All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
199 chapters
Chapter 81As he leaned forward in his chair, his eyes fixed on her, he inquired sharply, “Did we get another offer, or have some companies expressed interest in collaborating or hiring our newly built models?” She shook her head, her demeanor firm and resolute.Pursing his lips in a mix of frustration and curiosity, he pressed, “Then what is it, if not that?” Hearing the gentle chime of her laughter, he raised an eyebrow, puzzled by her response.A playful twinkle danced in her eyes as she teased, “Are you suggesting that I’m deliberately evading you?” Unable to resist the magnetic pull of his gaze, she studied his face intently, captivated by his intensity.“Why would I avoid you? You’re my personal assistant, and we interact regularly. We even share the same living space. How is that possible?” he questioned, feigning ignorance of her intentions.Interrupting before she could offer an explanation, he continued, “I believe it’s crucial to maintain professional boundaries and separat
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Derogatory remarks
As Betty left the office, he couldn't help but feel a rush of mixed emotions. With a hesitant smile playing on his lips, he nervously reflected on the sudden kiss he had just shared with her. The moment was undeniably awkward, but he found a sense of pride in his bold move. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, he felt a glimmer of hope that this unexpected gesture might bridge the gap between them.Betty's stubborn nature had often posed a challenge for him, her discernment only adding to his frustration. But in that instant of impulsive affection, he dared to believe that he could break through her walls and forge a deeper connection. As he mulled over the moment in his mind, a sense of determination settled within him. Perhaps this bold move was the catalyst needed to finally make her see him in a different light.As Bryan attempted to push aside the swirling thoughts that consumed his mind, he sought solace in distractions, yet found himself unable to fully escape the memory o
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As she walked away, his heart sank with each step she took, disappearing into the horizon. The sunlight caught the glint of tears in her eyes, a painful reflection of his own inner turmoil. The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the love he had reluctantly released. The empty space she left behind echoed with the haunting memory of her laughter, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been. He stood there, a solitary figure against the fading light, a silent witness to the beginning of the end. In that moment, he realized that sometimes love means letting go, even when every fiber of his being screamed out in protest. And so, with a heavy heart and a deep sense of loss, he watched her disappear into the world, a part of him forever intertwined with her departing footsteps.Fueled by a mixture of anger and determination, he muttered under his breath, "But not someone like Liam's, he's a scum." His steps quickened as he made his way to his room t
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Go on a date
He knew that maintaining his hard-earned reputation was crucial, so he made sure to stay vigilant and ready to intervene if necessary. His frustration grew as he observed them together, clenching his fists in an effort to control his anger.As the clouds darkened and the threat of rain loomed, he realized he had to protect her. Despite not being romantically involved, the close bond between their fathers compelled him to act as a brother would, ensuring her safety in the impending storm.As the rain intensified, he remained steadfast in his position, unaffected by the downpour. Observing that the date had concluded without any questionable behavior, he began to question his initial doubts about Liam. Perhaps he had misjudged him. Could it be that she was right and Liam was indeed the one who could make her happy? The realization lingered in his thoughts as he watched them part ways in the rain-soaked setting.After finally giving in to the defeat, he came to the realization that he ha
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Chapter 85After hearing his harsh words, she felt a deep sadness wash over her, but in a moment of vulnerability, she mustered the courage to speak up. "Please, don't hang up on me," she implored with a quiver in her voice. "I know I may not be the first choice in your eyes, but please understand that I love you with all my heart. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right, to make us work, if only you could find it in your heart to forgive the mistakes of our past." The desperation in her tone was palpable, a plea for understanding and a chance at redemption. And in that moment, as the weight of his words hung heavy in the air, she hoped against hope for a glimmer of compassion to pierce through his hardened exterior.After his indifferent words pierced her heart, she felt a wave of insecurity and longing sweep over her. The silence that followed his dismissive statement seemed to stretch on for an eternity, filled with unspoken pain and unfulfilled hopes. With a voic
