All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
462 chapters
Yu Long
The demon-race Mao Jianheeng examined the black crystal stone he was holding. Generally speaking, a practitioner's existence in both life and death was symbolized by such a crystal stone. The crystal stone's diminished luminosity served as a sign that the practitioner had passed away. Mao Jianheeng stated incredulously, "Mao Yuwen has perished... the crystal stone has lost its light." He turned to face Mao Cheng Gong, one of the demon races. To aid the Xue Chang Empire, they spent four years in Azalea City. "You really ought to inform the alliance of the Xue Chang Imperial Sect. Request assistance from their knowledgeable practitioners in determining Mao Yuwen's cause of death. It is vital that we lose a Warlord of our Race. Determine who ought to bear responsibility." It appears to me that an authority figure has surfaced within this empire and is opposing us. Attack strategy needs to be expedited." While Mao Cheng Gong was busy using pigeons to deliver news to the Xue Chang Impe
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Yu Long: Part Two.
The two Xue Chang Empire practitioners appeared ecstatic. When the five-colored sword blow struck its target, they burst out laughing. The man in front of them, a member of the Seven Sects, would no longer have hope for survival. But something amazing transpired right in front of their eyes. Their victim abruptly lost consciousness and hung in midair as he was seen descending from the blade that had propelled him into the air. Then, Yu Long's unconscious figure began to gently descend to the ground. The man fainted, and it seemed as though a force was carrying his body. Suddenly, a long sword leaped out in their direction. First, the sound of a voice said, "Heart Controlling Sword Technique...!" "Trangg...!!!" The two practitioners' swords were instantaneously knocked out of their hands and onto the ground. The two practitioners even experienced acute tingling in their hands. Then he watched as a figure dressed in green descended from the skies. The two found his golden-colored
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The Great War At Ling Jian Academy - Part One
The sky seemed to turn red, and it was as if crying again over the snowy ground as it witnessed the carnage and war in the Great Ying Country. The air of murder and destruction rose as vultures flew over the horizon, cawing. These cursed birds always smelled the death and stench of carrion that would become their pran feast.Instantly, one of the experts from the Seven Great Ying Imperial Sects gave the command with a loud shout,"Crossbow.... Prepare...!!!"Around five hundred practitioners, who were a combination of the Seven Sects' experts, immediately ran to fill the path at the top of the fort. In the hands of all those experts, with great discipline and neatness, was a crossbow-like weapon known as the "Crossbow."There was an incredibly thunderous cheer from within the fort. It was a chant of encouragement as well as curses directed at the Xue Chang Alliance."Destroy the dogs of Xue Chang!!!""Banish the demon race from the Great Ying Empire....!!!"Practically then, the Cross
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The Great War at Ling Jian Academy - Part Two.
With a trembling voice, the Immortality Temple Sect's New Chairman said,"It looks like Ling Jian Academy will be the grave of us all."Notes: In the previous battle in the ice field, the sect leader of the Temple of Immortality had died.The Principal then exclaimed, with the power of Qi,"Then let's fight to the death. The Seven Great Sects will be honored if we die together with all the Sect warriors."The shout was greeted with a resounding voice from the entire fort's contents"Living and dying together with the Seven Sects' warriors is honourable."Meanwhile, on Xue Chang's side of the Imperial Alliance, Mao Jiangheeng was filled with rage.He was enraged when he saw hundreds of explosive arrows killing dozens of Xue Chang Alliance practitioners. His magic shield was broken by the killing tool called Crossbow.With an icy face, he shouted..."You guys really dare to play with death."Mao Jianheeng was instantly filled with black mist. His figure floated into space. His eyes beca
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The Great War at Ling Jian Academy - Part Three.
This array technique was one of the ultimate array techniques in the Cloud Sword Sect. A minimum of seven sword practitioners must use this array technique. The more people in the formation, the stronger the ability of this technique.Hundreds of years ago, this technique made the Cloud Sword Sect a household name as a sect that concentrated on the Dao of the Sword.The technique itself is based on the North Star Formation known as the Ursa Major Constellation. It was so called because the shape of the formation resembled the Ursa Major Constellation, a protective bear.The five hundred sword practitioners were swiftly disciplined and neatly aligned according to the shape of the Ursa Major North Star Constellation... then when there was a fusion of all their Fifth Qi energy, a sound like a rumble could be heard as a result of the fusion of the five hundred sword practitioners' energy.That loud sound was followed by the shadow of a white-clothed man leaping into the air. It was the Cl
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The Great War at Ling Jian Academy - Part Four.
