All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
199 chapters
Sudden Insterest
Chapter 31Lisa leaned back in her chair, her voice tinged with casual indifference. "When you are done nagging," she said, her gaze fixed and unaffected, "you can use the exit." Her words lingered in the air, devoid of any sign of guilt or unease. Despite the accusations being hurled at her, Lisa's demeanor remained composed, as if she were untouched by the mounting tension in the room.Bryan's voice seethed with anger as he confronted her, his tone laden with frustration and certainty. "Isn't it obvious that you are the culprit?" he retorted, his words a sharp indictment. He powered through his accusation, refusing to accept any facade of innocence that Lisa attempted to maintain. The atmosphere crackled with unresolved tension as their exchange continued, each word laden with accusation and denial."Bring the proof," Lisa said coolly, her voice retaining its nonchalant cadence, "and I will accept I am the culprit." Her words hung in the air, challenging Bryan's accusations as she f
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Taking things slowly
Chapter 32"I am sorry," Hannah hastily interjected, her voice tinged with regret, "I think we should get straight to business." Sensing the urgency, she took a step back, motioning for him to continue their conversation.He maintained a stoic expression, wasting no time with pleasantries. "So, why are you here? Straight to the point, I have an appointment," he declared, his gaze unwavering.Pausing briefly, Hannah composed herself before responding, her voice carrying a hint of determination. "I am here because of the contract," she stated, her words hanging in the air.Bryan's lips curled into a faint smile as he absorbed her words. The soft chuckle that followed hinted at the complexities of the situation, causing Hannah's conviction to waver for a moment."So you now think you can walk into my office and talk trash," he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. The harshness of his words hung heavily in the air, casting an uncomfortable atmosphere over the room. Hannah, caught off
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Lisa's tricks
Chapter 33Lisa sat at her office desk when Sam entered, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. He approached her table, taking a seat directly across from her. "Mom, I've been hearing some rumors, and I thought I should ask you about them," Sam began, looking earnestly at his mother. Lisa lifted her head, meeting his gaze with a composed expression."Rumors? What are they saying?" she demanded, though her face betrayed a hint of indifference. There was a touch of steel in her voice, a subtle indication that she was prepared to defend herself.Sam took a deep breath, his words cautious yet determined. "Are you really the one withdrawing the money? And if so, what is it for? I overheard Betty talking to President Asher about it," he revealed, his curiosity driving him to seek the truth. Lisa couldn't help but let out a chuckle, her reaction hinting at a confidence that belied the seriousness of the situation."You are unbelievable," Lisa protested, her voice dripping with frus
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Chapter 34Betty walked into Bryan's office, her steps echoing softly on the polished floors. She donned a professional attire that exuded confidence and elegance. With a slight bow of her head, she greeted him in a respectful manner."Good morning, Mr. Chairman," she said, her voice filled with professionalism and warmth. Bryan, in turn, broke into a congenial smile, acknowledging her presence."Good morning, Betty," he replied, his tone amiable and inviting. Curiosity made its way into his voice as he inquired about their plans for the day."Did we have any schedule for today?" he asked, genuinely interested. Betty nodded positively, her knowledge of their agenda evident."Yes, we have a meeting with J's Fashion Hall," she began, her voice steady and clear. "Additionally, we are to go through the hall that we will be using for our upcoming launch."Bryan nodded in understanding, his expression reflecting readiness to tackle the tasks at hand. Their shared determination to ensure a s
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Chapter 35He stood up from his desk, his phone still in hand. Taking a moment to ensure he appeared presentable, he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, adjusting any disheveled details. With a swift motion, he tucked his hands into his pockets, ready to make his way out of the office.Confident and self-assured, Bryan walked with an air of authority as he made his way through the hallway. The sound of his shoes echoed, marking his presence in each step. Approaching the elevator, he encountered a lady waiting there, but he chose not to engage in conversation, maintaining his serious expression. Without hesitation, he entered the elevator and continued on his way.The lady couldn't help but admire Bryan's striking handsomeness as she stood next to him in the elevator. She felt a strong desire to say hello, to engage him in conversation, but Bryan's focused demeanor and lack of invitation prevented her from seizing the opportunity. Out of nowhere, the elevator suddenly jerked and
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Who are you?
