All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
133 chapters
Chapter 61: No One Man Can Resist Me
Cheers of triumph erupted from the hardworking individuals dedicated to creating this remarkable product. Overwhelmed with pride, Damian reveled in the success of this venture that he had overseen firsthand.Davina could hear the excited chatter of her colleagues, all basking in the glory of their collective achievement."Incredible! We've made a million dollars in just ten minutes," one employee exclaimed proudly."All those late nights and overtime were worth it for this new product," another employee declared, moved and inspired."I can finally sleep peacefully tonight," a relieved employee said.Taking hold of the microphone, Damian addressed the crowd, instantly commanding their attention."Thank you, every one of you, for your hard work. I want to extend a special thanks to those who contributed to developing WW Technology's latest technological masterpiece. And, of course, I must express my gratitude to our shareholders and directors who entrusted me with this responsibility. R
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Chapter 62: How Did You Find Out?
Nick's brow furrowed as Davina abruptly averted her gaze. Suppressing a chuckle, he observed her covert glances before retrieving a hidden bouquet of flowers from beneath the table. However, that was not all. Davina also grabbed a plate and deftly loaded it with cookies and cakes.Recognizing Davina's struggle to balance the bouquet and plate in her hands, Nick intervened and took hold of the plate."Let me hold that," he offered.A smile graced Davina's lips as she added a few more cookies to the plate in Nick's hand. It would be rather embarrassing for her to handle it while appearing famished.Following Nick's lead, Davina ventured into an unoccupied room. He placed the cake plate on the table, allowing Davina to savor her treat more efficiently."Thanks," Davina expressed her gratitude before settling into a chair.She placed the bouquet of flowers on the adjacent seat and eagerly claimed the first slice of cake. During the previous WW Technology company event, Davina hadn't had t
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Chapter 63: The Progress Isn't Promising
A few weeks after the new product launch event for WW Technology, Damian was back to his usual routine as CEO, pursuing new targets. In the meeting room that afternoon, he sat with some of his employees, including Maggie.One of the employees, curious about Damian's appointment as CEO, posed the question. Damian paused for a moment, listening to Marcel's explanation, which was supported by two others. Damian had been able to gather evidence proving their involvement in the corruption case that had plagued WW Technology. It was now clear to him, Maggie, and the other employees that their deceitful collaboration had been laid bare."So, do you highly recommend acquiring this land to build a branch of WW Technology?" Damian confirmed, addressing the employee who had assisted Marcel."Yes, strategically speaking, it's in a prime location with easy access to transportation and public facilities. And despite that, the price is reasonable," the employee explained.Damian smirked. The stateme
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Chapter 64: Her Unexpected Guest
"As I recall, you were Damian's secretary, right?" Maggie inquired."Yes, I am his personal secretary. I brought you here for you to answer my questions, not for you to ask me," Nick replied coldly.Maggie scrutinized Nick from head to toe, noticing his evident frustration. Nick sounded ignorant as if Damian hadn't informed him about their plans with the police."What information can you expect from a low-ranking employee who holds no influence in a company of this magnitude?" Maggie couldn't provide Nick with any substantial insight."Why did Damian reserve a table at the restaurant for you?" Nick interrogated."You know I was trying to get close to Marcel. Perhaps the CEO wanted to facilitate that," Maggie honestly explained.The alcohol Maggie consumed at the bar and the luxurious room she had booked for Marcel was all courtesy of Damian. Maggie hadn't spent a dime to get closer to Marcel."So, what information did you gather from Marcel?" Nick inquired.Maggie hesitated, contempla
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Chapter 65: What Did You Steal?
