All Chapters of THE MAN CALLED GOD: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
329 chapters
Alex looked down at the boy, waiting to hear his honest thoughts.The boy's response will determine how Alex will treat him in the future, however he doesn't need to know that."No, I will not fight with him. He genuinely wanted to protect you, so he did it with a good intention. Even if his prejudice hurts, I won't attack him. Not just because he's bigger than I am, but also because he's your friend. You're helping me, so matter what happens, I won't attack the people you like. I will just stay quietly, even if they don't accept me," he whispered thoughtfully, making Alex smile in satisfaction."You're a good boy Luz, never lose that light in you, demon or not. You have to live as an upright human, when the time comes, you will let people know that not all demons are evil. There are evil humans too, lots of them. No matter what race or tribe, there's always lots of evil people in them, whether they're human or demons," Alex said, smiling at him in satisfaction.However, the smile loo
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"What's in those bags on your backs? What kinds of treasures did you all find?" The chubby general that barred their way asked, his eyes shining with greed.Their eyes furrowed in confusion before they burst into laughter, looking at the generals as if they were stupid."Insolence! How dare you look at your superiors with disdain?" Steve growled, making Tajana roll his eyes."If you were really curious about the treasures that could have been found in that evil forest, at least when that evil ant devoured our jeep, it would have devoured you too and sent you to hell where you will find a lot of treasures," Tajana said with a smirk, looking straight at them."Actually we had quite a harvest, there were gold lying around every meter we walked. Damn, it was really a walking treasure trove waiting to be plucked. Our bags are all full of gold and jewels. We spent the entire night packing treasures," Emrys said sarcastically.However, the greed shining in their eyes didn't let them detect t
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"Mortal, that fatty and his friends outside seem to have no regards for you. They're greedy and lustful. If you read their thoughts like I did, you will be shocked. Can you hear what they're asking for? They want to know where the treasures are, but they didn't have the courage to face the cave with you. Won't you punish them? They're planning to hurt you in the future. Are you listening to me? Mortal, I'm pretty serious. They had bad thoughts immediately they saw you, all of them. Mortal," Luz whispered, pulling on Alex's clothes.But Alex simply ignored him, making him look unhappy.Alex tried his best to hide his smile, watching Luz's unhappy expression at being ignored."I'm not mortal. I'm way more powerful than you are. If you continue addressing people as mortals, they will ask you if you're not a mortal too? What will you say then?" Alex asked, giving him a side eye."Then what do I call you if not mortal? You're a mortal, why don't you like being addressed as one," Luz asked,
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Alex's eyes widened at the result before him.“What the fuck is going on here?” He whispered, putting on a second layer of thick gloves to check out the horror that occurred before him. “The reaction is too volatile, the universal detoxifying formula is not working. Damn! I have to start again,” he cursed out, cleaning up the mess he made while putting out the fire.*****“What's delaying the boss? He's taking so much time. It's already ten minutes to the scheduled time,” Ikaris said worriedly, checking his watch anxiously.“I don't know, either. He looked exhausted before he entered the lab. I wonder if he collapsed there,” Shadow whispered, sitting down.“Let's be patient. He didn't allow us to interfere with the research. Let's exercise patience for a while. If we wait till 2pm, and we don't see him, we will break into the lab,” Tajana said calmly, trying to write off their worries as something unserious.“Daddy is alright. His breathing is a bit labored, but he's not in any dange
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Alex furrowed his brows, tapping on the watch.His eyes narrowed dangerously, and he scoffed, a cruel smirk dancing on his face.“I guess we have some company. Why don't we give them a warm welcome?” He asked with a smile, sending goosebumps down their backs, as they wondered which idiot casually walked into the jaws of a dragon.“Mmm? One of them is familiar,” Luz said, sniffing the air and walking towards a direction.“Luz come back. I know who it is. They still decided to come snoop around after all. Should we break their legs or kill them? Or should we make them bedridden?” Alex asked cruelly, his eyes narrowing dangerously.“Boss, they're probably here with the knowledge of legal authorities. The balance of power is shaking, and they're all wary of you, making them to set trap after trap for you. This might be another one. They're afraid of your growing influence and power, so they're trying to clip your wings in any means possible. There are no organizations that have the abilit
