All Chapters of THE MAN CALLED GOD: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
330 chapters
Alex coughed even harder, his face turning red. For the first time in ages, he was blushing due to embarrassment.However, the people around him misunderstood the reason for his cough."Did they put something bad in the food? But boss doesn't have an allergy to any food ingredients that I know of. Or did they fail to debone it properly?" Shadow muttered, watching Luz rubbing Alex's back."It must be that. He choked on a bone. Call that chef!" Tajana said angrily, standing up.Alex hurriedly waved at him, instructing him to sit down.Alex took deep breaths, circulating his internal energy to push down the food he ate that got stuck in his throat. After a while, he finally managed to swallow it and heaved a sigh of relief, looking at the people around him resentfully for making him recall a dirty and distracting thought."Dad, what's wrong? Are you alright now?" Luz asked, still staring worriedly at him."Yes sweetheart, dad is alright now," he whispered, wiping away the sweat on Luz's
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Alex immediately realized the thought process of the man before them and quickly shielded Luz with his aura, while Luz hurriedly compressed his own aura, pretending not to notice what was going on."That was incredibly disrespectful of you," Alex said coldly, eyeing the man."I'm sorry, let's go on. I was just curious about the level of his cultivation," he quickly said with a helpless smile on his face."You could have asked. My son is still young, what if you had mistakenly left a lasting damage on his fragile base. I would never have forgiven you. I would have torn you apart, here and now. I don't joke with my son. Beware!," Alex said, turning to leave."Benefactor wait, let's go to the secret chambers where the stronger weapons and artifacts are stored," he quickly said, turning into a dark, narrow, passageway.Alex and the rest followed him, stopping before a door with a variety of buddhist talismans.Suppression and purifying marks were engraved on the door. And the biggest yet
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Alex's brows furrowed as he listened to Luz's panicked words.“Do you recognize that staff?” Alex whispered, caressing his back.“That's the staff of Lucifer's left commander. One of the two generals that are his direct subordinate. The other is the right commander, who is directly below Lucifer. And this staff belongs to the Lucifer's left hand. There's serious trouble. This staff has very scary abilities, I wonder how the person who managed to find and imprison the staff did it.” Luz whispered, clutching Alex's clothes tightly.“Tell me about some of these scary abilities. We need to know what we are up against,” Alex whispered, attentively watching the golden staff that was slowly manifesting a gorgeous woman behind it, while emitting evil black fumes steadily.Luz tightened his hands on Alex's clothes once again, looking suspiciously at the staff.“Soul shifting. The left general is a spirit walker, he can remove the souls of the enemies in the battlefield and replace it with the
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“So, do you know the white lotus bodhisattva's current location?” Alex asked eagerly.“Impossible! How can mere mortals like me fathom it? She only appears when she wants to deliver a treasure or do something for the Buddhist cave. She's probably not on earth. No one can tell her whereabouts,” the canvasser said, making Alex disappointed. He sighed and told himself to stop thinking about the opening of the mystic cave ten years ago for now. Most people that entered the mystic cave couldn't make it out. Those that made it out came back stronger, laden with different treasures, and of course, scars and trauma to show what they went through in the cave.All of a sudden, the golden staff went high up in the air, nearly touching the dome of the ceiling, it sudden began to release dark fumes, stringing it out to form ropes, making everyone in the room alarmed.Alex quickly summoned the golden immortal treasure pagoda, quickly throwing Luz and his men into it, before surrounding it with tru
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Alex frowned, looking at the ice element treasure before him.“Ice pearl? Do you know what it's used for? I just felt an energy that made me curious in it, but I don't really know what it is. I will be grateful if you can explain more,” Alex said calmly, looking up at him.“The ice pearl came from another world, the land of mages. The bodhisattva just brought it here, I don't know what it is, but it came with another treasure, I think that treasure will help you to study it,” he said, walking into a secret compartment.He came out with an ancient looking wooden box filled with strange signs and symbols, placing it on the table before Alex.Alex touched it and closed his eyes, trying to feel the content.“Forget it, you can't feel the content unless you find a way to open it first,” the canvasser said, looking at Alex, who sighed in resignation.“Well, it has a holy aura, so I don't need to worry about if I am taking a tiger home,” he said, shifting it to the side. “You also took the
