All Chapters of THE MAN CALLED GOD: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
329 chapters
Alex's brows furrowed as he stared at the man putting on a show before him."I have not even touched him, yet you're so sure he's dead. This young man before me, is he really your son?" Alex asked coldly, looking up at him. "Cut the crap! What nonsense are you talking about? You're a senseless demonic god, you have killed my son. Bring back my son!" He roared furiously, rushing towards Alex while the woman who came with him, presumably his wife, threw herself on the floor, crying pitifully while beating her chest.Tajana quickly stepped forward to block the man from hurting Alex."Aaaah? Is that it? He can freely kill people because he has his lackeys around to protect him. You evil man, you're a wicked entity masking as a demonic god to reap people's lives. However, instead of going to the war zone to reap off lives and rise in ranks like you have always done, you decided to start with my son this time, bring back my son!" The man roared, saliva splattering all over Alex and Tajana
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Shadow immediately jumped down to save the woman from her assailant."You shameless old thing! You must have been bribed by them. You're an idiotic boot-licking bitch. Someone's son lies dead before him yet you're claiming he killed his son with his own hands. How unreasonable can you be? Lord Dracula from the pit of hell or whatever they call you, you must pay with your life for daring to deceive us," the man roared angrily, trying to fight shadow."You're a wicked man, why will you promise to heal my son only to sneakily kill him?" The man shouted again with a deranged expression on his face, trying to push down the table bearing the costly equipments and drugs, to spite Alex and hurt him."This indeed looks suspicious. They planned to sabotage this good man. Others didn't die till it got to him. I was watching the stand because I was concerned about the little boy who basically looked like he was about to collapse due to exhaustion, so I was watching him worriedly. And I saw what h
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"Calm down, daddy's got this, okay?" Alex whispered, watching them argue."If this is not a set up, how do you explain the fact that anyone that tries to speak in his favor is immediately shot?" A woman asked, making murmurs of agreement rise in the crowd."You all are really stupid. This is why they said education is the best legacy you can get. Haven't you heard of reverse psychology? What if he's the one that planted those people to shoot down those trying to stand on his side just to gather more sympathy towards his side. This all looks complicated, but it's actually very simple. This man is a demonic liar. He's trying to ruin us by pretending to help us. He probably wants to crawl in here under the guise of helping us and carry out a coup to add our country to the list of his conquests. And to do that, he needs to start with making the public like him. Why else would he spend such an amount on herbs, if not to impress people? Selfish and greedy people like him will go to any exte
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"You said I killed him right? I should wake him up and rectify this error, isn't that right? Even though resurrecting someone poisoned to death is hard, I can at least do it and damn the consequences, so that he will explain the truth of the matter to us. Isn't that right, old swindler, Jae hee?" Alex asked coldly, looking at the old couple putting on a drama before him to rile up the crowd and create an opening for his fellow saboteurs to ruin Alex's image."What nonsense are you talking about? What kind of doctor brings back a dead person to life? Stop being absurd, even if people call you god, remember you're no god. Blowing your trumpet to make people hail you as mighty is very wrong. What if you don't manage to wake him up? You will add it to your long list of sins. You just need to apologize to us and show real remorse for your sins, that's all I want from you. I'm not cruel enough to ask you to do something impossible just to punish you," pa Jae hee said magnanimously, waving h
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Alex watched the people in the crowd shout disapprovingly at Jae hee and his gang, still feeling infuriated."This is why they say the crowd of uneducated bunch of fools is easily manipulated and deceived. Pa Jae hee probably has a genuine reason for his refusal to let that wicked man anywhere near his son. His aura is said to be mainly encompassed by the energy of dead people, making him always cold and scary. How do you think such a frightening killing intent is formed? In addition to all kinds of cold demonic energy following him about, his aura is made up of evil energy, which he probably increased by eating the souls of humans. So anyone in Pa Jae hee's shoes will panic and refuse to let such a demon touch his beloved child. Why are you all blaming him instead of being sympathetic?," One of the spies shouted, trying to distract their attention from Jae hee's saga."I have tried to shut up and mind my business, but this is getting too much. I saw this particular man giving signals
