All Chapters of THE MAN CALLED GOD: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
328 chapters
“Of course, I will not let anyone bully us anymore,” she said with a smile, making Alex rub her hair in satisfaction.“You're daddy's pride. So you have to shine like a star at all times, don't let anyone act up before you. You're the boss,” he encouraged as Raz opened the car door.Eleanor angrily got down, wondering why Alex's idea of child rearing involve extreme indulgence and spoiling them, they will only become arrogant in the future.She looked around, noticing the splendor all around her. Two men were wearing aprons while standing in front of the main mansion to welcome them.Eleanor admired the surrounding edifice, all the buildings in that villa were exquisite, with mind-blowing designs, but the one before them was obviously the best, shaped like Aladdin's lamp.There was a steady light glowing at the top, while the other end of the 'lamp' contained an infinity pool, probably the penthouse suite.Eleanor took a deep breath, even though she was born in an aristocratic family
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Alex ignored her, walking towards his study.“Oh, really? Wait in the blue study then. Mac, take the madam and the baby to their respective rooms, and set the table for lunch. Ariella is hungry,” Alex said, setting down the baby on her feet.He turned to leave and almost immediately, Arielle followed him.He stopped and turned to her, noticing the mischievous smile on her face.“Ariella, it's not gonna work,” he simply said, smirking at her.“Why? I just want to come with you?” She said cutely batting her eyelashes.Alex began to laugh, pinching her cheeks.“You want to play spy for your mom, but I caught you. You can't outsmart me, I'm your dad,” he said with mirth, sending hot discussions up in the room.They were all surprised that her seemingly innocent actions were calculated. They only saw a three-year-old tagging after her father, while Alex saw an intelligent girl, trying to sniff out information.“Why don't you want mommy to know? You didn't answer her questions,” Ariella imm
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“Is heaven conniving to take my kids away as punishment? I won't let them!” He growled angrily, his face pinched in worry.“Baby girl, lie down,” he whispered, laying her back on the bed.Ariella silently obeyed, noticing Alex's foul mood.Alex began to inspect her various acupoints, his heart sinking more by the second.“Daddy, what's wrong? You look like you're about to cry. Is something wrong with me?” Ariella asked worriedly, making Alex look up at her with a warm smile.“It's nothing. It only means that you will be very powerful in the future,” he quickly reassured.However, Ariella kept looking at him suspiciously, obviously not taking all he said at face value. It's not always good for kids to be too smart.Alex sighed as he pondered on his discovery. He had realized that Ariella had the immortal ice jade physique, one of the most powerful physique structures for cultivators and assassins.Anyone with the ice Jade physique is practically a biological weapon. One would think it'
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Alex hid on a bamoa tree in the valley of the chaotic forest, watching the pack of siagans guarding the wanderer's soul reviving flowers he's after. They apparently made it their nest because of the rich spiritual energy that was packed densely around it due to the flower. The flower had the ability to revive anyone in a coma, no matter how long they had slept. It brings back their wandering souls to the body, merging them together to revive the person, hence its name.It also had the ability to rebuild the mind, calm and broaden the spiritual sea, remove any toxins or abscess cerebral fluid in the brain, and sharpen the memory. No matter the level of one's madness and the cause, the immortal flower can cure the person, restoring its sanity.However, many people don't know of its existence, nor do they know where to find it.Alex only knows certain secret things about the Milky Way galaxy due to his level of cultivation and insight, in addition to his unlimited access to ancient text
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Alex swallowed nervously. He had never felt afraid of anything for years now, but his heart was currently beating like a mad samba drum as he tightened his hands on his weapons. He had quickly unsheathed the long sword on his waist, moving it to his right, while the dagger was held in the left to act as a shield. He adjusted the backpack quickly, keeping an eye on the ancestor as they circled him, moving closer to entrap him in a close circle.“Old monster, you seem pretty confident of killing me. Isn't that too presumptuous?” He asked mockingly, charging at the Siagan ancestor.“You're digging your grave, idiot,” the Siagan muttered, watching Alex, who was rushing towards his direction.The siagans excelled in close combat due to their natural strength, flexibility and endowment, so anyone's best bet when faced by a powerful Siagan would be to run as far as possible.The Siagan ancestor quickly slashed out a claw, but Alex quickly met it with his meteoric iron sword.A loud metallic
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The Siagan immediately dived towards him with a wicked smirk, aiming for his throat.But against all expectations, it grunted and slumped on top of Alex.Alex had simultaneously stabbed his long sword and dagger in its heart and neck at the same time, giving it no time to react because it didn't see them coming.Alex gritted his teeth, holding back his disgust as the green liquids spluttered on his face, drenching his entire body.He groaned in pain, trying to throw off the weight of the heavy Siagan. He finally rolled it, kicked it to the side, and it fell with a thump, destroying a few trees in its wake.Alex quickly forced himself to stand, but almost immediately, his leg gave way.He staggered and caught a tree, watching his blood pooling around his feet. Despite the fact that Alex's skin was durable and tough, the Siagan had slashed deep into his leg muscles, tearing a lot of blood vessels in the process.Other monsters began to swarm towards him, attracted by the smell of blood.
