All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
133 chapters
Chapter 71: In The Stage Show
After Davina returned from the restaurant, she found solace in the rooftop garden of the grand mansion, indulging in the provided snacks. Meanwhile, upon receiving a message from Maggie, Damian discreetly stashed his cell phone in the pocket of his pants."Davina, may I borrow your laptop for a moment? I have a small task that requires my attention. Nick took my office laptop while covering for me during my absence for a client meeting. I want to use your laptop as a secondary screen," Damian implored.Without needing Damian to elaborate, Davina readily offered her precious laptop to him without a hint of suspicion. "Feel free to use my laptop on the sofa. It doesn't have a password," she replied."In that case, I will focus on my work for a while. Feel free to reach out to me whenever you need me. I'll be in my workroom," Damian stated.Davina nodded briefly, understanding that she shouldn't disturb Damian as he labored. Damian made a pit stop in the bedroom before retreating to his
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Chapter 72: You Should Treat Me
Damian entered the private room he had rented. Inside, Maggie sat at the dining table, indulging in her meal. The table was adorned with an assortment of food and alcohol."You're certainly enjoying your meal," Damian remarked.Maggie chewed her food and swallowed before responding. "At least you have the luxury of dining peacefully with your beautiful wife. Since morning, I haven't been able to eat properly."Damian chuckled. "Take your time. Order as much as you want. It's on me.""You should treat me, considering the amount of effort I put in today," Maggie grumbled before voraciously devouring a piece of sushi.Damian poured champagne into their glasses."Cheers to our best actress," Damian praised Maggie for her remarkable performance."I hope I never have to go through that again. I'm not interested," Maggie replied irritably, clinking her glass with Damian's.They toasted to the strength of their partnership. Damian breathed a sigh of relief after quickly finishing his glass of
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Chapter 73: If You Didn’t Love Her
Maggie let out a long, contemplative hum while savoring her dessert. "To be honest, as a woman, I truly admire Davina. There's an indescribable aura about her. She exudes beauty and charm. Even though her demeanor may not be the friendliest, it adds to her image as a girl boss. I appreciate Davina's strong character, probably honed through her profession as a lawyer. However, I also sense her sorrow, her loneliness, buried deep within her," she concluded, her voice tinged with empathy.Maggie let out a deep sigh before continuing her train of thought. "Even now, I can't wrap my head around that Davina and Camille are best friends. You've shown me much evidence, like the security footage of Camille slapping Davina. I swear, my hair stood on end when she yanked it. It's like they're two peas in a pod - a sociopathic man and a crazy woman. No wonder they get along so well."Damian smiled in response to Maggie's opinion and raised his glass in a toast to signify their agreement. "Seems li
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Chapter 74: You’ll End Up Hurting Her
Damian was on the verge of reaching for his fork when he caught the faint sound of his cell phone chiming, alerting him to a newly received text message. His brow furrowed as he glanced at the screen to read the message.Maggie: I thought Davina chose to marry you because she genuinely cared for you. I said this as a woman, and there’s a big chance she is falling in love with you. Will your vengeful plan still be necessary when love exists between you?In the next instant, Damien's phone vibrated with another incoming message.Maggie: I worry that someday you'll end up hurting her. Davina has endured immeasurable pain in the past, and I implore you to reconsider the intricacies of your plan so as not to inflict any more harm upon her. I cannot bear to witness her suffering once again.As Davina approached the dining room, Damian carefully set his phone on the table and eagerly tucked into his breakfast."Good morning," Davina greeted cheerfully as she entered the kitchen."Morning. Co
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Chapter 75: Heartless Bastards
"Fuck!" exclaimed Camille in frustration as she entered her house. With a forceful slam, Camille vented her anger by tossing her belongings. Opening the refrigerator, she grabbed several beer cans. Settling onto the sofa, Camille began to consume the contents of each can, hoping that the alcohol would ease the boiling anger within.Even after drinking five cans, Camille remained fully conscious, her mind still clear."Damn them. Marcel, Damian... heartless bastards! Did they honestly expect me to stand idly by as they betrayed and degraded me?" Camille exclaimed, her anger dissipating into exhaustion.How could they believe she would passively accept their betrayal and degradation? Energy depleted, Camille lost track of how many beer cans she consumed. Overwhelmed with sorrow, she longed to shatter the world and everything within it. She wanted to curse the universe for its creation of such wretched men like Marcel and Damian, who had poisoned her life.Finally, exhausted and defeated
