All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
199 chapters
A little issue
Chapter 21As Betty diligently trained the models alongside Bryan, the atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the entrance of Sam. With an expression full of anger, he stormed in and confronted Betty directly."What the hell was that?" he demanded rudely, his voice filled with irritation. The intensity of his anger became even more apparent as he locked eyes with Betty. Not one to remain silent, Bryan swiftly stepped forward, ready to defend his colleague."What's your problem?" Bryan questioned, his tone matching Sam's aggression. He couldn't understand why Sam felt the need to barge in and confront Betty in such a hostile manner.Unfazed by Bryan's reaction, Sam continued to berate Betty, questioning her abilities and professionalism. His words dripped with condescension and superiority, accusing her of not knowing her responsibilities. In response, Bryan couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, amused by the abundance of sarcasm in Sam's world."I am sorry to let you down," Bryan sp
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Toying with the wicked
Chapter 22Bryan, wearing a determined expression on his face, reassured her, "Don't worry about Sam's words. I'll handle everything." Betty nodded in reply, appreciating Bryan's confidence. As Bryan excused himself and headed towards Sam's office, Betty returned to attending to the trainees.Stepping into Sam's office, Bryan's eyes scanned the room until they landed on Sam. He found him jobless, engrossed in making a call. Sam's voice carried a casual tone as he discussed plans for a night out with his friends. However, as soon as he caught sight of Bryan entering without permission, Sam abruptly ended his call, promising to call back later."Why are you here?" Sam's voice rang out in the office, filled with a mix of surprise and annoyance. He quickly rose from his seat, his eyes narrowing at Bryan's unexpected presence. Not one to be intimidated, Bryan returned Sam's gaze with a confident smile as he approached him, taking his time to settle comfortably into the nearby chair. Sam, h
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Finally the Chairman
Chapter 23The much-anticipated day for the crucial test had arrived at last, and the hall was abuzz with the presence of the shareholders who had taken their seats. As Sam and Lisa entered, accompanied by a sense of bewilderment evident on their faces, they made their way towards their designated seats. The atmosphere in the room seemed charged with anticipation.Just as everyone was beginning to settle down, President Asher entered the hall, accompanied by Bryan and Betty. All eyes turned towards them as they walked with purpose to their positions. The entrance of these key figures added an extra layer of intrigue and significance to the gathering, further intensifying the surrounding tension.At that crucial juncture, the shareholders presented Sam and Lisa with a golden opportunity to prove their worthiness of becoming the chairman, with no external influences or assistance. The challenge was set - they were to go head-to-head and fight for the position alone, relying solely on th
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Happy moment
Chapter 24Bryan arrived home, his heart filled with joy, accompanied by President Asher and Betty. Their intention was to celebrate his triumphant success with his cherished family. However, to his astonishment, as he crossed the threshold, he beheld an unexpected scene. His beloved grandmother, with Elena's assistance, was meticulously arranging the dinner table. It was resplendent with an array of delectable dishes, each tempting the senses with its tantalizing aroma. Bewildered, Bryan couldn't help but wonder what momentous occasion was about to unfold before him."Grandma," he inquired with a mix of curiosity and excitement, his gaze fixed upon the tempting culinary delights before him, "what might be the reason for such an extravagant affair this evening? Is there a special ceremony taking place?""It is all for you, my dear grandson," Grandma Creston revealed, her voice brimming with warmth and pride. A radiant smile graced her face, radiating joy and love as she embraced Bryan
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Having a sweet family
Chapter 25Lisa's anger simmered beneath the surface as she resisted losing her composure. Instead, Sam took the initiative and approached Kingsley, his gaze fixed on him intently."I feel like I've seen you before," Sam stated, his mind searching for the elusive memory of their encounter. He struggled to piece it together, until it dawned on him - Alora had introduced Kingsley as one of the 4Ks, and Sam remembered Alora's obsession with Kingsley's videos."I believe you're Kingsley from the 4Ks," Sam stated, the realization dawning on him. "Alora has mentioned you before and I know she has quite the crush on you. However, I must say, I don't think it's appropriate for you to be associating with our detractors."With those words, Sam abruptly left the room, his departure leaving a lingering tension in the air. In an effort to soothe the mood, Grandma Creston leaned towards Kingsley and spoke softly, reassuring him not to worry."Don't pay any mind to them," Grandma Creston advised, he
