All Chapters of THE MAN CALLED GOD: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
329 chapters
Alex immediately dodged the tail coming for him, jumping out of the space where he was initially standing.The snake had wanted to trap him and coil around his body, planning to squeeze, choke and strangle him to death. However, Alex had no intention of dying in the cave.He quickly slashed the snake's neck viciously, unleashing his saber spirit at it.The saber left a tiny mark on the anaconda's body, blood pouring out from it."You managed to nurture a spirit for the imperial dragon demon saber? You thief! Give it back! You've stolen so many treasures from hell each time you visited. Give it here!" The snake hissed, its eyes shining with greed and lust."Oh? If you want it, you can come get it," Alex mocked, swinging the saber with ease.The snake immediately charged at him, swinging its tail wildly while trying to use its little claw which was developing under its belly to scratch him.Alex hurriedly began to parry the blows, giving the anaconda many slashes in the process, while s
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Alex began to walk towards the direction of the noise, feeling curious about the kind of monster that could emit such a powerful aura.His senses were on full alert as he tried to detect and avoid any traps which might have been set in place to capture any trespassers.Alex's legs froze of their own accord as he felt an icy and otherworldly aura.He quickly looked around and noticed a little mirror hanging by his right. Alex closed his eyes and tried to walk past it, but his curiosity couldn't let him.“I am the mirror to the soul. I show one's deepest, darkest secrets to them. I let them see their dirty desires and the things they yearn for in the innermost parts of their hearts. Furthermore, I will let you see your future, your past, your enemies, your greatest nightmares, your biggest obstacle, your biggest fear and the reality which you refused to acknowledge,” the mirror whispered gently, as if it was a fair maiden, trying to seduce a man to bask in the sweetness of her scent and
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Alex smirked coldly, realizing the mirror's intentions.“Of all the things you could have shown me, you showed me that scene. Instead of you to let me see impending disasters that could affect earth in the future and think of how to prevent them, you chose to show me an erotic scene. Why? Did you think I will be so engrossed with the scene playing before me that my soul will leave my body, yearning to move to that point in time. So that I can get sucked into the wheel of time while you use my projections to wreak havoc on earth. But dear mirror, you have failed. I'm not the kind of man that's incredibly attracted to the things of the flesh. Pleasures of the world don't move me, so stop your foolish attempts to ensnare me. Show me something meaningful if you must!” Alex said firmly, refusing to look straight at the eye of the mirror.“Hmm! Hypocrite! You don't love things of the flesh nor are you enamored with women, my ass! Who is it that his future is showing an extensive harem fille
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“Since you would rather not give it to me, fine then. I will get it myself. Get ready to die,” the dragon roared, invoking his saber to come out from Alex's body.Alex clutched his heart in pain and noticed that the formations also began to attack him.“Let me go back to my master,” the saber whined, transmitting consciousness to Alex's mind.“Shut up! You're going nowhere. Have you forgotten the person who nurtured you until you got a soul and spirit? You kept blindly following an evildoer for eons, yet you didn't gain anything from him. What does that tell you? If you insist on going back to him, I will strip out your soul and spirit, and return you to the scrap metal you once were,” Alex snapped angrily, locking the saber with a formation, before imprisoning it in his treasure pagoda. He quickly suppressed his darkness aura, emitting light from his body.Almost immediately, the formations stopped attacking him, facing the dragon, who was doing everything to break away from the cha
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“It might have been in chains for a while, but it's still powerful. And once it goes berserk, there will be a huge problem. I better finish it off immediately,” Alex thought, summoning all his energy to stab into the dragon's neck and head, viciously drawing red blood out mixed with a hint of purple.“Awooo!” The dragon roared in pain, intensifying his struggles as he tried his best to fight off Alex, who was mercilessly assaulting him.“You little mortal! I will not spare you!” He roared, the chains cracking under the weight of his pull.Alex's heart skipped a beat immediately he noticed that the chains were about to snap.If the dragon ever makes it out of the restraining chains, Alex will be dead in a matter of minutes due to how furious the dragon was. Alex quickly mustered all his power, realizing that this was no time to hide his strength, summoning his true sun physique and fire, recklessly attacking the dragon.There was a considerable pool of blood around the dragon, which h
