All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
199 chapters
Planning wedding
Chapter 41"Aish, how dare he lay his foolish hands on me? That imbecile has crossed a line," Sam shouted angrily, his face flushed with anger and frustration. His emotions were running high, and he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of such disrespect.As Sam seethed in anger, Lisa, always calculating and one step ahead, approached him and lightly tapped his back, attempting to soothe his intense emotions. Her motives, though masked by a gesture of support, seemed to be driven by ulterior motives."He's biting off more than he can chew," Lisa whispered, her voice dripping with calculated assurance. "Don't let this shake you. We need to handle this situation strategically. Our main goal is to win over the shareholders and secure our positions. Focus on that. Oh, and make sure not to get into any fights with Jessica just yet," she advised, her words laced with a hint of scheming intent. It became clear that Lisa had her own agenda at play, using this chaotic situation to f
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Chapter 42Charles approached Lisa's sleek, black car, and opened the door, climbing in without hesitation. Lisa, already seated behind the steering wheel, looked up at Charles with an air of authority. Leaning forward, she demanded, "Where's it?" Her tone suggested impatience, not leaving space for pleasantries. In response, Charles reached into his briefcase and retrieved a document, handing it over to Lisa. She swiftly accepted it, her focus laser sharp as she opened it and began scanning its contents. As she finished, she acknowledged Charles with a curt nod. "Good job, thank you for this," she muttered, slipping the document into her bag. Pulling out an envelope, Lisa passed it to Charles. Without a hint of warmth, she stated matter-of-factly, "That's your balance." Her words hinted at future dealings, as she ominously added, "I will call you soon for something else." With that, Charles received the envelope and silently exited the car.As Lisa's vehicle sped away, a mischievou
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Chapter 43Bryan sat at his desk in his dimly lit office, his eyes fixed on the computer screen. The room had an air of tension, thick with the apprehension that had been lingering since yesterday. Betty, his colleague and friend, had been acting unusually nervous, and Bryan couldn't shake the curious curiosity that clawed at him. In a bid to find solace, he had shared his concerns with his therapist, hoping for some clarity and guidance.As his fingers hovered over the phone to call Betty and dig deeper into the enigma, a sharp knock resonated through the stillness of the office. Bryan turned his gaze towards the door, his heart pounding in anticipation. With a sigh, he allowed the intruder to enter, wondering who would dare disrupt his contemplation.To his utter surprise, Jessica - an acquaintance he knew all too well - stepped into his office, her presence instantly igniting a flicker of annoyance within him. Bryan stood up abruptly, his face a mask of anger and disbelief."What a
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Chapter 44Bryan fell into silence for several minutes, his contemplation evident in the furrowed lines on his forehead. Finally, he broke the silence, his voice tinged with skepticism. "I am in, that's if I can trust you," he said in a dismissive tone.Recognizing the need to gain his trust, Jessica was quick to assign him a task. Her demeanor turned serious as she spoke. "What will you have me do? Mentioned, and I will look into it," she said, her voice carrying a weight of determination.Bryan paused momentarily, gathering his thoughts. "There's something I've been trying to figure out," he began, his voice lowered. "Lisa has been suspiciously withdrawing money from the company and eliminating all traces of evidence. I need your help to uncover the truth."As he finished speaking, Bryan extended his hand in a gesture of collaboration. With a hint of a dismissive smirk, Jessica shook hands with him, acknowledging the challenge ahead."Consider it done," Jessica replied confidently,
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Chapter 45 Feeling both puzzled and frustrated by his misunderstanding, Betty was taken aback by his suggestion that she needed therapy. Her heart raced with a mix of emotions as she struggled to convey her true feelings to him. "I appreciate your concern, but I assure you, I'm perfectly fine. There's no need for therapy," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. His confident smirk only added to her bewilderment. As he persisted, offering to cover the cost of therapy, Betty found herself at a loss for words. Inwardly, she couldn't help but question his perception of her emotional state. Was he truly oblivious to the depth of her feelings for him? Unable to contain her inner monologue, Betty muttered under her breath, unaware that her words carried further than intended. "Why does he think I need therapy? Is he incapable of seeing the love in my eyes? How can he confuse romantic affection with a need for professional help?" The questions swirled in her mind, a jumble
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Getting back
Chapter 46As Bryan and President Asher exited the car, a swarm of reporters rushed towards them, bombarding them with questions. President Asher swiftly positioned himself between the reporters and Bryan, creating a barrier. "Mr. Bryan Creston, are you here for the release of Mr. Wyatt Wesley or what?" one reporter inquired, prompting Bryan to decisively grab the microphone from one of themThe man stood tall, his gaze unwavering as he addressed the group before him. "Is it really necessary for all of you to create chaos in your everyday lives?" he questioned, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "As journalists, must you document every detail, every nuance in your articles?"A sense of defiance filled the room as he continued, his words laced with a mix of determination and weariness. "I know that soon I will be on the internet for all to see, but I couldn't care less. No one can drag me down, for I have already been dragged through the mud my entire life," he declared confidently.