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The canvasser smiled even more broadly, annoying Alex the most.“Hehehe! Well, you know that you guys nearly cleaned up this place, so it will be quite expensive,” he said calmly, still smiling brightly.“So, how much are they?” Alex asked impatiently.“I actually gave you a fifty percent discount on all of them, to show my generosity. It's just two billion in total,” he said, raising his fingers to show the 'two' sign.Alex frowned in thoughts before nodding his head.“Two billion yuan? It's expensive, but still reasonable in consideration of the products we took,” he reasoned, signaling to Tajana to pay up.The canvasser shook his head and smiled.“Benefactor, I think you must have misunderstood me. It's not two billion yuan. It's two billion dollars,” the canvasser announced coldly, dropping the bombshell.Everyone immediately froze, mentally calculating the worth of their supposed purchase.“Excuse me?” Alex growled in a low voice, giving him an intimidating glare.“Oh? That look
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The Buddhist canvasser frowned, staring at Luz steadily. He suddenly chuckled, distracting James, who was secretly trying to probe him without alerting Alex with his spiritual waves.“Oh that, he's not a demon. I probed him too. He only got his demonic aura a few minutes ago due to his greed,” the canvasser said, making pa James quickly turn to him.“Greed? What happened?” Pa James asked doubtfully, still stealing glances at Luz.“That boy was terribly spoiled, making him think he reserve the right to act as he pleases. When they came to my shop, alongside the others, he also refused to select weapons from the common area, making his father carry him along. However, he kept going for powerful demonic artifacts that looked fancy to him, despite his father warning him severally that being fancy doesn't make a weapon good, it's the compatibility with the user. However, he still sneaked out after all this warning and grabbed a dagger forged by Lucifer himself,” the canvasser explained, ma
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Everyone in the store immediately felt the sudden change in temperature, making them follow the direction of the cold mist, only to see the super angry Alex.Si Feng felt the cold but quickly shook his head, telling himself that the cold didn't come from Alex. Yes, it must be one of the ice attribute treasures."Do you have a death wish, little boy? How dare you try to attack me when I'm busy doing something very important ?" Alex growled, angrily clutching Si Feng's throat.His guards immediately rushed Alex, only for Alex's guards to surround them, making them unable to get close to the duo."What's going on here? The treasures in that row are all very precious. Don't you fight there! How dare you act up in fortune pagoda?" Pa James roared, rushing towards them."I saw this treasure first. However, he began to throw his weight around, trying to steal it from me," Si Feng quickly said, making Pa James smile.He had been watching Alex attentively while trying to scan his powers, so he
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Pa James almost burst into laughter as he watched what happening.Alex suddenly began to select fake artifacts and pills made on earth because he knew that Si Feng will definitely take it from him. However, the fool kept stalking him, while Alex basically helped him select the worst of the worst trash.“I thought I was wicked. However, this is a new one for me. This is the real wickedness. Luring him into paying sky-high prices for trash, and wasting his entrance fee. I wonder what his family appraisers will say when he returns with them,” the old man whispered, feeling amused at the trouble-seeking, idiotic man before him.Alex bit his lips, trying to hold back his laughter. He turned to Si Feng with a scowl.“Are you done yet? Or do I need to call the fortune pagoda's management to attention?” Alex asked, giving him a side eye.“You're free to call them. I don't really care. Whose fault is it that you always go for items I already had my eyes on?” Si Feng asked, looking at him with
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The old man chuckled wickedly, caressing the point of sales machine he just used to receive payment from Alex, a few minutes ago.“Fortune pagoda's reputation can never be destroyed. Those fake artifacts are a test of the buyer's expertise. It's a thing of pride if you can distinguish the real from the fake, no matter how fancy the fake looks, or rusty the real looks. If they can't discern if the treasure they're going for is real or not, it means that they are idiots who did not deserve to handle such precious treasures. You should know the value of what you want, before going for it,” Pa James explained, making Alex roll his eyes at him.“It's just an excuse if you want to be sincere with yourself. Why not screen out the untalented ones at the entrance? But no, you can't do that because it won't benefit you. You usher them in with delusions of grandeur, just to encourage them to spend more money here. Or is it your stupid policies? You can't let people leave without paying the full
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