All Chapters of The Anonymous Mr. Maximilanno : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
81 chapters
Chapter 51
In the Steffanina mansion, there was a little bit of an uproar.Garvin had called in to apologize for whatever way he had wronged them and pleaded their forgiveness but they seemed oblivious to whatever he was referring to.Garvin had explained the enter scenario to them and no one had a clue of what he was talking about."Honestly, we do not have such power and authority to terminate your contract deals with others asides us," The master of the Steffanina family tried to reason with Garvin and make him come to terms with the fact that he had no hand in his misfortune.Garvin was so devastated and desperate that he had to immediately sell his fancy phone to pay for a night at a hotel for his pregnant wife and children to lay their heads to rest for the night.It was the worst day of Garvin's existence that day and he cursed himself for ever challenging Ric to such feat.The truth was that it was possible that Ric had no hand in it and like the Steffanina master had said, only someone
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Chapter 52
Ric had successfully left the scene and navigated his way to the salon section in the mall."Excuse me Sir, do you require our services?" The very polite beautiful lady asked Ric very cautiously."Yes," Ric replied coldly wondering why she asked him the obvious."This way please," Shirley as her name tag stated, led Ric to the waiting area for his turn but she was stopped soon by a neatly dressed young man.Jeremy"What are you doing?" Jeremy scolded the lady.She jumped a bit in fear because she had so much respect for Jeremy as their top tier customer."I was just leading the gentleman to a seat to wait out his turn." Shirley explained to Jeremy but Ric stood still with a grim expression. Ric knew what Jeremy was up to and he was ready to teach him a proper lesson if he tried to act in an unruly manner which was quite inevitable considering the character of Jeremy."What do you want this time Jeremy?" Ric asked rescuing the innocent lady from the awkward situation."You don't qualify
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Chapter 53
Jeremy checked the caller ID and smiled when he saw it was his father that was calling him.Ric and the manager stood to wait for the outcome of the call."You are going to regret everything you ever said. My father is calling and I'll be sure to make sure he puts in word to have this salon closed as well since you all despised my words and doubted my claim." Jeremy boasted and the manager immediately got scared."You fool! Who did you offend? What have you done?" Jeremy's father scolded him the minute he picked up the call."Father?!" Jeremy was shocked at the response he got."We have lost everything, we are now poor and wretched. Who did you offend to make the banks liquidate our loans and investors withdraw their investments and sell off their shares?" Jeremy was stunned, he paled in the instance when he heard the news.Jeremy slowly lifted his head to Ric who had a small smile on his face."Father I don't understand what you are saying," Jeremy tried to make out other meanings fr
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Chapter 54
Ric had told his friends that he had a lot of errands to run so he was going to be a bit late for the launch.However Ric had several meetings to attend and different regulatory boards sort him because of his new project.News had spread in days about the new project of a smart estate being proposed by the new president of the Milano group of companies.Several people suspected that he was the same that had just been elected as chairman of the Hemsworth board but that information was reserved for only the top one percent of the Elites in the city."Good afternoon Mr. Maximillano," Ric's secretary and the vice president greeted him cautiously.She knew Ric because he always accessed the building through a particular entrance and accessed his office through a separate elevator but she had never seen his face before as he always hid it underneath shades.Ric was not exactly trying to hide his identity from her since she was quite prominent and has no idea about his dual personality but h
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Chapter 55
Melissa had been married to Ric for over a year and in that time, she lived with him and saw him everyday so the glasses were not enough mask.She immediately recognized him."I'm sorry Ma'am but please the both of you have to leave immediately." Rachel insisted more this time for fear of losing her position or even her job because of the stubbornness of the couple.Ric did not enter back into his office when he saw them, rather he walked right to them and spoke very few words."It's fine if they won't leave, severe all ties with them at once." He spoke with that very thick Mexican accent that Melissa doubted it was Ric behind the glasses even if the man had similar features and physique as Ric.Just as Alessandro was about to go on his knees to hold onto Ric by his legs and beg, he got a kick from Ric and security immediately picked him and Melissa away.It was very embarrassing the way the security had dragged Melissa and Alessandro out of the building entirely and it was even more