Chapter 36"Did you realize who you are talking to?" he demanded, his voice carrying an air of authority. The lady chuckled, her eyes reflecting displeasure as she seemed unimpressed by his question."Who are you? I told you my boyfriend is the young master of this company," she said, her tone laced with pride and self-assurance. Despite her declaration, Bryan made a conscious decision to ignore her instead, refusing to engage in the futile exchange."I will just pretend I don't see someone talking," he sassed with a hint of sarcasm, his eyebrows raised in amusement. The elevator came to a sudden halt, forcing Bryan to reach out and press the button for the ground floor. As the elevator doors opened, he stepped out, ready to continue with his day.To his surprise, the lady hurriedly dashed out of the elevator as well, catching up to him and firmly gripping his wrist. Her touch was unexpected and unwelcome. "What's your name? I am reporting you to Ms. Lisa," she demanded, her tone sat
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Chapter 37As she drew closer, a friendly smile graced her lips, her eyes emanating a genuine warmth. With impeccable composure and a polite demeanor, she extended her hand to Bryan, his own palm meeting hers in a firm yet respectful shake. It was clear that this woman possessed not only a mastery of her craft, but also an innate ability to build meaningful connections."Hi, Mr. Creston," Mrs. Jerrie greeted with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with genuine delight. Bryan reciprocated the gesture, a smile forming on his lips as he acknowledged her presence. The exchange of pleasantries set a friendly tone, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the room.Mrs. Jerrie gracefully lowered herself into a chair, her movements poised and graceful. Seated across from Bryan, she turned her attention to Betty, whom she recognized as President Asher's daughter. Fixing her gaze upon Betty, she addressed her with a friendly curiosity, her voice carrying a hint of warmth and excitement."Betty, r
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Chapter 38Bryan chuckled, his eyes filled with warmth and sincerity as he prepared to reassure Mrs. Jerrie. It was clear that he wanted to convey his genuine intentions - that he was not there to exploit others' hard work for his own gain, but rather to support and foster progress for everyone involved."I understand that it might be challenging to trust me immediately," he began, his voice steady and reassuring. "But I would encourage you to give me a chance. I won't push you into making any decisions you're not comfortable with, but I genuinely believe that if you choose to take this opportunity, you won't regret it."His words hung in the air, carrying a sense of genuine commitment and belief. Mrs. Jerrie couldn't help but be impressed by the depth of his conviction.Impressed by Bryan's sense of humor, his evident decency, and his diligent approach to the matter at hand, Mrs. Jerrie found herself overwhelmed with excitement. Without giving it much further thought or seeking addit
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Chapter 39"Mrs. Jerrie, I apologize if this question may seem unprofessional, but I am genuinely curious," Bryan began, aware of the potential sensitivity of his inquiry. "When you mentioned that Lisa still looks the same as she did in her younger years, I couldn't help but wonder - do you happen to have a personal connection with her? Is there a story behind this observation?"Mrs. Jerrie's initial reaction was one of disbelief, a slight scoff escaping her lips. It was clear that she was taken aback by Bryan's question, perhaps feeling a twinge of surprise at his curiosity. For a brief moment, her expression hinted at the complexity lying beneath the surface.Taking a deep breath, Mrs. Jerrie composed herself before answering, her tone remaining neutral. "No, Mr. Bryan, I don't have a personal connection to Lisa. It was merely an observation based on her appearances in the fashion industry over the years," she responded, her words measured and deliberate.Bryan nodded understandingl
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Chapter 41"Aish, how dare he lay his foolish hands on me? That imbecile has crossed a line," Sam shouted angrily, his face flushed with anger and frustration. His emotions were running high, and he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of such disrespect.As Sam seethed in anger, Lisa, always calculating and one step ahead, approached him and lightly tapped his back, attempting to soothe his intense emotions. Her motives, though masked by a gesture of support, seemed to be driven by ulterior motives."He's biting off more than he can chew," Lisa whispered, her voice dripping with calculated assurance. "Don't let this shake you. We need to handle this situation strategically. Our main goal is to win over the shareholders and secure our positions. Focus on that. Oh, and make sure not to get into any fights with Jessica just yet," she advised, her words laced with a hint of scheming intent. It became clear that Lisa had her own agenda at play, using this chaotic situation to f
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