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Alex sat before the lake, slowly helping himself to the canned food in his backpack.He sighed, checking his wounds, which were not healing as fast as he wanted it to.He dressed the wound and wrapped it with waterproof gauze, and wore a waterproof bodysuit, staring at the lake before him.“The density of that murky water is really high, gun and bullets will be useless inside it. It's back to the primitive way in this case,” he muttered, equipping himself with special goggles and a mask.He looked at the crocodiles through his telescope, noticing that most of them had one eye closed.“Are they about to take a nap?” Alex whispered excitedly, trying to pinpoint the particular location of the herb he was looking for.He quietly crept to the edge of the lake closest to it and waited till the surrounding crocodiles fell asleep.Alex slowly dipped himself inside the water, trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid waking them up.He began the torturous dive through the smelly water, while
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“Why isn't he waking up? Should we strip him? We need to see the extent of his wounds,” Aridan whispered worriedly.“The boss doesn't like people seeing his body. Should we take him back to ma'am Eleanor? I'm sure the boss wouldn't mind since they used to be lovers,” Ikaris suggested.“No, it's not possible. It's obvious that the boss doesn't want her to know about his identity. Besides, she will be frightened out of her mind and probably faint if she sees the hideous and disgusting pus all over his body. She also seems to be quarrelling with him, I don't think he will appreciate her seeing him in this condition, the boss is a very proud man,” Raz immediately refuted.“Damn! I have never seen the boss like this. Even when he was attacked by millions of soldiers with missiles, enduring multiple gunshots and bomb blasts, he didn't lose consciousness or look as pale as he does right now,” Aridan whispered worriedly.“It's the environment, the forbidden zones have powerful spiritual force
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Kristen ran in with the heavy box containing her tools, her assistant tagging behind her with another box.“You idiot! I told you thirty minutes max. Why are you getting here after an hour? Look what you've done, you lazy bum!” Raz growled angrily, still administering CPR on Alex to bring back his heart beat.“It's not my fault. I was at the other end of the world. None of you notified me that the boss went on a mission. Even if I entered the special Jet immediately I received the message, getting here still took a lot of time. It takes nearly a day to cover such distance. Why are you blaming me when I managed to get here in one hour?” Kristen shouted back, quickly setting down her box.“I don't care whatever reason you give, the boss left you with one of the fastest modified jets because of your position as the chief emergency response personnel, being unable to get here in thirty minutes is your damn fault. Get to work!” Raz growled, moving back to give her space.“Wait till I becom
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Alex's eyes were wide open, they had turned totally red with a frightening black vertical slit in their middle.His body had turned into a greenish color; instead of their normal rosy white, with a hint of tan. Veins were protruding from his body and his limbs were moving strangely.Kristen smirked as she watched the three of them trying to soothe Alex and bring him back to his normal self.“Oh my gosh! You guys must have made his condition worse with the antidotes, what did I tell you?” She said, pretending to be angry and worried. They stared at her resentfully, trying to hold Alex down on the bed.“Damn it, if only Ariella knows how to transmit energy. Only her can force his sanity to return,” Raz muttered, attempting to cover Alex with his cold energy.Kristen's eyes immediately narrowed, staring at them with a vicious glare filled with jealousy and hate.“Who is Ariella?” She asked, her voice a whisper as she tried to hide her emotions.“She's boss's favorite lover. Why do you a
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