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Chapter 26Sam stood at the balcony, his gaze fixed on the city skyline. A troubled expression etched across his face, he couldn't shake the knot of disappointment that had settled in his stomach. The position of chairman had slipped through his fingers, leaving him with a bitter taste of defeat. Out of frustration, he reached for a cigarette, the tendrils of smoke swirling around him as he exhaled deeply.As he took a long drag, Sam couldn't help but think of his mother's cautionary words. She had urged him to avoid mingling with friends, given the dire circumstances they found themselves in. The weight of their struggles hung heavy in the air, reminding him that enjoyment and frivolity were luxuries they simply couldn't afford right now.Despite his mother's advice, Sam's discontent was palpable. The confinement of their situation only amplified his yearning for a sense of normalcy. The loss of the chairman position felt like another blow, robbing him of the social interaction he cr
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Expecting the divorce paper
Chapters 27"Why haven't all the company files been submitted to my table?" Bryan demanded, his gaze sharply focused on the lady before him as he leaned back in his chair, seeking answers to this frustrating issue."I apologize, sir, but young master Sam has not been submitting his records since the passing of the former chairman," she replied, her voice composed and steady. Her head was respectfully bowed as she spoke, clearly aware of the sensitive nature of the matter.Bryan's chest tightened as he took a deep breath, attempting to quell the frustration simmering within him. This revelation truly astonished him; he couldn't fathom how such an essential aspect of the company could go neglected. If Sam failed to provide accurate records, how could the company possibly move forward and make informed decisions?The secretary timidly interrupted his thoughts, seeking clarification on her next course of action. "Can I go, sir? Or should I retrieve Sam?" she carefully inquired, her tone r
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Chapter 28As Bryan approached the elegantly fashioned team room, its doors swung open and the team members inside nodded their heads in a small gesture of respect, warmly welcoming him. Drawing nearer, he settled himself into a chair, finding immediate comfort within its supportive embrace. The team leader, recognizing the importance of proper introductions, stepped forward to introduce each member with a sense of pride and purpose. Grateful for the team's commitment and dedication, Bryan expressed his appreciation, acknowledging their hard work and ensuring them that their efforts were recognized and valued. With genuine curiosity, Bryan sought to delve further into their plans for contributing to the company's ongoing progress and growth."Sir," Mr. Brite began with a confident tone, "we are fully dedicated to ensuring that our company surpasses its current heights. We pride ourselves on being the top company in the country, and we are continuously striving to connect with the inte
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Plotting evil against Bryan
Chapter 29Lisa, a tall and elegant woman in her late thirties, sat nervously in the passenger seat of a sleek black car. As the evening sun cast a warm glow on her flawless complexion, she anxiously reached into her designer handbag and pulled out a pristine white envelope. She glanced at the person beside her, their facial features hidden by the shadows. With a mixture of manipulation and desperation in her voice, she passed the envelope to them, her words laced with a warning."Work according to plan," her voice quivered slightly, betraying her anxious state, "I wouldn't want any mistake."The recipient, a sturdy man with a sharp jawline, accepted the envelope, his expression unreadable behind the darkness. Lisa's pleading eyes locked onto his face, silently pleading for understanding and compliance. The weight of the situation was evident in the strained atmosphere within the car as tension hung heavy between them.The guy scanned through the stack of bills inside the envelope, en
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Taking action
Chapter 30Bryan nodded positively, reassured by President Asher's understanding and alignment with his intentions. This decision marked a significant turning point and a display of strength against the forces of nepotism, highlighting their commitment to integrity and equal opportunities. After talking for a few minutes and reaching a mutual understanding, Bryan concluded the call with President Asher. With newfound confidence, he responded to the email, officially rejecting the contract. In his reply, he suggested that they could reconsider if they were willing to engage in a certain argument that would come with his own terms and conditions.As Bryan chuckled softly, a sense of satisfaction filled him, knowing that it was the right time to assert himself and get back at those who had wronged him. Ready to move on to his next task, he was momentarily interrupted by Betty, his maid, who had entered the room, trying to grab his attention for something important."Sir, I just realized
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