Alex smirked coldly, realizing the mirror's intentions.

“Of all the things you could have shown me, you showed me that scene. Instead of you to let me see impending disasters that could affect earth in the future and think of how to prevent them, you chose to show me an erotic scene. Why? Did you think I will be so engrossed with the scene playing before me that my soul will leave my body, yearning to move to that point in time. So that I can get sucked into the wheel of time while you use my projections to wreak havoc on earth. But dear mirror, you have failed. I'm not the kind of man that's incredibly attracted to the things of the flesh. Pleasures of the world don't move me, so stop your foolish attempts to ensnare me. Show me something meaningful if you must!” Alex said firmly, refusing to look straight at the eye of the mirror.

“Hmm! Hypocrite! You don't love things of the flesh nor are you enamored with women, my ass! Who is it that his future is showing an extensive harem fille
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