All Chapters of The Anonymous Mr. Maximilanno : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
81 chapters
Chapter 71
"Tell me, is there any reason why I shouldn't speak to him in that manner? Is there any reason why he should have my respect?" Roxanne asked as she taunted Aaliyah with wide eyes in search of answers to set her ball rolling."Have you no shame? How can you pull a scene in front of guests who have come to celebrate with grandfather on an important day like this? What do you think grandfather would say when he hears about this?"Aaliyah pulled away from Rics hold and tried to call Roxanne to order in a low voice using their grandfather but Roxanne was ready to play in the mud as long as she could get a chance to drag them with her. Roxanne was absolutely shameless."Well guess what? I don't want him to hear about it, I want him to see it for himself." Roxanne replied as she closed the space between them, her eyes filled with anger and hate for the couple."What did I miss?" Reynold, Roxanne's husband walked to them, breaking the tension between the ladies who intently glared at the othe
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Chapter 72
We are running late already,” Damon said.Damon had plans, if Ric was going to be beating the challenge by Reynold then he needed a little shopping for the engagement. These were Damon's cogitations. Ric had told them both of the challenge.“Why are you hastening us?” Gordon reprimanded as he changed his sleeping position on the couch. Frank stood in a corner and watched the interaction between the three.“There is no need for all the fuss. We will just pick some designs of suits, pay and leave,” Ric shot from the bathroom.Damon groaned, trying to fix his pants. “It is not as simple as he says it. Get up, sleepy head.” He smacked Gordon’s butt.“Stop it. I am straight!” Gordon turned again. He barely had any sleep last night, and now that he wanted to get some sleep, his friends were disturbing him.Ric came out of the bathroom in a towel. “You are not obsessed, are you? It is just a wedding, and the date is not even that close yet.” He rolled his eyes at Damon’s fuss over the suits
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Chapter 73
Ric did his best to maintain his composure and not cause a scene by being physical with Alessandro but that was the only thing that clouded his thoughts.Finally he suppressed the urge and took the path of a gentleman instead. His friends were watching.“That is none of my business. My initial business here is what I will go for, and that is, to buy and leave. I hope you don't try to cause any trouble.” Ric replied calmly.The truth was that Ric haboured resentment for Alessandro, not only because he was Melissa's new husband which of course was a major factor but also because Alessandro had constantly poked his hands in Ric's eyes and though Lord Gullathova had claimed the snipper that was caught that night was independent from Alessandro’s thugs, Ric still had his share of doubts.“I need some particular designer suits for I and my friends,” Ric ignored him totally while he talked to the one behind Alessandro, a lady.That was the lady’s job. To bring whoever wanted to buy clothes s
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Chapter 74
The manager had sweaty palms and cursed himself for I'll luck when he saw the man that spoke.The man was draped in an expensive suit that even his cologne screamed Luxury. His shoes were obviously customized and Italian, his leather belt a match with well crafted details making obvious they were not the regular you saw even in a store like that."I'm sorry Sir, I didn't know you were with them." The manager pleaded when he noticed the man spoke in defense of Ric and his friends.Seeing the man's composure and attire, Alessandro did not dare push his luck.However, both Alessandro and the manager were shocked at the man's response."I am here on my own accord and I'm wondering if this is how you treat your customers." The man denied any form of affiliation with Ric or his friends snapping Frank's head to him.The man in question was one feared by the entire Avrilla city including Frank's employer; Mr. Rogers.He was Benhardt.The same Benhardt who had been the one to bring Ric the bla
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Chapter 75
Benhardt observed Ric's countenance towards him was beginning to fall, he pressed his lips in a thin line and managed a plain smile that didn't get to his eyes.Benhardt could barely comprehend why Ric was unwilling to forgive his father and identify fully as his son leaving behind wretched wanna be people like Alessandro."Young Man!" The manager scolded Ric but before he could charge towards him with a raised hand, Frank side stepped and blocked his path while Benhardt immediately held up his hand to him.Ric looked at Benhardt with disdain and Benhardt knew he had overstayed his welcome, he initially planned to teach Alessandro and the manager a lesson for daring to talk Ric down but at the time, he knew that any public action he took was only going to kindle Ric's anger towards him so he did nothing. "The young man is in his right," Benhardt declared calmy and slumped his shoulders disappointed that he could not prevail to defend his young master.The same person that he could
