All Chapters of The Anonymous Mr. Maximilanno : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 chapters
Chapter 31
When Frank found a place to park the vehicle, Ric got down and journeyed to the gathering on foot instead. Frank followed behind Ric but gave him a comfortable distance so it wasn't very noticable that he followed after him."Hey look!" "Is that not that poor Mariano kid?""That is definitely Ric, he still walks like he owns the world," The badmouthing already started before Ric got to the gathering.He had not stayed more than fifteen minutes after Damon left so he was certain Damon was yet to come searching for him so he scanned the area with his eyes in search of him."Hi Ric," A petite rounded lady approached Ric with a smile that Ric wasn't moved by at all."Hi Anna," Ric responded with a plastic smile."I see you cleaned up a bit after jail," she smiled after raising her voice so the others could here what she had said.Ric said nothing."I mean, I'm sorry for what you had to go through in jail but I really think you look good today," she continued making sure to emphasize tha
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Chapter 32
The food and drinks were served and Leonard didn't stop bragging through the meal."Candace, I heard you have a big world tour coming up," Leonard acknowledged Candace."I do, I see you are a big fan of mine already," she teased him."I am but I'm also concerned about you, you have become a star since you're a front cover model now,"Candace furrowed her brow unsure of what he was getting at. "And?" She asked curtly "I was just saying that it is going to be bad on your reputation if you were seen sitting so close to an ex convict, your credibility maybe questioned." Leonard finished.Ric paused the spoon in his mouth, he knew that Leonard didn't like his closeness with Candace but he didn't believe that Leonard would go as far as that."I guess you will be better off seen sitting beside her won't you?" Ric asked annoyed."Ric, don't be so rude simply because your friend is paying for an extra table. Leonard here is an established realtor and he also has several estates he manages wit
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Chapter 33
Everyone was surprised by the sudden change in decision and behavior of the manager.How did he go from being extremely angry and furious to even compensating them?None of them could solve the puzzle of what had just transpired."Surely someone higher must have called him to order," "I reckon it may be Jeremy's Dad since he has a lot of influence in the city," "True! Jeremy's Dad has saved us." Several of the classmates exclaimed and Ric was surprised that everyone drew conclusions and praised Jeremy for something he had done."I think we all made calls, let's all call again and confirm this before concluding so we do not thank the wrong person." Gordon protested."That's true!" The other classmates agreed and for another twenty minutes, no one could confirm that they were responsible for the change.Jeremy had indeed called his Dad earlier and he called again to confirm but his Dad had told him, he didn't have such influence.When Jeremy saw that no one took responsibility for it
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Chapter 34
Everything had happened so fast that Damon and Gordon could barely understand what was going on. Ric had left them when the incident occurred and they thought of a way to sort out the misunderstanding.Anna looked very pale when she saw how much the dress she had ruined cost. The sales representative waited patiently for her next line of action."Damon, please can you borrow me the money? I heard you've become quite rich now and even have a net worth of a million dollars plus." Anna pleaded with Damon.Damon didn't know how to explain to he that the net worth was in terms of assets and in fact, he didn't even have a stable source of income at the moment.The car he won had come with an unlimited free gas coupon that was recognized by all the gas stations and that was how he had been able to move about using the coupon on any of the cars.Damon suddenly thought to offer the coupon as a temporary solution till they figured out what to do."Thi
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Chapter 35
Entering the store, Ric and Frank had a totally different demeanor and carriage. They expected to face opposition but both men silently without communication were ready to for a face with anyone if it came to that.Ric wasted no time in gallavanting in the store, when he entered, he headed straight to where the necklace was displayed only to find it locked in the glass."Excuse me please," Ric called the attention of one of the store attendants that passed by him."I'll be with you soon," the bubbly young lady was polite as she beckoned on Ric to be patient while she completed an errand while attending to another customer.Ric admired the intricate details of the piece of art, by looking at it even though through the glass, he could tell that it was specifically hand crafted and it was not the regular.At this time, Ric had not seen the price tag because price was never a factor he considered before purchasing an item at least since he reclaimed most of his birth rights as the Maximil
