All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
199 chapters
Finally home
Chapter 11Elena beamed with happiness for her brother, genuinely congratulating him on finally finding his long-lost family. The shared laughter and joy between them overflowed, creating a vibrant energy that filled the room. Ethan revealed that they would soon be moving to their father's house, and Elena's excitement soared at the prospect of a new beginning.The day arrived for their much-anticipated move, and President Asher, along with his daughter Betty, arrived punctually to lend a helping hand. Betty, filled with anticipation, couldn't contain her excitement at the opportunity to meet Bryan, referring to him as the "young master.""I'm thrilled that Sam will finally be put in his place," Betty playfully remarked. Her words held a lighthearted tone, tinged with admiration for Bryan's charm and handsome appearance. Bryan simply chuckled in response, appreciating the friendly banter exchanged between them.Elena sighed, her voice tinged with a mixture of resentment and frustratio
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Welcome home
Chapter 12Lisa's words dripped with sarcasm and a hint of resentment as she fired back at him. "Impressive, that's so impressive," she mocked, her tone filled with disdain. "They must have picked you from the street and told you exactly what to say. Well, congratulations on stating your 'opinion' like a good judge would. It seems you have something in common with your father, or what should I call it? You are as fierce as Maxwell, and I suppose we should all be scared, right?" Her anger was evident, adding fuel to the already tense atmosphere."Lisa, please stop right there," he interjected, his voice cutting through the tension with a firmness that commanded attention. "Let me make this clear to all of you. None of you will do anything against him. And if you still doubt, I have the proof. The DNA test confirmed it." The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, dispelling any lingering skepticism. "With that being said, none of you should dare accuse me of orchestrating some pl
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Chapter 13Lisa and her children, faces filled with disbelief, were taken aback by the sudden revelation. The truth had descended upon them like a bolt from the blue, catching them completely off guard. The unexpectedness of it all made their minds reel in disbelief.In her wildest imaginings, Lisa never anticipated that Asher would uncover the truth so swiftly. The impending success of her painstaking effort to sway the board members in favor of her son, edging closer and closer to securing his chairmanship, now seemed mercilessly dashed. Asher's untimely interference left her inwardly seething with annoyance, unsure of her next move.A sense of confusion engulfed Lisa, her once confident demeanor faltering in the face of unraveling circumstances. The dependable web of deceit and manipulation she had woven now lay in tatters, leaving her feeling disoriented and vulnerable. A tumultuous mix of thoughts clouded her mind, generating a maelstrom of uncertainty.An uneasy feeling settled
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Is it a deal?
Chapter 14The room fell into a stunned silence as Lisa's harsh behavior towards Grandma Creston unfolded before their eyes. The gathering of relatives, who had witnessed the enduring bond between Lisa and Grandma Creston over the years, were taken aback by the sudden display of disrespect. It was difficult for them to comprehend how Lisa, who had once relied on and received love from Grandma Creston, could now turn against her with such disregard.Throughout the years, Grandma Creston had stood by Lisa, providing support and guidance, often neglecting her own needs to shower Lisa's children with love. She had gone out of her way to secure a place for Lisa within the family company, despite her son's initial resistance. Grandma Creston's dedication to her family was evident, and her love for her grandchildren matched no bounds.Yet now, something had changed. Lisa's attitude had taken a bitter turn, transforming the loving connection they once shared into animosity and indifference. T
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Who will become the chairman?
