All Chapters of The Anonymous Mr. Maximilanno : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 chapters
Chapter 41
When Aaliyah and Lisa drove back home, they drove in silence. Aaliyah just wanted to get home and query her grandfather for setting her up with an Ex convict.She dropped Lisa off at her house and headed to the Gullathova Mansion. "Grandpa you didn't tell me he was married before and he is even an Ex convict." Aaliyah scolded her grandfather angrily after being humiliated at the party."Ex convict? Are you sure of this information?" Lord Gullathova asked cautiously knowing the real truth of who Ric actually was.Lord Gullathova had done a background check on Ric Mariano and had found nothing since his documents carried Ricardo Maximillano and all information about Ricardo Maximillano were properly covered and protected from public access so there was no way anyone could get any information about Ric except the basic ones that were posted on his social media handles by those managing the pages."I don't know how concrete your claim is." Lord Gullathova tried to defend his choice for hi
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Chapter 42
Lisa didn't give any room at all as she went on running her mouth embarrassing Ric non stop and that pissed Aaliyah off.Aaliyah had meditated all through the night on everything that had happened and had felt sympathy for Ric getting divorced from his wife after his jail term.She had inquired and found out that he had been sent to jail for a driving accident and not any negative vice, she also gave excuse for him not being interested in anyone and attributed it to the divorce trauma.All these she did to justify the option her grandfather had chosen for her."Lisa! Just stop already." Aaliyah yelled at Lisa much to the surprise of everyone.Aaliyah was always very quiet, calm and lovingly obedient."Aaliyah! Can you hear the things she is saying, are they true?" Aaliyah's mother was quite alarmed at her daughter's outburst at Lisa, she thought it was better channeled to Ric since he was the culprit of deceit."I know of the things she speaks of but it is not her place to reveal such
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Chapter 43
When the table was emptied of all the bodies, Ric sat still hoping to have a word with Aaliyah before leaving.Aaliyah walked Ric to the door and they walked in a very comfortable silence. "I guess this is goodbye till we meet again," Aaliyah said to a mute Ric after they got to the car where his friends awaited him in the car with Frank behind the wheels.Ric had so much to say to Aaliyah but he had walked down the stairs in front of the Gullathova Mansion alone with her yet he said nothing. "Did you send me any gifts?" Aaliyah asked hoping to satisfy her curiosity."What gift?" Ric was very good at playing dumb."Oh, nevermind." Aaliyah dissed the matter, if Ric knew nothing about the gifts then they were obviously not from him. "Say," Ric insisted in a cold voice yet his tone was gentle.He watched
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Chapter 44
When Ric got back from the meetings he had, he stopped several meters from the estate with Frank and they both took a ride back home.Ric was shocked to see police vans surrounding their home and Police officers talking to different people in the neighborhood.When Ric got down from the taxi cab, people looked at him strangely and some whispered to themselves."What is going on?" Ric asked Frank who was equally as confused."I'll find out just now Boss, I think you should wait in the car a while longer." Frank said before walking into the house to figure out what was happening.Ric sat back in the car because he understood the importance of his safety and security even if he was not known by the public just yet."Frank! Where's Ric?" Damon jumped from the table where he was explaining to a detective what had happened."Outside," Frank said eyeing the officers."What is happening?" Frank inquired."I got back and didn't find the both of you, I checked with the security and neighbors an
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Chapter 45
Ric was panting heavily and he was drenched in sweat."What happened to you?" Damon rushed to Ric's side but he was stopped by Frank."He's hurt, let's get him to the hospital!" Damon told Frank who restrained him from getting any closer to Ric."We can't go to any hospital." Frank said and this was true because any hospital Ric went to would definitely demand his details to open up a file for him and that was the last thing Ric or Frank were going to agree to but none could explain this to Damon."Get him home safely, I have unfinished business." Ric literally growled at Frank."I'm not going anywhere without you, don't be silly." Damon protested but the look in Ric's eyes were different.They were not just cold, they were unfamiliar and murderous."You will go with him and you will not open the door for anyone until I return, even if the building is on fire, don't step out until I return." Ric instructed and although Damon wanted to argue further, he found himself doing as he was to
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Chapter 46