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Chapter 36
In the Gullathova Mansion, Aaliyah was sad at the disappointment from Ric, Lord Gullathova had told everyone Ric was going to be present but Ric had sent a message saying he wasn't going to make it there.Aaliyah fiddled with her fingers and couldn't explain the feelings that troubled her,Ric was just an ordinary man with nothing to offer but something about him pulled her to him and she could barely stop herself from thinking about him all the time. She couldn't understand if she was falling for the emotionless bland man her grandfather had asked her to marry because she didn't know why he's not showing up affected her so much.She had not realized she had been looking forward to meet him again until he actually didn't show up."What's up with you? You're not eating." Lisa asked her friend whe stared into thin hair and lounged her hand in her food uninterested."Aaliyah!" Lisa has to raise her voice to get Aaliyah out of her reverie."Is something the matter Aaliyah?" Her mother ask
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Chapter 37
A few days had passed and Ric still was yet to show up at the Gullathova Mansion. The truth was that he was very busy with his new assignment that he barely had time to step out even to the porch.Gordon had stayed two days with them and they already made plans on getting a bigger house together."I'm definitely not staying in a house with you and your wife," Damon teased Ric while Gordon lounged away on the couch."Let's hope he doesn't want to be a live in son in law again considering the circumstances of this proposal." Gordon remarked.When Ric and Damon had informed him of the situation, Gordon had equally disapproved just like Damon but it was easier to wet the back of a duck than to talk Ric out of a decision he had already made his mind up about so Damon and Gordon had simply reserved their opinions."At least I get to become a son in law twice, who gets to marry you even once?" Ric shot back at Gordon.It was a normal drill amongst the friends to tease and attack each other s
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Chapter 38
Ric, Frank, Damon and Gordon sat at their table which was finely positioned strategically with a clear view of the celebrants table.Candace had ensured their table was very close to hers as they were the best friends she had but she had kept it a little bit far in case they came with their partners so they could have a little privacy still."Boss, they won't receive the invites but I asked the delivery guy to leave it at the gate all the same." Frank leaned in closer and whispered to Ric.Ric's permanently blank expression fell slightly before he caught himself and acted indifferent as usual.Ric nodded slightly but he was quite disappointed, he had hoped to see her again and make up for standing her up the other day."Oh wow! I see you guys are here as well," Jeremy exclaimed when he saw Ric and the others on their table. Jeremy had seen them walk past his table which was somewhere in the middle of the hall and decided to give himself an upgrade."Hi Jeremy, Hi Anna." Damon greeted
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Chapter 39
Frank wasted no time to take the bag over to where Candace sat receiving gifts."Wait!" Jeremy said before Candace opened the plain looking gift bag."I think Candace, you should have a dance with whoever gifted you the most expensive gift." Jeremy suggested."Yes, absolutely.""Common Candy, spice up the event and say Yes!"Most of the classmates chanted and Candace agreed weakly."Fine, we'll dance and play a game of truth and dare afterwards." Candace said lighting up like a candle bulb.Ric gulped down a glass of strong wine because he knew how this was going to end when his gift was opened.Ric drank because he was not used to public attention and he didn't know how he was going to agree to the dance so he thought to boost his confidence with a little alcohol ahead of the time."This is the latest Jorwan sneakers!" Someone exclaimed when Candace drew out the gift item from the bag Frank had handed to her."Oh my God, that costs over three hundred thousand dollars." Another classm
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Chapter 40
Candace could not fully comprehend the reason for Aaliyah's attitude but Lisa calmed her down."Don't mind her, she and that Ric guy may have something going on." Lisa explained and Candace was immediately sorry for her actions. Candace had thought Ric was single since he just recently got divorced."I should explain to her that we are just old time school classmates and friends." Candace immediately went after Aaliyah to apologize.When Candace weaved through to the back, she saw Damon with Aaliyah at the back."Hi Aaliyah," Candace greeted."Hi, I'm sorry for my reaction just now, Damon already explained everything to me." Aaliyah apologized first."I'm sorry too. I didn't know he had a girlfriend." Candace apologized."He doesn't. I'm not his girlfriend, I don't know why I reacted that way, there's nothing between us." Aaliyah realized there was nothing binding her to Ric since they had not done as much as an introduction.Aaliyah also realized that that was the same event Ric had i
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