All Chapters of The Anonymous Mr. Maximilanno : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
81 chapters
Chapter 61
“Ok, fine, I will beg,” Leonard said, falling to his knees, he couldn't bear to look at their faces for a couple of seconds, because he needed no one else to tell him that he had fucked up. Deep down he was feeling shitty, seeing the expression on their face will only make the way he is feeling worsen. “I am sorry. I am on my knees, begging from the depth of my heart, whoever it is that did this, should please forgive me,” he pleaded, his voice filled with conviction. He raised his head to stare at Ric, “Please,” It was him, it had to be him, ‘cause no one else left the room, he was the only one that excused himself and in a couple of seconds, his life was already in ruins. “Wait, you guys want me to place my head on the floor and beg, huh?” he asked with a desperate tone, still keeping his eyes glued on Ric, “sure, I will” he added and placed his forehead on the floor. “Please, forgive me,” he cried out. “Well, I am not the one that did it and even if I am the one, I am not su
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Chapter 62
"Your smile is beautiful," Ric left a comment for Aaliyah and her cheeks heat up several degrees."Thank you," Aaliyah turned her face and stared outside the window avoiding Ric's eyes.The ride was quiet with each of them stealing glances at the other at different intervals. Ric always caught Aaliyah staring at him and she often averted her eyes when caught."I suppose it's a bit too early for you to go home, do you want to see something fascinating?" Ric asked wanting to spend a little more time with Aaliyah. "That would be great," Aaliyah avoided his eyes as she responded. She also wanted to get to know him a little before getting married to him.Their engagement had been fixed and her grandfather was on top of all the preparations, the date was going to be announced soon but Aaliyah barely knew who Ric was."Where is this?" Aaliyah asked when Ric pulled up the car in front of a building. She had expected he would take her to a small Cafe to have a drink or grab a bite but what w
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Chapter 63
The young officer suddenly paused as though controlled and his face paled.“Are you saying?” He didn't dare to complete the statement“Yes! We're all fired!” The captain screamed in sheer anger as he looked at the young officer.Ric was a bit surprised by the sudden news but he wasn't in the least concerned about it.The crowd had suddenly gone silent. It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop from miles away.The officers were all staring at Ric. Everyone was staring at Ric, their mouths wide open and the silence was suddenly broken when a young officer stepped towards Ric, his arms rubbing together in a begging stance.“Please…” he pleaded, his eyes wide with regret Ric who was taken aback, moved a step backwards and his eyes widened.“ What are you doing?” He asked feeling embarrassed.The officer looked like he was ready to burst into tears“Sir, I'm really sorry. I can't loose this job. It's my everything” The man pleaded.The captain buried his head in his hands, the car l
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Chapter 64
The young officer suddenly paused as though controlled and his face paled.“Are you saying...” He didn't dare to complete the statement“Yes! We're all fired!” The captain screamed in sheer anger as he looked at the young officer.Ric was not a tad bit moved by the sudden news since he was in the least concerned about it.The tension was palpable as the onlookers wore shock on their faces.Mumurs went round."Who is he and who did he call?""He is either a rich man or he has the backing of a powerful man."The officers looked to themselves unable to decipher what had just transpired.To them they wondered if it was that easy for them to be dismissed on the spot.Everyone was staring at Ric, their mouths wide open and the silence was suddenly broken when a young officer stepped towards Ric, he joined his hands together and fell on his knees at Ric's feet but Ric took two steps back.“Please…” he pleaded, his eyes wide with regret“ What are you doing?” He asked feeling embarrassed. Ric
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Chapter 65
"Sir," the officer in charge addressed Ric, "would you be willing to come with us so we can access the security footage?" He asked, his arms crossed. He knew that he had been sacked but he still felt it his job to get to the bottom of this matter.Ric's lips curved into a satisfied smirk. "Of course but there's no need for that."The officer was a bit confused but he remained quiet and waited for Ric to clarify."The car has a security device as it is and I have the keys with me." Ric said with a smile as he dangled the key for all to see. This was one of the things that Lord Gullathova had also informed Ric of over the call.With a dramatic flourish, Ric unlocked the car, pressing a button on the key. As the sleek black doors swung open, the crowd leaned closer in awe.The neighbor, however, shrunk back, his face drained of color.Ric shot a look at the man who looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. He looked really suspicious.The officerin charge, along with h
