All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
162 chapters
Grandfather is coming to town
Eric turned on his bed, trying to find a comfortable spot, but he could not get any. His heart was troubled by the fact that he was trying to achieve his selfish goal while putting his wife and other loved ones through a hard time. “Perhaps I should just let go of everything and forgive them for all they have done. It's not getting any better, and they will never accept him in this condition.” He thought as he heaved a sigh, sitting up on the bed as different thoughts filled his mind. “Samantha does not deserve to go through all these.” He thought, getting up from the bed and starting to pace around the room slowly.“I shouldn't have kept it away from her. She stood by me even when I did not know that I was the sole heir to my family's corporation.” He thought as he continued to walk slowly around the room. His mind suddenly wandered off to when he met Samantha and their love life began. He had always told her that he had nothing and that he was an only child of his mother before she
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Forcefully married to a rich man
“What did he tell you?” Samantha could not help but ask as she raised both eyebrows, as she was anxious to hear what Micheal had told her about Samantha.“Well, if I could remember, he made mention of you and your husband trying to sabotage him and paint him black.” She said slowly as if she were counting her words as she spoke them.“Sabotage?” She repeated loudly in shock as she could not believe her ears. Emily nodded in the affirmative as she tilted her head away from Samantha slowly, recalling the moment that Michael was telling her about everything.It was an evening, about three days after she had asked Michael to move into her house. They both say in the living room, watching television before she clears her throat slightly as a question pops up in her mind to ask him.“How did all this happen? From owning a house to losing your house and family at the same time.” She asked and winced inwardly as she realized the nature of the words that she had used on him.“I am sorry if tha
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Something to talk about
It was finally the day of the housewarming party. Michael was overly excited about the party since it was going to be an avenue to finalize his deal with Bryan. “I am going to show Eric that I am his superior. I control the game and I decide the rules.” He thought as he rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom to freshen up. As soon as he walked into the bathroom, he suddenly came to a realization that something had been off with Emily for the past two days. He stopped in front of the mirror to wonder what was going wrong.“Did she hear something about me?” He asked himself, making a puzzled face as if he were talking to his reflection in the mirror. “Even if she did, she should have asked me and asked me to explain. Perhaps I will ask her about the sudden change in character towards me.” He thought as he rapidly took his bath and got dressed. He walked out of the bedroom straight to the living room but could not find Emily. “Where could she be?” He asked himself as he heaved a
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Party with my husband
Michael could not shake off the thoughts as he walked behind Bryan to an empty table. “Why was Emily giving me such a stern look? Something must definitely be wrong somewhere.” He thought. Not long after, they arrived at an empty table just at the end of the hall, where there were fewer people. “Perfect place for discussing such an issue.” Bryan thought as they sat down on the chair. Drinks were served and they both sipped their drink. Bryan tilted his head slightly and noticed that Michael had a slight frown on his face, and he moved to ask him what was going on with him.“What is wrong?” Bryan asked rapidly as he dropped his glass in front of him. Michael contemplated on whether to tell him what was going on or not. He was quick to decide not to talk about it with Bryan, as he only shook his head.“Nothing. I am just excited, and when I am overly excited, I just stay quiet.” He said, hoping that Bryan would buy that idea from him, but he did not.“No. I can't agree with that at all.