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“I injected a painful serum into your body,” Alex answered calmly, making the boy whose eyes immediately welled up with tears look disappointed and betrayed.“Tell me it's not what I'm thinking,” he whispered, tears dripping down his face, as he blamed himself for trusting a human.“What are you thinking about? I can't read your thoughts, how will I know what you're thinking?” Alex whispered calmly, looking at him.“Please, tell me that you've not betrayed me. You didn't trick me into trusting you, calling you daddy, just to get a chance to kill me, right? I'm so stupid. Why did I think a human will genuinely love and care for me ?” he whispered, crying as he forced himself up from the table.“I can't believe you thought that about me. I'm now your father, and you are my son. Daddy will never hurt you, okay?” Alex whispered, drawing him back to prevent his shaky legs from falling off the table while climbing down.“That's what I thought too, but it's obvious I have been poisoned. Why
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“The victims of the snake bite are dying in their numbers. While some of them are transforming into snake demons, it's total chaos out there,” Emrys whispered, panting and gasping.Alex's heart skipped a beat, his hand instinctively tightening on Luz's wrists.He began to run down the stairs, adjusting the little bag on his back at intervals.The rest of the men were already standing beside the tour bus prepared for the community service.Alex quickly got in, same with the others. Shadow was seated in the driver's seat, hurriedly driving them to the city square where the victims were living as refugees.As they got closer to the city center, the aura of monsters got thicker, making Alex's heart clench in alarm.“This is serious. Some of them are almost totally demonized. They will probably not get better ever again,” Luz whispered worriedly, looking at Alex's alarmed face.“They will get better,” Alex whispered, consoling himself.The car soon drove into the city center and screams be
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“It came from Cheong-do's base C. This was because there was no method of rectifying such a situation that is known as us, making him decide to kill them since the soldiers sent to eliminate the monsters finally returned victoriously. The only solution was to eliminate them all to avoid infecting more people since the monsters have been killed, and an antidote was nowhere in sight. It's only by wrapping up the mission will the base be eligible to take the reward for finally killing the monsters,” the soldier explained.“Did those fools tell people they were the ones that killed the monsters? Bloody liars! They refused to get close to the area after the men sent by lord Dracula died. Lord Dracula had to go himself to eliminate the threat with great difficulties. All the soldiers who sacrificed their lives came from Lord Dracula's forces. Why would they want to receive the reward for someone else's work when they refused to join the team when we traveled to the forest for the expedition
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Alex walked back to the stand where the medical equipment was arranged, putting on his lab coat.Luz frowned, looking in the direction where Kang San and his little group of jealous evildoers were hiding.He frowned and tapped Alex, who had just removed his backpack, putting on his lab coat and gloves.“Daddy, wait!” He whispered, dragging Alex down to listen to his observations.Alex frowned, his anger rising as he heard what he saw.“The negative emotions from that area are really high. They're definitely planning something terrible for today,” Luz whispered with a frown.Alex smiled and whispered something back to him.To everyone else, it looked like a doting father trying to soothe his clingy son. Rather than the real thing going on, a general instructing his spy on what to do.Alex motioned to Tajana, giving him quick instructions.“Pay special attention to the food stands, cordon it off with alarm and detectors to avoid being sabotaged. Tell Ikaris to be the only one sharing th
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“Allow them to enjoy their moment of glory for a while. The higher people's hope and faith in him, the higher their disappointment, hate, and contempt when he finally fails,” the vicious fatty named Gu Dan said, smiling wickedly as they watched the enthusiastic people leading their healed relatives to their make-shift shacks after receiving supplies from Ikaris.“Damn, I can't believe the boss actually did that. One billion dollars are gone, just like that. How is he going to recoup the money? Only him can foolishly spend such an amount to help people that doesn't even value him, not minding the losses it will cause for him and his finances,” Emrys whispered to Ikaris, loud enough for the people they were attending to hear them clearly.“Stop complaining. Even if we tell him not to do it, that it will affect his business, he doesn't listen. He already made up his mind to help them, no matter the cost. We don't have any other option than to make it happen. I'm just so unhappy that he d
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