All Chapters of THE MAN CALLED GOD: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
329 chapters
Alex sat in the back of the black sedan driving them to the market where the auction house is located."We still have two hours before the time for the auction. Are you sure you don't want us to park somewhere so that you can relax a bit?" Tajana asked, looking at Alex who was currently dressed in an expensive black suit, from his special designer.Alex raised his hand to confirm the time from the watch on his wrist, which was made of gold and platinum, and studded with diamonds."No need for that, just drive to the market square. I heard that this yellow river square is the one market in southeast Asia that sells genuine spiritual items. I would like to see the legendary shops being operated by monks and see which treasures are obtainable there," Alex calmly said, staring at Luz who was watching an action movie on his new tablet phone."Sir, we're here," Shadow announced, making Luz switch off the tablet and insert it into his backpack which Emrys was carrying for him."Wow, the aura
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Alex immediately teleported to the area, only to see a well dressed young master with several guards, stepping on Luz's fingers.Luz was on his knees and was holding a stick of fish kebab in his right arm which the young man was stepping on."Ahhh!" Luz cried out again, wondering why his father instructed him never to use his powers to defend himself no matter what, to avoid exposing his identity. But at this point, he doesn't really care about being found out."How dare you bump into me and smear my expensive suit with your dirty food?" He asked, increasing pressure on Luz's fingers."Luz!" Alex roared like a wounded lion, kicking the young master away like a cannonball.The young man flew up and crashed into a nearby store selling dumplings, making everyone scream in shock."Does he know the identity of that wicked young master Su Mu? His family will definitely come after him," an old woman said, panicking." He should have just apologized and taken his son away!" Another whispered,
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Alex looked at him with one of his brows cocked, feeling amused."Su Mu, Little one," the white haired old man whispered in horror, rushing to Su Mu. He quickly transmitted energy to Su Mu, healing his face and helping him to recover."And you, who do you think you are to attack someone from the Su family? Only us are allowed to bully people, never the other way," he roared furiously, rushing towards Alex."I see where he's got his attitude from. Don't tempt me to exterminate the entire Su family. It will be a waste to uproot such an important family from Hong Kong," Alex said coldly, applying more pressure to stall the man."Ha! Big words! How presumptuous of you to think about destroying our Su family!" The old man roared, rushing towards Alex.The old man immediately began to sweat, making him realize how powerful the young man before him was."Who are you?" He asked in shock."You're not qualified to know my name. You're way too young and useless," Alex whispered coldly, applying
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"A little clueless boy? Really? At his age I was already a well known figure in the army. How about my little son? If this big fool before me is a little boy, how about my poor son who was just happily enjoying one of the few days I let him come outside? Of course, his guards are to blame for leaving him alone to wander in the market," Alex said, making the old man quickly nod, finding an opening to shift blame."That's right. Their guards are both at fault. Su Mu's guards should have restrained him from commiting a blunder, while your son's guards should have kept watch over him to avoid him running into trouble or getting lost in the market. Since this is as a result of the neglect of elders, how about you let the kids go while we settle it?" The old man pleaded, eagerly looking at Alex.Alex chuckled and shook his head."You must have misunderstood me. Of course, I will punish his guard for not taking proper care of my son. However, I won't spare Su Mu either. He crushed my boy's f
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Alex watched the old man run away, and turned to Luz."Have you gotten a perfect picture?" He asked, examining the hand."Yes sir," Tajana said, giving him hard copies of the photos."Follow that old man, give him a copy each and tell him to give it to Su Yang, so that he will see what his beloved son did to mine," Alex said coldly, squatting before Luz where Ikaris was still squatting and carrying him.He began to circulate energy into the hand, while Luz gritted his teeth, trying to endure the pain."I'm sorry, little one. I've neglected you," Alex whispered in guilt, massaging the affected area and trying to fix his bones."You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one that wanted to eat roasted chicken intestines and drumsticks. I didn't even get to eat it anymore. Emrys heard me shouting and gave up on going after the hawker," Luz said unhappily, making Alex give Emrys a side eye. "You left my son all alone, making that idiot attack him. You deserve a good ass kicking," he said angr