When the sound of the gun went off, Ric had dropped to his knees, his heart rate was faster and his breathing slowed. A car parked behind him, Ric hung his head low and awaited the approach. Cold hands wrapped around his torso and helped him stand to his feet."Deadly game you are about to involve yourself in," the man in the car informed Ric as he was supported into the car."Thank You," Ric said simply when he got into the car."For what? A deal is a deal." Lord Gullathova replied from beside Ric at the back seat."That could have been me," Ric stared out the window at the body of a man with a gun shot injury being carried away.Lord Gullathova had people monitoring Ric and his movements. When the trigger has been pulled, the shot was aimed at the man who released the gun safety attempting to shoot Ric."Do we have evidence to nail him for attempted murder?" Ric asked not willing to let the case slide."The sniper wasn't shot dead, the special branch of the intelligence department w
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Chapter 47
Damon and Ric barely said a word to each other when the sun gave it's light and illuminated the little house they inhabited.After his morning routine and a cold breakfast at the same table with Damon, Ric sat in his desktop and finalized all the details of the new project he was launching.The food was not cold but everything else was cold between both men."It's time for Lunch, I'll be going to the factory a bit late today," Damon informed Ric who had sat in his spot for hours already."Why?" "The property owner is demanding we pay two years advance to keep using it so we are about selling out." "What do you mean selling out?" Ric asked alarmed, the weary look on Damon's face already communicated his meaning but Ric didn't want to assume anything."We can't afford to pay such an amount and the factory is already running at a loss with a lot of debts. The bank didn't shut it down because I was able to use this house to service the loan as collateral." Damon explained.Ric gnashed h
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Chapter 48
While they were seated round the table about to eat, everyone heard the knock, the three men looked to themselves, they were not expecting anyone but Damon went to answer the door all the same."A parcel for the house owner," a delivery girl dressed neatly in her uniform announced when Damon flung the door open."Did anyone place an order?" Damon yelled to the hearing of Ric and Frank."Not me, I don't live here." Frank said"Check the name on the parcel and stop being dramatic." Ric responded casually too but Frank had a worried look."What if..." Frank said to Ric's hearing and trailed off, Ric became very uncomfortable. What and if were two words which were unlimited when combined, those were words capable of denying a person's existence and Frank as well as Ric understood this.Damon easily signed the parcel and carried the box in since it had his name on it. He dropped it on the table and started unboxing it.When Damon walked into the kitchen, Ric and Frank exchanged looks befo
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Chapter 49
While Frank worried himself, he thought to just end his life before Ric got back because his life was already going to be over when Ric learned that Damon had gone missing minutes after he gave the assignment to him.Frank took a kitchen knife and held it to his wrist by the sink. He planned to cut himself and let the blood flow neatly without causing a mess.He didn't run away because he knew if the young master found out, he was going to come after him and his entire family.The Maximilanno family were powerful beyond Avrilla city and their tentacles spread wide abroad."You're back early," Damon's voice startled Frank.Frank immediately spun on his heels confused as he was truly standing face to face with Damon, Frank was stunned."Where did you vanish to?" Frank immediately put the knife away on the slab to avoid any suspicious questions from Damon."The light bill has been reading so fast lately so I just took a visit to the ceiling to you know tweak it a bit." Damon wiggled his
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Chapter 50
Only Ric knew what had happened so he motioned to leave the broken Mr Garvin to his demise but the over zealous man wouldn't let Ric leave so easily."Where are you going? Didn't you say twenty minutes?" Mr Garvin bragged in his self confidence as he challenged Ric before all the onlookers."I did and it's barely fifteen minutes left already." Ric smiled so coldly it didn't get to his eyes but it creeped the onlookers."Such a creep, he was about to save his face just now and leave with the money.""Honey, we should go this disgusting proud man is making me sick.""Poor and arrogant? What sponsors his pride?" Several people bad mouthed Ric and they blocked his path."You can not threaten someone so openly and just expect to walk away.""Yes! We will beat you to a pulp in fifteen minutes time if nothing happens.""Thirteen you mean," Ric corrected them."He is even still audacious, surely we will beat you up today.""If what you say is true, we will join him to apologize to you.""I w
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