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Chapter 66
It was the evening at the birthday dinner celebration of Ric's grandfather - in - law to be, the venue was filled with sparkling chandeliers casting a warm glow over the elegant tables set with fine china and crystal glassware. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of gourmet dishes being prepared by top chefs in an open kitchen. Guests were dressed in their finest attire, mingling and savoring exquisite appetizers and signature cocktails. As the evening unfolds, a live band starts playing soft melodies, adding to the magical ambiance of the celebration. A black Benz stopped at the entrance of the venue. A gorgeous woman dressed in a black evening gown got down from the car. She had flawless skin and legs that went on for miles.Her intricate features complemented her graceful motions."What a beautiful woman! Is she a famous actress?""Her face and figure are out of this world!""Isn't she the incoming mayor's daughter?""I've heard about her but I didn't know that her be
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Chapter 67
In a corner inside a room each with a glass of their favorite juice were two ladies seated for the same event. Each of the ladies is as beautiful as a princess one with curly hair while the second with long blonde hair that cascaded to her waist line. It was evident they were so lost in the pool of their gossip and laughter that filled the whole room. Roxanne Aliya’s cousin was the one with curly brunette long hair while her friend was the one with straight blonde hair, Kiera. They were both dressed in shimmering dinner gowns.“Do you think he cast a charm on grandfather?” Roxanne asked her eyes on Kiera's. “I was thinking the same cause I don't know why he would choose an ex-convict to be his son - in-law...… like? What the heck is that” Kiera sipped from the juice in her hand her interest in someone’s else life was chastely evident in her eyes. “We are friends for a reason always having the same thoughts” Roxxane teased and Kiera smiled. Roxanne opened her mouth to form a sen
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Chapter 68
Ric held her hands and brought them to his lips giving them a gentle peck.“Thank You” she replied in a very low voice that made Ric smile.Camille had stepped aside a bit and they were pretty much alone in the corner.“We should finish up and join the rest soon” she blushed under his watchful gaze."Grandfather will make public our alliance today," she studied Ric but his expression was blank as he applied ointment to where her skin was broken before covering it up with plaster and gauze."It's a small cut, I think you can leave it open and apply G.V or the powder to it to dry it up." Aaliyah told Ric.Aaliyah was a medical personnel skilled in basic medicine and pharmacy so she knew what to do but she had left Ric to do as he pleased so she could evaluate his prowess in the field."I know but this is a public place and the event has barely begun, I can't risk you walking about with an open open wound. What if it got infected?" Ric defended his course and finished up with the plaster.
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Chapter 69
Ruc had ignored Roxanne and her tantrums all the while simply because he had made a promise to Aaliyah earlier.Not like any of what was said got to him but a part of him yearned to fix Roxanne and her husband in their place.This was an usual feeling for Ric and he had spoken out of impulse, he would normally let comments pass but he suddenly felt the need to shut the couple up a day flaunt his wealth in their face as they did with wealth that was not accrued by them in any way."Ric, you should sit here." Lord Gullathova offered his seat at the head of the table to Ric and everyone in the hall gasped.That light gesture held a lot of meaning which most people understood.As the host family, a long table had been put on the elevated platform so even the slightest movement of the people seated on that table was taken note of by all of the guests."Grandfather!" Roxanne protested."You will not utter a word against st my decision." The arch of his brow and the stern look on Lord Gullat
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Chapter 70
The fun and every other thing had swung into full gear and grand dinner event was turned into a cocktail party as people relocated to the next hall for a brief meet and greet with the newly engaged couple.Melissa barely gave it a thought to go to the hall when a familiar voice addressed her.All Melissa wanted was to hide her face from the embarrassment and shame she had accrued for herself. "Are you leaving already?" Aaliyah asked in a cautious tone, her hand locked unto Ric's. Not like Aaliyah was a bully like Melissa or Roxanne but she disliked the way Melissa had belittled Ric simply because he was her ex husband and she was not going to let anyone make her feel like she was settling for second or hand me downs by Melissa. Hence, she felt the need to prove to Melissa that Ric was worth much more and Melissa had been making a mistake by divorcing him."Congratulations to the both of you." Melissa avoided eye contact with any of them and forced a smile."Thank you, you were say
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