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Luz's eyes shined with excitement as they uncovered the treasure on the stage. It looked like an ancient, broken, wooden compass, with hints of metals in it."We actually don't know what this is. We found it in a cave, alongside other treasures in a monk's tomb. We kept trying to stimulate it or discover what it's used for, but it's not responding to any stimuli, so we had no choice but to leave it till the auction. We're sure it's something good, just that no one knows what it is or what it's used for. Is there anyone here that recognizes it?" He asked, looking at the VIP and VVIP stands, searching for known masters and monks that were in attendance, hoping for some enlightenment from them. He sighed in disappointment, and turned back to the treasure on the stage. "Since there's no correct appraisal at hand, we will just bid for it at a giveaway price. Starting from five hundred thousand dollars," the auctioneer announced, making murmurs of incredulity to sweep over the crowd."Doe
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Alex immediately scoffed, noticing his reluctance to sell it for such a low price now that someone actually bid for it. Not just that, the ears of other people in the VIP and VVIP stands immediately perked up, hoping to know whether it's worth offending the mysterious man in boot number 2(Alex) for.This was not the first time Alex was dealing with such people, so he was not really that worried.He looked at Luz who was already scowling at everyone else and held his hands, trying to calm him down."I don't know what it's used for either. I'm as confused as the rest of you, especially as my efforts to analyze it was met with failure," Alex simply said, relaxing back on the chair."Why then do you want to buy it, when you don't know what it's used for?," the auctioneer asked, still suspicious of Alex."Because my son wants it. My son felt fascinated with it and asked me to buy it for him. Besides, he's saying he felt bad that no one liked the treasure, abandoning it on stage. Since it's
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Luz's lips stretched into a stubborn line, before he quickly tempered it with a cute smile, making Alex feel helpless.His smile had successfully disarmed Alex, making him unable to do anything to him.Alex smirked and bent down, gently biting Luz's ear, while whispering to him."The way you're stressing and teasing me right now, what do you think I will do to you? Just grow up and bring your girlfriend home, I will do worse to her. I will tease her the same way you're doing to me right now, naughty boy. I wonder where you learnt all these from. You sure as hell did not learn it from me. Your little sister and brother are not like this, they're clueless and innocent when it comes to such dirty things. But you're an old man in a child's body. I better not catch you doing something with any girl till you clock seventeen. Otherwise, hmmm," Alex threatened, making Luz blush and push him away."What nonsense are you talking about? Who is doing what with a girl? It can't be me. I don't unde
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Alex's brows furrowed as he wondered if all the young masters of Hong Kong were blind, arrogant, bats seeking for death. First was Su Mu, then this blonde sissy. "I'm talking to you, who gave you the right to go up there?" He asked arrogantly, puffing out his chest while inserting his right hand into his pocket, trying to play cool."And who are you?" Alex asked, his eyes narrowing dangerously."Wow, he doesn't know young master Cha Si Feng? Which village did he crawl out from?" Someone muttered amongst the guests.Si Feng immediately frowned, his scowl and anger multiplying because Alex claimed not to know him."You must be very stupid, you blind bat!" He roared at Alex, earning him ten thunderous slaps from Alex.By the time he was done with him, his face had swollen like one stung with bees, his eyes looked weird, his lips were broken, and his face turned red and purple within a second, making everyone in the restaurant gasp in horror, anticipating a good show.His guards immedia
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"I was thinking about the same thing. His face seems uncannily familiar. However, I can't remember where I saw him in the past, especially as we're not often in Hong Kong since this region is not one of your dependents," Tajana said thoughtfully, looking down at Si Feng who seem to be arguing with uncle Sam over them."I know now! It's him!" Ikaris shouted, his face turning red due to rage."He's the one that bullied Aridan in Singapore back then. You had just rescued Aridan and his cultivation base was so weak, making him easy to bully. He had humiliated Aridan in a trade fair and left before we got there!" Ikaris shouted, his eyes shining with indignation.Alex immediately nodded."Exactly! He's the person in the CCTV I checked out. Cha Si Feng! The last time, we left in a hurry, unable to do anything to him. I was intending to let him go, but why must I do that now? Of course, we have to get justice for little Aridan," Alex said with a grin, looking at Si Feng who angrily walked ou
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