All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
199 chapters
Chapter 51During their meeting, he explained the details to her in a professional and composed manner, his words delivered with precision. She listened attentively, nodding in understanding as he made note of all the necessary corrections. Upon completion, she promised to have her personal assistant address the issues and assured him of her diligent oversight before finalizing the project.Her words brought a sense of relief to him, and he expressed his satisfaction with a touch of excitement. "Well, I must say, I am truly impressed by the effort you put into everything. And your swift action outdoors? That almost felt like a sweet revenge for me," he remarked, a hint of lightheartedness in his tone. She reciprocated with a warm smile, pleased by his acknowledgment of her efforts.During their conversation, she playfully bantered, suggesting that she would shoulder the blame if her personal assistant were present, predicting that he would enforce a formal apology from her. Her words
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Chapter 52Bryan was insistent on not allowing them to take her away. His expression was a mixture of anger and determination as he stood between the officers and the person they were trying to apprehend. "Wow! You think you can just arrest me based on her order," she exclaimed defiantly, her voice filled with outrage. "She started the violence, I am not going to take this. I am getting my lawyer." She grabbed her phone, fingers shaking in anger as she dialed her lawyer's number. However, before she could finish the call, one of the officers swiftly intervened and told her she couldn't make the call. The tension in the room escalated as the standoff continued and the situation grew more intense. Bryan's resolve to protect her only seemed to strengthen as the stand-off between the officers and the woman showed no signs of resolution.Bryan's voice was calm and reassuring as he addressed Mrs. Jerrie, seeking to ease her worries. "Mrs. Jerrie, you don't have to worry. I am coming with y
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Chapter 53"Yes sir," she said firmly, her brow furrowed in concern. "I thought I didn't need it. I don't want the money to go to waste, and I also thought I am under stress like you suggested. Thanks to the therapist.""But sir, are you sure everything is okay?" she demanded, her voice tinged with doubt. He nodded in response, as if she could see his reassurance.Realizing she wasn't physically there, he spoke up confidently. "Don't worry about us, just hold the company. We will be back soon," he said resolutely before ending the call.As they arrived at the station, both parties stepped out of their vehicles. Mrs. Jerrie was escorted inside by the police, with Bryan following closely behind, his concern evident.After a few minutes, Mrs. Jerrie was called in for questioning, and Bryan decided to accompany her. However, Sam intervened, addressing Bryan sternly."This is a police station, not a company where you can give orders for everyone to follow. The detective called her, not you
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Chapter 54The detective offered a hasty apology, his words delivered with a touch of tension. "I'm sorry, perhaps I didn't express it clearly. I simply meant to emphasize that physical altercations are inappropriate in a professional setting." He adjusted his demeanor swiftly, adopting a more conciliatory tone. Bryan smiled in response. "We're not intending to reprimand you, just highlighting the importance of thorough investigations in the future." His smile, however, appeared forced, causing a subtle unease among the police officers present.Bryan recounted the incident with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. "The story goes like this: I had invited Mrs. Jerrie here for business, but due to an unexpected absence, she was met by my director, who harbored personal grievances with her. This situation quickly escalated into a heated argument, culminating in Mrs. Jerrie attempting to strike my director. However, with her quick reflexes, she dodged the blow and retaliated with a well
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Chapter 55After a long day at work, Bryan arrived home to find his grandmother, Grandma Creston, engaged in a heated conversation with Lisa, who was looking elegant in a stylish outfit and had her child by her side, all set for an important event.Curious about the tension in the room, Bryan approached Grandma Creston and inquired, "What's the matter, Grandma? Why do you seem so concerned?" In response, she gestured towards Lisa with a troubled expression."It seems she's making arrangements for Sam's wedding without consulting us. Sam is also my grandson, and I can't understand why she is being so secretive and unreasonable about it," Grandma Creston exclaimed passionately.Bryan, sensing the gravity of the situation, walked closer to his grandmother, ready to offer support and address the growing conflict within the family.Bryan, with a calm yet assertive tone, attempted to diffuse the escalating tension in the room by addressing his agitated grandmother. "Grandma, perhaps Lisa be