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Alex quickly jumped to his feet, summoning back his weapons.He immediately made the weapons to form a whirlpool around the dragon, hoping to prevent it from advancing further.“Little human, your puny attempts to stall me cannot work, you're merely tickling my body,” it mocked, stomping towards Alex, not minding the whirlpool.“Whoo!” The dragon exhaled a gigantic ball of fire from its mouth, trying to engulf Alex.Alex quickly jumped up, landing on the dragon's back and stabbed it viciously with the spear, impaling it to the ground while simultaneously trying to coil a flaming rope around it, hoping to restrict the dragon's movements.The dragon angrily slapped him away with his wings, sending Alex crashing towards the altar.He turned around and saw a pitch-black whirlpool hidden behind the massive altar. It was pitch black and hot, obviously showing it was a portal to another dimension.He quickly jumped down the altar, not wanting to get sucked into the mysterious portal without
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Alex gasped tiredly, forcing his eyes open, while trying to roll away from the dragon's trajectory. However, he was still weak.He immediately motioned towards St Michael's sword, sending the last stream of energy in his body to the sword.The sword immediately emitted a blinding light, going straight to the dragon's neck.Before Alex's eyes, the seemingly lifeless statue of St Michael raised its hand, sending a flaming chain to the dragon's right leg, drawing it back.Simultaneously, the sword arrived on the dragon's neck in a flash, going through it and totally severing its already fatally wounded neck, finishing off the work which Alex failed to do.The dragon's mouth was still wide open, unable to scream till the last moment.Alex was willing to bet his massive fortune that till the last moment, the dragon didn't know what hit him.Everything happened too fast, both Alex sending a strand of energy to the sword hoping to activate it, to the statue coming alive and decimating it; al
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Alex immediately turned around noticing a pitch black air, filled with dark energy, swirling around the dragon, trying to leave its body."The dragon's soul. The soul of a demon's rebirth! It wants to escape and hide somewhere else or in someone else's body, and then slowly reforge another physical body!" Alex's mind screamed, making him quickly invoke his soul devouring jar.The silhouette of a dragon immediately took shape in the black fume, quickly rushing towards the dark portal behind the altar."How is that possible?" Alex roared furiously, throwing the jar to block its trajectory, while simultaneously rushing after it, hurriedly sealing it.He noticed the dragon angrily struggling to break free from the jar, making him strengthen the seal.At other times, he would have ignored it, throwing it into his storage space. However, his unpleasant experience in the hands of the dragon made him take this particular foe very seriously.Alex turned to sit down and continue his meditation,
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"Of course, I want it! Are you really powerful enough to turn me into a human?" He asked, eyes shining with hope."Of course, but it will be a little painful. It will take a lot of time. And you will have to be righteous so that others will accept you. Can you do it?" Alex asked with a smile, remembering St Michael's words.He had instructed him not to treat the demon hiding outside too harshly, because it wasn't like other demons.The little demon quickly nodded, making Alex smile.He immediately wore a powerful bracelet on him and covered him with a cloak to restrain his aura and powers."Is it painful?" Alex asked with concern, but the little demon quickly shook his head.Alex immediately felt relieved. The cloak was meant to exorcize evil thoughts, if it was not having any effects on him, it simply means that he was not having an evil thought against Alex in the first place.Alex grabbed the demon's hand, taking him to the cave entrance."Sit down, while I wrap things up here," he
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He immediately fired the arrow, sending goosebumps down the little demon's body.It quickly dodged, watching the arrow fly past him.His mouth opened widely in shock as he quickly turned around to face them."Why are you attacking me? I didn't do anything to you!" The little demon shouted angrily, wondering why people were so wicked.He had the chance to kill them, but he didn't. Even when they were blocking his way. But here they were, attacking him without remorse, viciously trying to kill him when he was simply minding his business."I told you he's a wicked dwarf demon, he must have hurt the boss!" Emrys shouted angrily."I didn't hurt the mortal. He got hurt inside the cave!" The demon argued, staring at them with dread as they all pointed powerful weapons, which made him feel distressed, at him.He immediately contemplated killing and disarming them, but immediately shook his head."I don't want to attack you because it seems as if you are his friends. But if you keep pushing me
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