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Chapter 56
The Launch started and a variety of food was displayed on several tables with the most exclusive and expensive ones being displayed on tables with the Elites seated round them.The table Camille sat in coincidentally had Aaliyah and Lisa seated there along with several of the young men and women Ric had met at the Artificial Intelligence launch."Oh Brother you came!" Gregory Martinez said when he saw Ric.Gregory was also a second generation rich man whose family was into interior decoration, he was also familiar with Ric from that day so most on the table easily accepted Ric since they were quite acquainted with him already.The Launch went smoothly and everyone had a bite of variety appetizers, main dishes and desserts. Ric had barely picked his plate most times and same with Aaliyah, the duo often glanced at each other during the event.Meanwhile Lisa tried her best to keep her mouth shut in order not to ruin Aaliyah's mood, Lisa had noticed that Aaliyah often got upset whenever s
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Chapter 57
Lisa was the first to jump on the statement but one look at her friend Aaliyah and she immediately kept calm."Yes he is," Lisa had already said what she said before she realized that Aaliyah had cautioned her to be discreet about Ric's past."What?" Camille was shocked at the revelation but he asked to be double sure."What right do you have to slander someone like that?" Gregory was so angry that he didn't care if what Leonard said was true or false.Ric sighed, he knew that sooner or later the information about his past was going to come out, he was already used to this kind of slander so it barely made him feel uncomfortable even as a lot of people were present."Actually what he said was --""You don't have to justify or defend anything he said, what gives him the right to talk about people's private lives in public?" At this time, Gregory was already raising his voice and people began to pay attention to the scene being created."I was just giving the Gullathova mistress a warni
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Chapter 58
At the front, Leonard pleaded for Greg and Camille to remain till the end of the launch, he knew that the restaurant was just a privilege and the last thing he wanted was to offend both men.“What he said was true,” Ric confessed shocking everyone across including Camellia and GregThey had all thought Leonard was the one forming the story against him just to pull him down, they didn’t expect to hear Ric admitting to his words.Ric never expected Leonard to spill that out in public out of jealousy, but seeing how things were going he had no choice but to clear the room.“What do you mean? You went to jail for killing someone?” Grey eyes widened out of shock.However, Ric shook his head negatively a littleRic turned to the crowd, and a soft smile escaped from his lips.“I would like to clear the rumors about me right here.” He said grabbing the attention of everyone even more.The whole room fell into total silence anticipating his next words.Lisa glanced at Aaliyah’s face trying to
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Chapter 59
Leonard's eyes widened in shock. Ric left his side, he walked over to Aaliyah's sideAaliyah was in her seat paying full attention to what was going on in the room. Seeing Ric walking close to them, Lisa who had a little smile on her face scampered away from her friend Aaliyah giving her some privacy with Ric“Do you want me to drop you home now?” Ric gently asked her again, sitting on the empty seat right beside her.“Are you finally taking your chances?” Camila teased Ric interrupting the scene. “Woah, I can’t believe someone is making his moves behind us.” Greg’s voice also came in.They had ignored Leonard leaving him to deal with his shit by himself. After all, they weren’t there when he caused it and he had completely denied that his family was keeping the secret too not until there was sudden news about it.“You should give them some privacy at least.” Lisa was so fast to pull both Camila and Greg away, leaving the two on the seat.Aaliyah had a little smile tugged at the co
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Chapter 60
Seeing his face it was obvious he held a lot of grudges towards him.Leonard had always hated him at first, but he hated him even more at the thought of him being behind his sudden misfortune.His family reputation which he was trying to build and improve suddenly crumbled completely to the groundAt this rate, no one will want anything to do with them. Even his fixed appointments with the men of the higher class are automatically canceled. Leonard's anger increased even more at the thought of it. Ric massaged his face that hurt and watched Leonard who had a smirk across his face towards himLeonard walked close to Ric and suddenly grabbed him by his collar again. “What on earth did you do?” He yelled at his face out of anger.Ric only chuckled. “I did nothing, After all, I wasn’t worthy to be here just a few minutes ago, I was nothing but a killer.” He shrugged innocently at his face annoying Leonard completely.He wanted to punch Ric again out of anger but he was stopped by Gre
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