All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
199 chapters
Evidence gathered
Chapter 71Bryan strode confidently into the spacious conference room, his trusted PA Betty by his side. As they entered, the room fell silent, all eyes turning toward them with a mix of curiosity and respect. The shareholders, seated around a large mahogany table, had been eagerly anticipating Bryan's arrival, and their welcoming nods and warm smiles confirmed his importance within the company.Taking his place at the head of the table, Bryan exuded a calm yet authoritative presence, a man accustomed to leading and making critical decisions. Betty, his loyal and efficient assistant, took a moment to compose herself before stepping up to the microphone at the front of the room. She cleared her throat, her voice steady and confident as she prepared to address the gathered shareholders.As Betty spoke, her words echoed throughout the room, each syllable carrying the weight of the company's future. Her professional demeanor and attention to detail matched Bryan's own, a reflection of the
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Allergic Reaction
Chapter 72Checking through the two documents, Bryan furrowed his brows in confusion as he noticed striking discrepancies between the two. His eyes scanned back and forth, trying to make sense of the conflicting information laid out before him. The papers seemed to be engaged in a silent argument of their own, each line contradicting the other in maddening unison.As Bryan struggled to comprehend the chaos of the conflicting documents, his colleagues exchanged hushed whispers behind him. Lisa, sensing his perplexity, discreetly handed over the files she had brought, hoping to shed some light on the situation. Bryan accepted the documents with a grateful nod, though still unsure of how to untangle the web of conflicting information before him. The air in the room crackled with tension as the mysterious discrepancy remained unresolved, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their meeting.Bryan's hands trembled as he leafed through the incriminating document, the weight of its contents se
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Settling for less
Chapter 73 After the doctor emerged from the ward, Bryan hurried over to inquire about the sudden passing out and its cause. "It's not particularly concerning," the doctor shared as he reviewed the test results, "She appears to be allergic to pollen grains from flowers. Being in close proximity to them triggers breathing difficulties for her." As this information sunk in, Bryan found it hard to fathom the fact that something as innocuous as flowers could have such a profound impact on her health.She had kept her allergy to flowers a secret from him, realizing now that she should have been more cautious in situations like this."Can I see her now, or should I let her rest?" Bryan inquired, his concern palpable. The doctor nodded in response."She's stable now, you can visit her. I have other duties to attend to, so I'll take my leave," the doctor explained politely. Bryan lowered his head slightly in acknowledgment as he readied himself to go in and check on her.Bryan entered the w
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Get back at him
Chapter 74Hannah's voice trembled over the phone as she poured out her vulnerable plea to Bryan. "Bryan, can you just stop hurting my feelings for you? I am truly in love with you," she said softly from the other end.In response, Bryan's scowl deepened, his anger palpable even through the phone. "Do you even understand what it means to be hated? Because that's what I feel for you," he retorted sharply. "You should stop clinging onto false hopes and move on with your life."Despite Bryan's dismissive words, Hannah remained resolute, determined to express her emotions. She refused to give up on her love for him, hoping against hope that he would eventually see the depth of her feelings for him.As the tension lingered in the air, Hannah's voice quivered with desperation as she persisted, "Maybe I would if you give me a chance with you. Just one date, and I promise I will never disturb you again," she pleaded, her voice filled with hope.Charlie's frustration boiled over, his voice thu
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I have a job for you
Chapter 75Hannah's frustration bubbled to the surface as she confronted Lisa's probing questions. "What if I was in love with her? Why is that any of your damn business? Instead of focusing on unfounded assumptions, why don't you address the actual reason for your presence here?" Her words dripped with annoyance, laced with a sense of defiance as she stood her ground, exuding confidence in the face of Lisa's questionable motives.As the woman spoke, her eyes sparkled with admiration towards the person she was addressing. She carefully placed an envelope on the table before retrieving something from her bag. "What about this?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity. "This is from you to Bryan, right? Love confessions and heartfelt messages. You remind me of myself when I was your age. I used to send letters to Maxwell very often." A sly smirk danced across her cunning face.Hannah couldn't help but fidget nervously as she caught sight of the card that had been sent along with