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Why delaying the divorce paper
Chapter 47The man attempted to offer an explanation, his words carrying a hint of defensiveness as he sought to justify his actions. "You know all that was said in the heat of the moment," he began, his tone attempting to downplay the gravity of his previous statements. "I said those things to spur you on, to push you to excel. If I hadn't guided you with a firm hand, how could you have become the leader you are today?" His words were laced with a sense of self-assurance, a subtle pride in his own methods and a lack of remorse for the impact they may have had.Despite his attempts at persuasion, the underlying lack of empathy in his tone was unmistakable, his pride overshadowing any semblance of genuine regret. The room hung heavy with unresolved tension, the unspoken expectations and unaddressed grievances lingering between the two figures as they navigated the delicate balance of power and personal dynamics.The room fell into a tense silence as President Asher interjected, his aut
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Being clueless
Chapter 48Alicia's heart raced as she chased after Bryan, determined to halt him before he could slip into the driver's seat. "Bryan, why are you doing this?" she called out to him, her voice tinged with desperation.To her dismay, Bryan turned to face her with a self-satisfied smirk. "Are you really asking me that, Alicia?" he retorted, the icy glare in his eyes cutting through her. His tone dripped with contempt as he continued, "You know exactly why. Don't pretend to be so clueless."Struggling to keep her composure, Alicia pleaded with him, "Please, just stop this. There's no need to escalate things further. I've already apologized." Her words carried a hint of defiance, yet beneath the facade, she felt no twinge of regret.A tense silence lingered between Alicia and Bryan as she held onto his hand, determined to have her voice heard. With a mix of anger and sadness, she searched his eyes for a sign of understanding. Bryan's words cut deep as he spoke with a callous tone, "Do yo
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Chapter 49Bryan's emotions flared as he tried to convey his heartfelt desire to visit his late father's grave. "I don't know why you are making all this a big deal," he exclaimed, frustration coloring his words. "All I am trying to say is that I want to visit his grave, give him a flower, and say some words."President Asher, relieved by Bryan's clarification, responded with a gentle smile. "Oh, is that it. I thought you wanted to speak with him, like face to face. Then let's go get the flower first," he suggested, his tone light and understanding. With a renewed sense of purpose, Bryan nodded, starting the engine as they made their way to the mall to pick out a flower for his father's grave.As they arrived at the mall, Bryan and President Asher stepped out of the car, ready to pick out a flower for Bryan's father's grave. President Asher lent a helping hand, guiding Bryan through the selection of flowers."Did you think he would like this?" Bryan inquired, holding up a vibrant bloo
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Slapping Lisa
Chapter 50As he bowed his head in quiet prayer, the son pleaded with his father, "Dad, please shield the company from Lisa's malevolent schemes." The words were whispered softly yet carried the weight of a son's deep concern. With a heavy heart, he turned to President Asher and quietly signaled that it was time for their departure.Silently exiting the room, father and son made their way towards the waiting car, leaving behind a tense atmosphere. During the drive back to the company, they discussed strategies to safeguard the business from Lisa's sinister intentions. Upon their arrival, they were met with a scene of conflict: Lisa engaged in a heated argument with Mrs. Jerrie, the longstanding employee known for her dedication to the company. The tension in the air was palpable as the two women clashed, each defending their position fiercely.With a work-related purpose in mind, Bryan had extended an invitation to his partner to jointly prepare for the upcoming launch and assess the
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