All Chapters of The Anonymous Mr. Maximilanno : Chapter 81
81 chapters
Chapter 81
“Hmm…” the designer breathed in heavily and looked at the manager.“Chase him out.” “He wouldn't dare!” Alessandro said.The manager seeing that he was caught in between the two young men decided to use his senses. He can't annoy Alessandro as he is from a wealthy family and his father might withdraw his membership card, on the other hand, the designer if provoked might not want to interact with their store.He might even convinced other designers not to partner with the stores so he cleared his throat.“Sir, you're our special client and so is him. If I chase him out I might lose my job. Please try to understand me and not put me in a tightened situation.”The designer became quiet as he took his phone and scribbled on it before dropping it back in his pocket.Silence engulfed the air except for the small muttering that emanated from the designer as he conversed with Ric.Not long after a new man walked in and stopped in the middle of the store introducing himself.The manager’s ear
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