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Chapter 76Betty was struck speechless as she led Lisa to Wesley's office. With a gesture, Betty indicated that Lisa could enter the office. Wesley pressed a button, allowing the door to open, and Lisa stepped inside.As Lisa entered the office, she glanced around and took a deep breath, absorbing the ambiance of the room.To her surprise, Mr. Wesley emerged from his relaxation room and was taken aback to see Lisa instead of Betty, whom he had been expecting."Oh! Mrs. Creston, this is unbelievable," he said, his tone filled with bewilderment."It's unbelievable that I came to visit you, invited. Isn't it nice that despite my status in society, I still consider visiting you?" Her tone exuded pride as she took a seat. "I think you should learn to treat people well. You wouldn't have asked me to have a seat if I hadn't sat myself," she criticized his service, indicating that he wasn't particularly welcoming when it came to receiving guests."Oh! I was going to do that, it's just surpri
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Deceptive People
Chapter 77As the air crackled with tension, Lisa's voice quivered with a mix of hurt and defensiveness. "Are you insinuating that I'm a terrible mother?" she questioned, her words laced with wounded pride and defiance.Mr. Wesley maintained his composure, a fake smile playing on his lips as he carefully navigated the delicate conversation. "I'm not saying you're the worst, I'm simply suggesting that we share a common goal. Trust between us may be hard to come by," he remarked with a hint of calculated diplomacy.Gathering her thoughts, Lisa took a deep breath before making a proposition that could potentially alter the course of their alliance. "I understand your perspective. I give you my word that, if we succeed in removing Bryan and securing the chairmanship for my son, you will have everything you desire," she offered, a glimmer of determination shining in her eyes as she laid out the terms of their tentative partnership.Mr. Wesley's words cut through the tense atmosphere like a
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He will be there to get you
Chapter 78Bryan made his way to Betty's room with a sense of concern, wanting to ensure she was doing well. Upon his arrival, he was surprised to encounter Elena and Kingsley already there."Hi guys," Bryan greeted warmly, offering a small smile as he waved in their direction."Elena, Kingsley, you are here," Elena acknowledged his presence with a smile, to which Bryan nodded in confirmation.Kingsley whispered to Elena, suggesting that they should give Bryan and Betty some privacy. Understanding his unspoken request, Elena nodded in agreement, and the two of them stood up, ready to excuse themselves and allow Bryan and Betty to have their own time together.As Betty stepped closer to Bryan, a warm smile gracing her features, she addressed him with excitement in her voice. "Bryan, we have a performance in the next few days. I want you to be there to see your little sister performing live," she shared, her eyes shimmering with anticipation.Bryan nodded in agreement, his response fill
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Chapter 79Bryan strode through the hallway, his anger evident in the tense set of his jaw. How dare that idiot visit them in his own house? His mind churned with different thoughts as he moved through the familiar space, his steps purposeful and deliberate.Emerging from the house, he spotted Liam standing by his car, a sense of apprehension creeping in. Liam approached him cautiously, and Bryan instinctively tucked his hand into his pocket, a protective gesture that spoke volumes."Hi, Mr. Creston," Liam greeted, his tone holding a note of respect despite the underlying tension. Bryan regarded him coolly, steeliness in his gaze as he responded, "Hi Liam, what can I do for you?" Liam's surprise was evident, his disbelief subtly coloring his expression, unsure of how the conversation would unfold.Bryan's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he demanded, "I thought Betty sent you to get me? Why are you asking me why I am here?" His tone carried a hint of disappointment, betrayi
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Chapter 80In a popular restaurant Lisa questioned Liam with an intense gaze, asking, "How long was it supposed to wait for you to do that?" Liam paused, taking a deep breath before responding, "I am trying, it's really hard not being easy." Lisa scoffed in response, placing her hand on the table and scowling at him.Lisa challenged Liam, her eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Are you gonna take forever just to get someone to fall in love with you? Isn't that simple?" Liam adjusted himself and coolly put on his sunglasses, an air of confidence exuding from him.In response to Liam’s newfound bravado, Lisa couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief. "Sorry, you know I am popular and I don't have to keep my guard low to avoid making headlines. You were saying?" Liam demanded, his gaze intense as he locked eyes with Lisa.Lisa's tone held a mix of confusion and frustration as she questioned, "What was that? Is this a joke to you?" Liam chuckled softly, the sound mixing with a hint of def
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