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Chapter 76
"I'll be in the car." Frank could not bare to see Ric humiliated since he was allowed to take no action.Frank was slightly disappointed but Gordon wasn't.“My complete outfit cost three thousand dollars all put together. What do you mean?” Gordon said proudly.Alessandro and the manager laughed. “You know what I mean? That you are proud about poverty!” The smile wiped off Gordon’s face when Alessandro scoffed.“I hope you can find your way out.” The manager finally said as he snapped his fingers at their faces.Ric wasn’t having it. “Why are you doing this? Why? We are harmless. We only came to buy clothes, nothing else. Why then are you doing this?” He asked frustratingly.Ric was trying his best to maintain his composure for the sake of his friends.“He still doesn’t understand, does he?” The manager chuckled, looking at Alessandro who nodded at him smiling sheepishly.“You don’t understand. You entering this place was a mistake. You all cannot afford it. I am a straightforward pe
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Chapter 77
“Where are your shopping bags?” Frank came out of the car, surprised to see their empty hands.“We weren’t allowed to buy the designer suits that we wanted.” Gordon muttered in a low tone as he banged the car door closed.“Let’s head out to somewhere we can cool our heads.” Damon said to Frank while Ric got into the backseat beside Gordon.Everyone who was enthusiastic about buying from the exclusive store had gone, drained of their excitement.Damn Alessandro for ruining their plans!Frank drove to the nearest cafe where the friends could chill out and figure out what to do next. He understood perfectly well what they had gone through in that store.“I hope we don’t get bashed here like earlier.” Gordon muttered as they stepped into the exclusive restaurant.This restaurant was also one of the popular ones in the city, known for the best tastes and exclusive food etiquette.The friends picked an exclusive table. “What do you want, sirs?” One of their female attendees came forward to
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Chapter 78
“I’m glad you could see that they are only a bunch of trouble.” Alessandro told the manager.Even after Ric and his friends were gone, Alessandro still felt the need to drive his point deep and make it clear that Ric should not be allowed to shop here even in his absence. The manager smiled. “Of course. Not everyone can afford to buy from us. They can’t be as exclusive as you are, Mr. Alessandro.” They shook hands once again.“Have they been here before though?” Alessandro asked, referring to Ric and his friends who had already left the store.The manager quickly shook his head, doing a brief scan through his brain.“Them? No, not at all. This is the first time I have seen them here, and I guarantee that it will be the last,” he said.Alessandro smiled, he liked the assurancehe got, it meant that his point was well understood and would be implemented even in his absence. “That is great,” Alessandro muttered underneath his breath content. He had always wanted to show Ric that he was
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Chapter 79
"Sir, Good day Boss." He stumbled over his words. "Don't call me Boss, I am not your boss. Answer the fucking question if you want to keep your job.""An important man did come to the store but—"The man cut him off.The caller knew he was going to mistake who he was referring to for Benhardt so he stopped him."He came with his friends and what did you do?" The manager’s eyes widened twice their size when he heard that.If this strange man was talking about the one who had just left a few minutes ago, it should be those poor people that he had bashed about not being able to afford their exclusive services.Were they the ones this man is talking about? It couldn’t be!“Sir, there has been no important guest here today come here with his friends. I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about. If there were important guests, I would be informed about it, and I would have attended to them myself. I’m sorry, sir, but you made the wrong call,” the manager denied it.It was easier for
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Chapter 80
“Please, sir. I beseech you to return with me to the store.” the manager said in a pleading tone, almost going on his knees while Ric and his friends stared at him.Didn't he just send them out of the store just now? Why is he back, wailing for them to return to the store?Ric’s glance returned to the cup of coffee before him, he sipped and tapped his fingers on the table gently, ignoring the man before him.When the man sensed Ric’s ignorance, he fell to his knees, crawling to Ric side. He grabbed Ric by his feet and cried. “Master I'm sorry for being stupid earlier. I was drunk and mistakingly chased you out of the store when I wasn’t supposed to do that.”Ric raised his brow and pursed his lips into a thin line before saying. “Please let go of my legs.”The manager shook his head. “No sir, unless you follow me back to the store.” “I don't want to,” Ric replied to him.“Please forgive me, Sir. My family's survival depends on me.” he sobbed. “My daughter is sick, my father has leuke
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