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Plan failed
Chapter 56Lisa couldn't believe she just ruined the carefully laid-out plan she had spent hours devising in a matter of mere seconds. The frustration boiled within her, and she cursed silently under her breath, unwilling to voice her inner turmoil.As she grappled with her own vexation, a voice pierced through her thoughts. "I know deep within you want to curse me. You're free to do so. Just remember not to cross me again," came the stern warning from her adversary. With a resolute expression, she turned on her heel and marched out of the living room, leaving a palpable tension in her wake.Bryan, witnessing the exchange, let out a chuckle that betrayed his amusement. With a nonchalant shrug, he strolled back to his apartment, content with the chaos he had unknowingly stirred. The room soon emptied as each person retreated to their respective quarters, simmering with anger and unresolved feelings from the heated confrontation.Bryan sauntered into the dimly lit bar, seeking solace in
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Keeping the flow
Chapter 57"Nope, I think I was angry because he never officially asked me to be his girlfriend, and it happened right in front of his friends," Elena confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. The lack of a formal declaration of their relationship status had left a lingering sense of unease, compounded by the public nature of the intimate gesture that had unfolded before their peers.Her admission was accompanied by a nod, a silent acknowledgment of the tangled web of emotions that had clouded her judgment in that poignant moment. The blend of anger and overwhelm echoed in her words, a poignant reminder of the intricate dance of emotions that had gripped her heart."So, did you pick a fight with him?" he inquired, his voice gentle and curious. In response, a small smile graced Elena's lips, a flicker of amusement dancing in her eyes. The notion of confronting him in anger had crossed her mind, but she found solace in the warmth of his understanding gaze.In that fleetin
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Chapter 58Bryan's eyes lingered on Elena's retreating figure, her words echoing in his mind. Maybe she was right after all. Maybe they didn't deserve peace of mind, especially when they seemed intent on disrupting it themselves.Taking a deep breath, Bryan turned away from the scene and made his way back to his villa, the weight of Elena's words heavy on his conscience. Once inside, he decided to bury himself in work to distract himself. But just as he was about to immerse himself in the tasks at hand, a message from Betty popped up on his phone, pulling him back into the present.*Are you free,* the message read. Bryan glanced at the time and realized it was already late, well past bedtime. Betty should have been asleep by now, yet here she was reaching out to him, her message a beckoning call in the darkness of the night.Bryan's fingers hovered over his phone as he read Betty's message. "Why did you ask?" he typed, curiosity bubbling within him. It wasn't long before her response
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Chapter 59The tension in the air crackled as the words hung heavy between them. "If you aren't going to give the phone to Alora, then you aren't in a position to talk to me. I am hanging up," he stated firmly, his voice laced with authority and a touch of frustration, Bryan's tone oozing through the phone line.In response, a threatening edge crept into the other person's voice. "Hang up and welcome your doom to your doorstep because I am going to get rid of all your family," the ominous words whispered through the receiver, sending a shiver down the girl's spine on the other end. Fear gripped her as she realized the severity of the situation unfolding before her.The room grew colder, the air heavy with the weight of the escalating confrontation. The threat lingered, lingering like a dark cloud over the conversation, casting a shadow of unease over both of them. The sharp exchange of words painted a picture of a conflict on the brink of eruption, leaving a lingering tension in the a
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Chapter 60He faced Betty with a furrowed brow, his voice tinged with frustration. "Aren't you supposed to take this seriously?" he asked, a hint of annoyance in his tone. She met his gaze with a playful glint in her eye, clearly amused by his concern."We've been practicing hard since morning," she explained casually, a smile dancing on her lips. "We're just taking a short break." His scoff of disbelief revealed his lack of awareness of the break, but even so, he found it difficult to reign in his rising anger at the situation.Watching Betty share a moment of laughter with another guy only added fuel to the fire of his unease. The way she interacted with him sparked a sense of question in his mind, stirring up a mix of jealousy and suspicion that clouded his thoughts.As he uttered the words, "Sorry for that, I should take my leave," he turned on his heel and swiftly exited the room, leaving an uncomfortable silence in his wake.As he stepped out into the cool evening air, he was co
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