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Chapter 85As he emerged from the steamy bathroom, the lingering question of why Betty, his faithful PA, hadn't contacted him weighed on his mind. Quickly drying off with a fluffy towel, he dashed to his opulent dressing room. Amid racks of finely tailored clothing, he selected a sophisticated dark royal blue suit, pairing it with matching-tinted shoes. Satisfied with his reflection in the mirror, he strode out, every detail of his attire impeccably coordinated for the day ahead.He made his way through the spacious house, heading to fetch his suitcase before venturing into the garage. Upon entering the living room, he was surprised to see his grandmother, Grandma Creston, seated there."Oh, I never knew you were still home. I thought you left without having breakfast. I never knew you were still around," she remarked warmly, and he couldn't help but smirk at her innocent assumption."I obviously slept off. I had a cold," he replied, taking a moment to inhale deeply to clear his conge
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Chapter 87Lisa's hand trembled as she lifted the glass cup, her knuckles white with tension. With a sudden burst of fury, she hurled it against the wall. The sharp sound of shattering glass filled the room, echoing off the walls. Sam's expression froze in shock as he watched his usually composed mother unleash her anger in such a violent manner."What's this?" Lisa's voice was thick with emotion as she turned her searing gaze on Sam. Her eyes glinted with a mixture of hurt and frustration, causing him to flinch involuntarily."Mum, what are you talking about?" Sam's voice was tinged with confusion, his brows furrowed in bewilderment. He could feel the tension in the air, but he had no clue what had triggered his mother's outburst. The sense of annoyance crept into his tone, a hint of frustration at being caught off guard by her unexpected rage.Lisa's eyes bore into Sam as she slid her phone across the table towards him, the screen displaying a familiar video that he had uploaded onl
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The turn of events
Chapter 88She carefully dialed the number, each digit echoing softly in the quiet room. Bringing the device to her ear, she hesitated for a moment. Then a decision was made - she pressed the speaker button, wanting him to hear the consequences of his actions.Setting his phone gently on the table, it let out a persistent ring, filling the room with tension. They both sat there, waiting anxiously for the voice at the other end to acknowledge the call. Once, twice, and finally, on the third attempt, a voice broke through the silence from the other side of the line.The voice on the other end spoke softly, with a hint of vulnerability in their tone. "Hello, I wasn't expecting you to call me back this quickly," they began, a sense of urgency in their words. "You must be afraid the video will go viral in due time."Sam was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. This was not the scenario she had anticipated. She had assumed it was her own side sending spies, not someone threatening
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A chance
Chapter 89Sam stormed out of her office with a scowl etched on her face, her footsteps echoing down the hallway. Lost in her thoughts, she paid little attention to her surroundings, culminating in an accidental collision with Bryan and Betty, returning from a meeting.Startled by the impact, Bryan's voice cut through the air, "Are you blind?" Sam stopped abruptly and faced him, a mixture of surprise and annoyance clouding her expression."What was that?" Sam responded, the tension apparent in her voice as she struggled to comprehend the confrontation. The sudden interruption disrupted the otherwise quiet corridor, drawing curious glances from passersby.Sam responded with a wry smile, her eyes narrowing, "Lost my sight? No. Just lost my patience with you." Her words dripped with sarcasm, adding to the charged atmosphere between them.Bryan's hands clenched into fists momentarily, a flash of anger crossing his features, but he managed to restrain himself. Though his initial impulse wa
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Chapter 90Maybe seeing her in person would be the best option, he thought to himself, hoping it would bring some closure and finally put an end to her incessant calls. With that idea in mind, he decided to take a short break and went to the kitchen to pour himself a refreshing glass of water. After quenching his thirst, he returned to his desk and resumed his work, determined to focus his attention solely on the files in front of him.As he delved deeper into his tasks, his concentration unwavering, he was suddenly interrupted by the unexpected presence of President Asher in his office. Surprised by the unannounced visit, he paused, his curiosity piqued. The rare occurrence of the President's visit without prior notice signaled that something out of the ordinary was about to unfold.Bryan acknowledged the President's unexpected presence with a nod of understanding. "You can finish up your work. I'll wait," President Asher stated calmly as he settled onto the couch in the office. Brya
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