Aora and her mother locked eyes, their gazes filled with a mix of desperation and uncertainty. Meanwhile, Bryan's hand found its way across his chest, his posture exuding a sense of authority. Alora, her hunger gnawing at her insides, mustered the courage to plead with her mother."Mum, can you let us listen to him just for this night?" Alora's plea carried a sense of urgency, her voice betraying the desperate hunger that threatened to consume her. The situation had reached a critical point, and Alora knew that her mother's decision held the key to their survival.Lisa, her face etched with anger and defiance, hesitated momentarily. She was wary of complying with Bryan's request, her skepticism evident in the sharpness of her tone. Still, she couldn't ignore the undeniable truth - her daughter needed sustenance, and a single night of compromise might be their lifeline."What do you want?" Lisa's words dripped with restrained anger as she verbally confronted Bryan. The tone she used in
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Prepare the divorce paper
Getting to Lisa's office, Sam stormed in with his face flushed and a look of pure rage etched across his features. The fury in his eyes was visible as he forcefully exclaimed, "What was that? Can't you find any other thing to tell the shareholders? Why would you decide they should test our knowledge?" The words erupted from him in an angry torrent, a manifestation of his frustration and disbelief.Unable to contain her own emotions, Lisa immediately fired back, her voice filled with a mix of anger and hurt. "How dare you yell at me? I am your mother, and I have every right to do what I think is best." She stood her ground, facing him squarely as she delivered her own retort, a display of the deep bond and protective instincts that intertwined their relationship."You are going to get ready for any test, and you must win," she said firmly, her eyes brimming with vulnerability and desperation. Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of expectation. Lisa went to sit on the chair
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Trouble arising
Chapter 17Bryan gave a firm order to his driver as they pulled up to Mr. Wesley's grand mansion. The driver swiftly followed his command, maneuvering the car into position, and the engine soon roared to a halt. Sensing the urgency in Bryan's movements, the driver promptly stepped out and briskly approached the passenger side, ready to open the door for his distinguished passenger. As Bryan stepped out of the car, a wave of curiosity seemed to ripple among the maids who were stationed nearby. Their eyes couldn't help but wander, silently speculating and wondering about the identity of this notable visitor about to grace the grounds of the mansion. As Bryan brought his legs out of the car, the glimmer of his expensive black shoes caught the light, reflecting his impeccable taste. Taking a moment to adjust himself and collect his bearings, he exuded an aura of confidence that enveloped the surroundings. A wave of astonishment washed over the workers, their eyes widening at the sight o
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Salvage Future Chairman
Chapter 18Bryan entered the company with an aura of confidence, instantly catching the attention of those around him. His arrival turned heads, as his appearance commanded a noticeable presence. With assured steps, he made his way directly towards the conference room. Upon noticing Bryan, some of the workers who were unfamiliar with him couldn't help but show their surprise and awe on their faces. However, as their eyes then fell upon Lisa, they swiftly diverted their attention back to their tasks, refocusing on their work. Lisa was diligently going about her work, heading in Bryan's direction, hoping to engage him in conversation. However, he seemed reluctant to acknowledge her presence. Despite his initial intention to avoid her, he couldn't help but notice the habit she had developed of trying to tarnish his image. It was a behavior that had the potential to bring serious consequences and damage his reputation. Realizing that he couldn't let this slide any longer, Bryan made a de
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Chapter 19Lisa stormed over to the table, her anger fueling her scolding of Sam. The frustration in her voice was palpable as she chastised him. "What have you done? Look at the mess you've created. I explicitly told you to let me handle this, and yet you recklessly went ahead with your foolish plan. Honestly, Sam!" The force of her words reverberated within the confines of the office, punctuating her exasperation.Sam, who had already been in a state of agitation, smirked in response to Lisa's outburst. He seemed unfazed by her anger, his own frustration seeping into his voice. "Listen to yourself, Mom. You keep making excuses without actually doing anything about it. I was just curious, and that's the only thing I could think of doing," Sam thundered, his words resonating with a mix of defiance and pent-up emotions.Tension hung heavily in the air as the office became a battleground of conflicting emotions. Their voices clashed, each word a poignant testament to the strained relati
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Smart Bryan
Chapter 20A warm smile curved President Asher's lips as they responded, "You are free, you can call me whatever you want." The speaker's face lit up with excitement, their gratitude evident in their words. President Asher chuckled softly, appreciating the genuine enthusiasm in the response.Curiosity piqued, President Asher inquired about the status of the divorce papers, only to be met with a negative shake of the head. Suggesting a potential solution, they proposed involving a lawyer to expedite the signing process. The speaker took a deep breath, considering the suggestion."I intended to do the same thing," he stated firmly, his tone laced with a hint of desperation and anger. His determination was evident as he spoke, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation. "I am allowing them two days to send the divorce papers. If they fail to do so, I will be forced to take the necessary legal action against them."President Asher couldn't help but sympathize with the speaker's frustrat
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