Damian gripped Davina's shoulders, his eyes roaming over her, ensuring she was unscathed. "I witnessed Mrs. Smith exiting your law firm. Is she causing trouble for you?""I'm fine. We were conversing in my office," Davina responded.Damian enveloped Davina with his arm and steered her towards the car. As of late, he returned home without Nick, only accompanied by the private driver. Damian had arranged a new job for Nick, necessitating him to travel frequently on Damian's business."What were you discussing?" Damian queried.Damian gave Davina a sip of his purchased smoothie before collecting her from work. Davina accepted it with a smile, grateful for the attention that lifted her spirits, dampened by Mrs. Smith."Not much. Just some small talk," Davina took a sip of the smoothie as the car cruised steadily, her gaze fixed on the highway."Aren't you and Mrs. Smith distant enough to engage in mere small talk?" Damian frowned.Having once been Mrs. Smith's son-in-law, Damian comprehen
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Chapter 66: When They’re in Jail
Damian closely observed Camille and Marcel's every move through the surveillance camera connected to his cell phone. He effortlessly sipped on his latte while waiting for Davina to finish her shower.Damian promptly sent a text message to the security guard, instructing him to come to his office immediately. Suppressing a laugh, Damian relished in the shock displayed on Marcel and Camille's faces as they were caught red-handed by the security guard.Three security guards descended upon Camille and Marcel, shining their flashlights directly at them. "What is your purpose in the CEO's office? What have you stolen?" they interrogated."We haven't stolen anything!" Camille exclaimed in panic."I am the finance director of this company. How dare you accuse us of stealing?" Marcel tried to remain composed.The duo had imagined the safe in Damian's office filled with large sums of cash, essential documents, or even gold bars. To their surprise, the safe contained nothing but a loose disc. Th
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Chapter 67: Did you think I borrowed it?
Nick sighed as he caught sight of Camille and Marcel in the security room. They both appeared foolish at that moment. He tapped on the window, using his index finger to signal the security guard to come over."Did you two find the stolen items?" Nick began questioning the security guard."No, we didn't. We didn't come across any documents, money, or anything else. And honestly, we're not even sure what we're supposed to be looking for. Can you tell us what the CEO lost?" the security guard inquired."Never mind that. It's not an important item. The young master has instructed us to wait another three and a half hours before releasing them," Nick replied."Is the CEO not planning to report them to the police?""Not necessary. It's getting late. I'll treat you guys to a late-night snack. Thank you for your hard work," Nick said as he handed a few bills to the security guard."Thank you, Secretary Nick." The security guard was pleased to earn some extra money during his shift.Nick hurri
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Chapter 68: Let's Go on a Date Today
Damian awoke earlier than Davina, but instead of immediately getting out of bed, he lay there dreamily watching her peaceful sleeping face. Slowly, Davina opened her eyes, and Damian greeted her with a question."Good morning. Did you sleep well?"Davina blinked her eyes several times in an attempt to fully wake up before nodding her head in response. “Yeah, I slept well.”"Let's go on a date today," Damian invited, to which Davina glanced at the wall clock that read nine in the morning."Lunch?" she asked."Yes, lunch. I know you'll need time to get ready," Damian smiled as he affectionately ruffled Davina's hair.Curious about their plans, Davina asked, "Where are we going on our date today?" as she mentally debated what clothes to wear."We're going somewhere fancy," Damian replied, causing Davina to quickly rise from the bed and excitedly head to the bathroom to get ready. Meanwhile, Damian shifted to a sitting position and reached for his phone to call Maggie.Unbeknownst to Davi
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Chapter 69: Go Ahead and Try
"What lipstick are you using?" Damian inquired, his finger gently brushing Davina's lips, eradicating any remnants of his saliva. "The color hasn't even faded a bit.""Damian, we are in a public place," she whispered frantically, her panic and realization of their current surroundings setting in. Davina felt a surge of embarrassment as this was her first time engaging in public displays of affection like this.Quickly retreating to her seat, her face flushed with embarrassment, Davina couldn't help but feel surprised despite their history of kissing. It would be a lie to say she didn't enjoy it.He was teasingly chuckling at Davina's shy reaction. Davina resembled a teenager in love for the first time, momentarily forgetting they were approaching their thirties.Maggie arched both eyebrows, observing Marcel's sudden change in expression. She could sense an unsettling aura emanating from him as he forcefully sliced through the steak, venting his frustration. Marcel disliked witnessing
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Chapter 70: One by One
Marcel swung the apartment door open, inviting Maggie to step inside. Unbeknownst to her, this was not Marcel's dwelling but rather the extravagant penthouse belonging to Davina's apartment, now under Marcel's control.Maggie's eyes widened in awe as she took in the sight of the penthouse apartment. If she examined the interior more closely, it became evident that a woman resided there. Maggie scrutinized every corner, her attention captured by even the smallest of ornaments."Stop snooping around. There's nothing of interest here," Marcel remarked, his voice laced with irritation."I'm simply mesmerized by your luxurious abode. Are you renting?" Maggie asked, her gaze fixated on the colossal bookshelf before her. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the array of captivating legal cases and thought-provoking social issues presented in the various books. A wry smile tugged at her lips as she noticed an award proudly displayed in the name of Davina Claire.Marcel poured himself a glass
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