made him curious and he picked it up. Suddenly he felt pain in his head and it lasted for a few seconds and it disappeared.But he then found an additional memory of the strange stone. Its name was Choas Stone. It came from another dimension and it was also the main reason for changin
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Checking The Situation
The girls found that the current aura that John gave was back to normal. But the dangerous feeling he gave them made them feel that he had become stronger again.Alisa suddenly noticed that John's clothes had been torn but she could hardly notice any wound.But Niona from the side said," John you got hurt in this fight right".John was stunned and then he asked," How did you know?".Niona replied," Of course because your clothes have been punctured and this could be done only when you are heavily hit by an object. If my guess is correct then you must be lucky to survive this attack right".Saying so there was a concerned look on her face.The other girls also looked at John and then Lily asked," John are you still hurt then you can tell Niona to heal you".Rose from the side also added," And here someone boasted that you will be alright".Alisa came forward and tore John's upper clothes and they immediately saw a red mark still on his chest area. Seeing this Niona was going to cast h
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John who was thinking of returning suddenly found that someone was approaching him.He took a look at the visitor and found it was Layla and then he also turned on the goggles only to see two more figures that were standing 400 meters apart on top of the mountain.He immediately gave the girls a look and they immediately became silent.Layla approached John and then she asked," John did you clear the dungeon?".John was stunned as she directly asked the question. So he said," Yes".Layla had a dazzled expression and then she said," John did you get the chaos stone?".John immediately made a puzzled look and asked," What is chaos stone?".Layla was stunned and then she asked," Did you not see a colorful stone in the dungeon".John lied without even changing his face," Well I thought it was some kind of egg. So I decided to break it open. But I didn't manage to do it as it disappeared".As soon as he finished speaking Layla's expression became gloomy.She felt that staying on this shitt
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