All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
133 chapters
Chapter 120: Halting Her Escape
As soon as Davina emerged from the intimidating walls of the interrogation room, Damian's heart leaped in his chest, urging him to make his way towards her hastily. The urgency in his steps grew with each passing second, fearing that Davina might slip away before they could talk. Catching a glimpse of her retreating figure, Damian sprinted, his long strides covering the distance in mere moments. Without a second thought, he reached out, his fingers curling around Davina's arm, halting her escape.Caught off guard, Davina turned around, her eyes widening in surprise. The sudden encounter with Damian only brought back the memories of the anguish she had endured because of him. The once familiar face now bore an unsettling, sinister aura to her. "Davina, let's go home," Damian pleaded, his voice laced with longing and desperation.Averting her gaze, Davina took a hesitant step back, shaking her head. "I’m not sure about going home with you," she refused, her voice d
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Chapter 121: Deceived You
This is where Davina finds herself, seeking refuge in Nick's apartment as she desperately tries to avoid returning home to her partner, Damian. Draped in one of Nick's oversized T-shirts, Davina appears lost in her thoughts, constantly drifting away since earlier when she sat at the window seat, captivated by the mesmerizing night view of the city lights that twinkled like distant stars. Perched on the top floor, Nick's apartment offers a vantage point that enhances the scene's beauty below.As Nick made his way into the apartment, he prioritized finishing the work he had put on hold for the past two weeks during his leave. Knowing that Davina needed comfort, he prepared a steaming hot vanilla milk mug, hoping her mood would improve with this simple gesture. Seemingly yearning for solace, Davina didn't hesitate to accept the glass and sipped slowly, allowing warmth to seep into her being."Feeling any better?" Nick inquired, his eyes filled with concern as he observed
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Chapter 122: Finance Director
Marcel's voice trembled with shock and disbelief as he fired questions at his coworker, desperately seeking answers that seemed to elude him. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, suffocating him with each passing second.His eyes, once filled with hope and determination, now mirrored the depths of his despair. A dull ache settled in Marcel's chest as he grappled with the harsh reality that nobody seemed willing to defend his father, regardless of the monetary enticements.Attempting to maintain a facade of confidence, Marcel emphasized the vast amount of wealth at his disposal. His words were met with a dismissive tone, indicating that money alone was not enough to sway their opinions. All the triumphs and the riches he had accumulated throughout his hard work seemed to be dust in the wind.Hope drained from Marcel's eyes, replaced by disbelief and anger as the truth unraveled. The once-glamorous empire his family had built, the foundation that h
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Chapter 123: Paid for All the Harm
Davina couldn't help but be taken aback by the sight of Atlantis appearing in a place where he clearly shouldn't be. Without waiting for an invitation, Atlantis boldly entered his son-in-law's office, instantly causing Davina to sense that his visit wasn't for pleasant reasons.As Atlantis sat on the sofa provided in his daughter-in-law's office, Davina felt a wave of unease wash over her. She had a gut feeling that whatever Atlantis had to say wouldn't be good. Attempting to maintain a formal approach, she politely offered him a drink despite knowing it was unlikely to be accepted."No need," Atlantis curtly dismissed her hospitality. His unfriendly tone hinted at some underlying sarcasm, which Davina couldn't help but notice. She delicately settled herself on the couch across from Atlantis, her mind buzzing with questions about his unexpected visit after months of their unmeet.Their relationship as in-laws had never been particularly close, hardly warranting
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Chapter 124: You Deserve the Freedom
After a long day at work, Davina arrived at Nick's apartment, having chosen to take a taxi instead of her usual mode of transport. Initially, Davina intended to return to her private apartment, which had remained unoccupied for over a year. However, in his unwavering determination, Nick insisted that Davina stay with him until their impending court case concluded. He had promised not to intrude upon her space or rearrange her belongings, going so far as to take charge of cooking meals for her. Nick's objective was to provide Davina with a sense of comfort and security akin to that she would experience within the confines of her familiar abode."Ah, you're home!" Davina exclaimed with a hint of surprise upon witnessing Nick's presence in the kitchen, evidently having just completed the preparation of their evening meal."Yes, please have a seat. Dinner is ready," Nick responded, placing the final course on the dining table with a sense of accomplishment.Upon ent
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Chapter 125: Crowd of Journalists