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Chapter 76: Your Lucky Day
Davina emerged from the client's house and spotted Damian's private driver patiently waiting for her. She rapped on the window, prompting the driver to roll it down."I apologize for keeping you waiting for such a long time. How about you grab lunch while I go with the client to investigate another location?" Davina suggested.This wasn't so much about the driver being burdened by waiting for his employer for hours, but rather the employer feeling burdened by being waited on. Since hiring a private driver, Davina felt less independent than before."I'm sorry, Ma'am, but Mr. Wilson instructed me not to let you go alone," the driver responded."Come on, I'm not going alone. I'll go with my client. I had initially planned to take the train since I knew this business trip would take a long. It feels unfair to make you wait in the car all day," Davina attempted to negotiate, though she knew it was unlikely to succeed.Damian's private driver, unlike Davina's own, rarely allowed negotiation
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Flashback: How It All Began
Twelve years ago, in the halls of the prestigious high school, Camille reigned as the epitome of popularity. Her flawless body and natural beauty mesmerized those around her, even without makeup. Yet, Camille opted for the subtle enhancement of natural makeup, showcasing her allure most effortlessly. Her long, cascading hair perpetually hung loose, adorned with gentle waves that added an ethereal touch to her appearance. Camille effortlessly commanded attention from all who looked at her, and her presence alone could captivate the hearts of many. However, her loyal and studious best friend, Davina Claire, stood amidst Camille's reign. While Camille's style leaned towards the eccentric, Davina exuded an air of tidiness, always wearing neat pigtails. Davina never parted with her glasses, which accentuated her pale face—a testament to her minimal use of facial treatments. Davina and Camille were inseparable, their bond forged from years of shared adventures and mutual understanding. Th
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Chapter 77: That's My Plan
"What? You're not going to sue Camille?" Nick's surprise was evident when he heard Damian's next plan. Damian nodded, confidently answering Nick's question. "Yes, I have no intention of suing her." "Why?" Nick couldn't help but wonder about Damian's decision. Leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms, Damian moved the chair back and forth while muttering. "For now, that's my plan. Camille is heartbroken because Marcel found another woman," Damian casually explained. Nick furrowed his brow, realizing there was a piece of information he had missed. "Marcel betrayed Camille?" Damian confirmed it. "Why are you so surprised? Can't you believe it?" Nick remained silent, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "Maggie? Did you use Maggie to make Marcel leave Camille?" "That's correct," Damian replied excitedly. Returning to his work, Damian picked up one of the documents requiring his signature. "But I still reserve the option to sue Camille if the situation calls for it and i
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Chapter 78: Any Doubts About Damian
Davina had completed all her tasks for the day without even stepping outside the law firm building. She had even requested that some of her clients meet her directly at the office. She made it a point to minimize leaving the premises during working hours.As Irene emerged from the toilet, she stopped upon seeing Davina busy making coffee in the office pantry. Curiosity piqued, Irene approached Davina and spoke up."Ah, I see you've made coffee for the third time today. Isn't that a bit excessive?" Irene asked, suddenly intrigued.Davina greeted Irene with a warm smile. "I have an overwhelming number of documents to read. Everything seems to have lost its appeal. I've been feeling unusually tired these days."Understanding Davina's predicament, Irene nodded sympathetically."Would you like some coffee too?" Davina kindly offered.Irene politely declined and had a better suggestion in mind. She put her arm around Davina and proposed an idea."You don't seem to be in the best mood. How a
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Chapter 79: Setting Me Up with Someone
Nick arrived at the bar an hour earlier than Damian as they had planned. Eager to observe the unfolding events, Nick settled onto a barstool and ordered a glass of whiskey, though he did not intend to consume it.As Nick surveyed the surroundings, he couldn't help but notice that the atmosphere seemed unusual for the typically refined and exclusive bar. Something was different about the crowd gathered that evening, and Nick couldn't quite put his finger on it.His attention, however, quickly shifted when a movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. It was Damian, entering the establishment accompanied by none other than Maggie. This unexpected development sparked confusion and surprise within Nick, manifesting as a furrowed brow and a dropped jaw."Maggie? Why would she be here with Damian? They seem so close," Nick murmured, struggling to make sense of the situation. From his vantage point, there was no visible evidence of a romantic relationship between Maggie and Damia
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