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"What the hell is this monster talking about?" The spy whom the burly man slapped, said with disdain, making Alex smile heartily."You all thought that after receiving money from Kang San, Gu Dan, Steve Louis and their friends who are hiding there, I won't know right. You came here yapping nonsense and I let you. However, I'm done with ignoring you guys as you drag my name to the mud. I have patiently waited for you to dig your trap for yourself, and now, it's time to die," Alex said coldly, sending shivers down their spines.The Alex who calmly accepted everything they did was long gone. The one before them seems to be a hungry and angry lion eager to tear them apart. His nether energy continued to spread out in steady currents, frightening them."Kang San, Gu Dan, since you have been here all along why did you refuse to come out and instead kept sending tout after tout to infuriate me? Especially you, Gu Dan. I asked you to come and explain to me why you decided to kill your citizen
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Alex totally ignored her, while Tajana quickly moved to block the insane woman from attacking Alex."Who knows this young woman here? Is there any of her family members around?" Alex asked, noticing the young woman that was shot while trying to bear witness on his behalf."She doesn't have a family member. She's an orphan and her only elder brother died during the monster's attack. But you can leave her here," an old woman said, standing up from the crowd.Alex looked at the girl who was looking pale. Her willow shaped brows were dark and beautiful.She was a stunning beauty with an hourglass figure.However, right now, she had the semblance of a corpse, totally losing the fire in her.He turned to Emrys who was standing beside him after dismantling their stand and packing up the rest of the materials into the car."After sharing the supplies, is there any remaining?* Alex asked, looking up at him."About five hundred plates are still remaining after sharing it. And there are still so
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Their screams of horror immediately woke up Luz who was lying comfortably in Alex's arms."Boss! What the fuck is wrong?" Emrys roared, hurriedly dropping the girl on a nearby sofa to rush to Alex.Luz opened one of his eyes, as his mind tried to awaken and compute where he currently was.He immediately caught sight of Alex's bloodied lips as he gasped, making his eyes shoot open with lightning speed, the sleep quickly leaving his eyes."Dad! What's wrong?" He screamed in horror, noticing the blood staining Alex's lip's and his (Luz's) clothes.Alex's blood had dropped on his body when he collapsed to his knees, due to the posture he was carrying Luz with.Luz quickly clambered down from Alex's body, hurriedly taking his pulse."Daddy, your internal injuries have worsened. The hole in your heart is getting wider. I told you to ignore them and recover first of all, but you insisted on attending to them first, see what you have done," Luz whispered in tears, trying to raise the half con
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"What have you done to him?" Tajana whispered, looking at Luz in confusion."I didn't do anything, the herbs were supposed to seal his heart, increase his blood count and energy reserve and also rebuild his heart tissues. I don't understand what's happening either," he whispered in alarm, rushing to grab Alex's arm.He quickly began to circulate his energy into Alex's body, minimizing the twitching. He sighed in relief and helped him to lie on his back."Please do you have acupuncture needles? Golden ones preferably, blessed with internal energy," Luz said, looking up at Tajana and Emrys who were staring at him as if he was some fascinating organism.Emrys quietly went down and returned with acupuncture needles according to Luz's specifications.Luz unbuttoned Alex's shirt, exposing his well toned and powerful muscles. However, his sexy body filled with ripped muscles and abs wasn't what Luz saw.Different grievous injuries greeted him the moment he opened Alex's shirt to take a look
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Alex smiled and caressed his head."I used to be human. But now, I don't really know which category to classify myself as," He whispered, watching Luz's serious expression, while feeling amused."You're obviously not totally recovered, but you're already up, walking around the entire place. You're not normal," Luz said, making Alex smile.Almost immediately, Alex began to cough, his face constricting in pain.He quickly wiped the blood and dark residues away from his lips, making Luz's frown deepen."We need to buy those two herbs, so that you will start recovering bit by bit. However, before you totally recover, your hell's scythe technique needs to advance in level. So, you need to find a virgin that will help you do that. Finding a virgin to dual cultivate with and absorb yin energy from her is the only way to seal that hole in your heart. Do you guys have a market where they sell virgins?" Luz asked, making everyone roar with laughter."A market where they sell humans? We don't li
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