Today, Damian and Nick arrived at the courthouse alongside Davina, albeit separately, as she had left the law firm immediately. Davina arrived before the others, taking her seat before Damian and Nick entered.Addressing his wife, Damian inquired, "Have you been waiting for long?" Taking a seat beside her, he awaited her response."Not really," Davina replied, her tone lacking warmth.Seated beside his partners, Nick, speaking in a hushed tone, asked, "How are you holding up, Davina?"Davina curtly replied, "I'm as good as you can see."No longer residing in Nick's apartment or Damian's opulent mansion, Davina had chosen to distance herself from both men. At first, she would often find solace in staying late at the office, citing an overwhelming workload. However, Davina eventually decided to sell her old apartment and acquire a new one closer to the law firm. Determined to create an emotional barrier, she had even changed her cellphone and restric
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Chapter 126: Make Her Sacrifice
Clad in an elegant ensemble, Davina stood patiently on the bustling roadside, her eyes scanning the passing taxis in search of one to transport her to her destination. Much to her surprise, her attention was abruptly captivated by the sight of a glorious black car sliding to a graceful halt before her. The sleek vehicle exuded an air of luxury, leaving no doubt that its owner possessed an unrivaled taste for extravagance.As the tinted window slowly descended, revealing Damian's familiar countenance, Davina couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. Accompanying him in the car was none other than his trusted companion, Nick, who, on this particular day, took on the role of chauffeur. It perplexed Davina why Damian did not rely on his usual personal driver.It dawned on Damian that he had fortuitously chanced upon an opportunity to engage in an enthralling conversation with Davina, a chance he couldn't pass up. Opting to depart for the court earlier than usual, he ta
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Chapter 127: Accept the Consequences
Marcel's wry smile played on his lips, knowing that even someone as renowned as Davina, a famous lawyer herself, could not resist the tempting treasure he had presented her. He was well aware of the losses Davina had suffered at his hands and believed that she deserved some compensation from him because Davina was his first love. Instead of waiting for the judge's verdict on how much compensation the victim should receive from the defendant, Davina took matters into her own hands and decided to determine the amount herself. Observing this interaction between his wife and Marcel, Damian's eyebrows furrowed with suspicion as he pondered their unusual communication despite their supposed enmity."Do you think this trial will conclude well?" Damian mumbled under his breath, his doubts creeping in. Nick, who stood close by, caught Damian's words clearly and responded, "Have faith in Claire's lawyer. She undoubtedly has her strategy." Nick urged Damian to trust his wife and her def
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Chapter 128: Nightmare End in Tragedy
"Let's take a short break while the judges deliberate on all the evidence and decide the defendant's sentence." After the Judge's announcement, Davina gathered her things and returned to her seat, trying to maintain her composure. Ignoring Marcel's presence beside her, she focused on the weight of the upcoming decision that would impact her life.But chaos erupted in the courtroom before she could fully process the gravity of the situation. Marcel, once a familiar figure in her life, now held a gun to her temple, turning her into a captive in the blink of an eye. The weapon was he stole from the police who tried to calm him a few minutes ago. The gasps and murmurings of disbelief that rippled through the room were drowned out by the silence that followed."What the fuck are you doing?" she swore.Davina's heart raced in terror as she felt the cold touch of the gun against her skin. However, Marcel's eyes burned with a dangerous intensity, his words cutting throu
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Chapter 129: Seize Control of His Future
The universe seemed to deny Marcel's wish for a swift end as fate intervened, ensuring that the hands of justice still reached out to apprehend him, even after his fateful fall from the towering heights of the building. Despite his plummet, the police officers wasted no time in subduing Marcel and ferrying him away to the hospital for urgent medical attention, unwilling to let him escape the consequences of his actions.As Marcel was whisked away under police custody, Damian and Nick stood by Davina's side, their faces etched with a deep sense of worry and concern. The weight of the day's events hung heavy in the air, the fear of losing the one they held dear gnawing at their hearts as they watched over Davina, her strength and resilience a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.The looming specter of the impending trial cast a shadow over the group, the stark reality of Marcel's heinous act looming large in their minds. It was certain that Marcel's actions would earn him ad
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