The experts of the Seven Great Sects stormed from where their enemies, the Xue Chang Empire alliance practitioners, were located.The Xue Chang alliance side was also not willing to lose. The sound of thousands of snow wolves' hooves could be heard booming as the snow wolves carrying thousands of practitioners ran to meet the attack of the Seven Great Sects Empire Great Ying's practitioners."Crossbow archer troops, all take positions."On the Seven Sects' side, hundreds of Crossbow archer troops prepared and took up firing positions.While the crossbow troops were preparing their troops, thousands of Seven Sects practitioners running or flying could be seen heading towards Xue Chang's Alliance troops. Noisy voices could be heard as these practitioners recited chants of sword techniques and seal formation.Then, the leader of the crossbow squad shouted the signal,"Fire!"Hundreds of crossbow arrows flew and rained down on Xue Chang's Imperial Alliance troops.The sound of weapons cla
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The Great War at Ling Jian Academy - Part Five.
"Then let's make a bet," Mao Jianheeng said as he jumped into the air. The flute in his hand instantly emitted a tone with a chaotic play of notes that greatly affected the Spiritual health of the person it attacked.The Grim Reaper, which had been standing still as it was not moved by Mao Jianheeng's Spiritual power, instantly moved. His style again hovered around, emitting a sheen of light. It looked like the Grim Reaper intended to damage Suma Fen's soul with a single slash.On the other hand, Suma Fen also played a song composition about worshipping the Earth-ruling Ice Dragon.A dragon figure made of crystal ice instantly formed from the Devil's Rhythm and then roared and greeted the Grim Reaper's arrival with its mouth open.The Ice Dragon and the Grim Reaper then engaged in a fierce battle. The soul attacks that the Grim Reaper launched through its Styche was always dodged by the Ice dragon by sending a dragon tail flick towards the Styche.All the practitioners engrossed in th
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The Great War at Ling Jian Academy - Part Six.
Mao Jianheeng, that poor demon race, was seen thrashing about. He was rolling around in pain. The soul was wounded, and the poison possessed the soul as well.When Suma Fen drew the ice storm soul spell.... things returned to normal. The surrounding scenery gradually changed to the scene of the ice field in Ling Jian Academy's stronghold. The domain had disappeared.Mao Cheng Gong was seen flying into the sky... in his hand was a jagged iron whip. The iron whip had a tip in 3 small spiked balls.This soul whip was used by Mao Cheng Dong when he wanted to trap a person's soul and then take it captive, and then enslave the opponent's soul.Suma Fen chuckled at Mao Cheng Gong's attitude, "You're not my opponent. Even this boss of yours is not my opponent...""I don't want to waste time serving you. But if you insist, I don't mind taking your life...."Mao Cheng Gong turned pale. He stammered, "You haven't tried it yet, so it's uncertain whether I'll lose to you..."Suma Fen chuckled agai
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The Great War at Ling Jian Academy - Part Seven.
Looking back a few years, at the time of the battle in the Eternal Ice Field, Master Wen Yu had not yet become a Cloud Sword Sect Grand Master. At that time, he was only a Yellow Peak Master in the Cloud Sword Sect. As such, his first encounter with Tang Shilian of the Xue Chang Empire's Western Sun Sect only happened then.Tang Shilian's Cultivation Realm back then, at the battle in the eternal ice field, was still at Enlightened Spirit Realm 9. The average sect master in the entire Northern Region had already reached the limit of the Enlightened Spirit Realm (Wen Yu, who didn't participate in the competition, was still at Enlightened Spirit Realm 8).A practitioner faces difficulties reaching the Peak Realm of the Enlightened Spirit Realm. This peak realm is the boundary that makes a practitioner enter a high stage of cultivation. The average sect leader in the Northern Region has reached a stagnant state or bottleneck at the Peak Enlightened Spirit Realm.Breaking through to the In
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The Great War at Ling Jian Academy - Part Eight.
Returning to the battle between the two Infant Spirit Realm practitioners: Cloud Sword Sect Master against Western Firmament Sun Sect Master. Wen Yu, currently the sect master, possessed a Sword Technique that belonged only to the Earth Trenta class.However, after Master Wen Yu reached the Infant Spirit Realm realm, this Sword Technique felt utterly different. The swordplay became more dangerous as if it were a Heavenly-grade technique.When Master Wen Yu formed a seal on his chest to channel the technique called Spirit Jade Sword, a beam of greenish light resembling the color of jade shot toward Tang Shilian.Of course, Tang Shilian did not remain silent. The Western Evening Sun Sect Leader also unleashed an equally dangerous Sword Technique, a Trenta Earth-grade yet half-step Heavenly Sword Technique."Western Ufuk Sword Light Technique..."Tang Shilian's sword turned orange, and the atmosphere of the arena also turned gloomy, like the color of the sun in the evening, orange.This
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