Alex began to walk towards the direction of the noise, feeling curious about the kind of monster that could emit such a powerful aura.

His senses were on full alert as he tried to detect and avoid any traps which might have been set in place to capture any trespassers.

Alex's legs froze of their own accord as he felt an icy and otherworldly aura.

He quickly looked around and noticed a little mirror hanging by his right. Alex closed his eyes and tried to walk past it, but his curiosity couldn't let him.

“I am the mirror to the soul. I show one's deepest, darkest secrets to them. I let them see their dirty desires and the things they yearn for in the innermost parts of their hearts. Furthermore, I will let you see your future, your past, your enemies, your greatest nightmares, your biggest obstacle, your biggest fear and the reality which you refused to acknowledge,” the mirror whispered gently, as if it was a fair maiden, trying to seduce a man to bask in the sweetness of her scent and
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