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I knew it was going to be you
Samantha lay quietly on her own side of the bed as Eric was taking a shower in the bathroom. Her heart raced faster as she thought of everything that had been happening in their lives for the past few weeks. “How did I get myself into this mess with Bryan?” She asked herself as she turned to change the position that she was in. Just then, she heard the squeaking sound of the door, and she tilted her head to look at Eric who walked into the room and gasped. She chuckled at the sight of him, tilting her head away almost immediately.“What?” Eric asked as he scoffed slightly, drying his hair with the towel in his hand.“Why did you leave it dangling like that? You should have used your towel.” She said slowly as if she were counting her words as she spoke them. Eric walked to the front of Samantha unexpectedly, and she began to laugh, placing a palm over her mouth. He leaned forward to whisper into her ears.“Would you rather have it dangling inside of you?” He asked, and she laughed har
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Enjoy the party
“I apologize for the tone. It was not intentional.” Samantha pleaded lowly and tilted her head to glance at her husband who already had a scrunching face as he could not understand what was going on.“Who was that?” He mouthed, and she gestured to him that she was going to explain after the call. He nodded, tilting his head away to look at his phone. “Who could that be?” He wondered as he continued to scroll through his phone. “So, we have been searching for you around the party, but we cannot find you,” Peter said slowly, taking a deep breath.“Uhm…. I…. I….” she stuttered without coming up with a single statement, causing her husband to gaze at her with a puzzled face as he kept on wondering who she was talking to.“You can't tell me that you forgot. Because that is not even feasible.” He said and Samantha let out a heavy sigh as she did not know what else to say or do.“Who is that, babe?” Eric finally asked in a loud tone as he wanted the other person on the phone to know he was
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I am saved
Eric woke up with a strong headache as he slowly opened his eyes. “I must have drank too much because this headache is killing me.” He thought as he slowly tilted his head around. “How did I even get back home with my Samantha?” He asked himself, trying to move his hand to wipe his face, but suddenly felt a restriction to the movement of his hand. “What is going on?” He asked himself, opening his eyes wide enough to look at what was holding him from moving. He saw that his hands were tied and that was when he remembered what happened at the party.“Samantha!” He yelled, looking at the whole place, but the only thing he heard was the echo of his own voice in the room. He tried to move his hands to free himself but each time he tried, he only felt pain in his wrist. “Anybody there? Help me, please. Who is there?” He yelled again and waited, hoping that someone was going to come in and help him, but no one came in to respond to him. “How did I get here?” He asked himself, still tilting
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I will make sure you face every pain you’ve caused me
Samantha woke up with a slight headache. She turned to the other side of the bed, trying to feel Eric on the bed, but something was unusual, which made her open her eyes immediately. The bed was not as wide as it used to be. She thought. She looked around the whole room and all she could think of was how she got into that room. Fear took over her as she sat up on the bed, trying to think of how she was there. “But, I did not recall coming to this room.” She thought as her heart raced faster as each minute passed.She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart, but not for long, as she was still lost in thought about how she got to the room. Memories from last night's event began to rush into her mind, and she forced herself to remember more of what had happened last night. “Where is Eric? If at all, we left the party together, he should have been here with me.” She thought as she slowly came off the bed, heaving a heavy sigh to control the race of her heart. She walked to the door sl
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The doorbell ring
Michael woke up pretty happy, smiling sheepishly as he had received the money from Bryan last night, following a successful operation at the party. "One hundred million dollars." He exclaimed lowly as he gazed at the bank notification on his phone. "If this is a dream, I never want to wake up from it." He wished as he heaved a sigh, coming off the bed. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply as he was already seeing himself in Darius office to offset his debt and get his house back. "This was way simpler than I thought it would be." He thought as he went into the bathroom to take his bath. "I feel good." He sang under the shower at he could not contain the happiness that he felt at that moment. He did not spend a long time in the bathroom as he came out and started to get dressed. His phone suddenly chimed, and he stopped singing, walking towards his bed to check what came in. His eyes went wide as he saw the notification that came in. "I have been trying to reach you, but it's not going
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I will bring the money in cash
“I am here to see your boss,” Michael said as soon as he walked into the company. The receptionist did not take time to recognize him as she scoffed, rolling her eyes in disdain as she did not expect to see Michael on that day. “You again! What are you doing here today?” She asked as she tilted her head slowly to look at him. He gave her a stern look as he thought of, going on his own to knock on his office door as he knew the direction that was going to lead to the office.“I could go there myself. If you want me to go there myself, I could go there.” He said, and she stood up immediately to look directly into his eyes before she talked.“You would not be there. I will have the security men throw you out, like the last time you were here.” She said, and Michael could not help but burst into laughter, holding his ribs as he took a few steps backward. “You would not even try it. What do you think you are saying? You think it's me of that day?” He said as the smile on his face slowly
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