All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
462 chapters
The Great War at Ling Jian Academy - Part Nine.
Tang Shilian was clearly under the pressure of those jagged iron balls of fire. Thirty minutes had passed, yet the fireballs shot out from the Second Hell Court Technique seemed endless.This Master Wen Yu technique felt like a Heavenly Grade Technique.Tang Shilian was starting to run out of energy. Although he was always able to dispel and destroy the fireballs, some of the fireballs even broke through his sword rounds and scratched and even burned his clothes.Tang Shilian's figure wholly transformed into a hideous figure with clothes tattered from fireball burns. At the same time, his hands were full of serrated scratches and began to blister.Tang Shilian complained inwardly. All his hopes were gone. The desire to rule the Great Ying Empire had vanished.There was nothing left...And then, after that all-consuming struggle, it ended with a heart-wrenching cry.... Tang Shilian breathed his last in the Ling Jian Academy Battle Arena. His life was snatched away by the Hell Court's S
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Azalea City, as far as Suma Fen was concerned, had witnessed tremendous progress. In the past, the city was deserted, but now bustle and life had taken over every corner. New shops had sprung up, enlivening the flow of commerce in the city.The centre of the crowd was filled with several medicine shops, not just the Hall of Treasures, that offered various herbs and medicines. Smaller shops were also vying to capitalise on the thriving medicine market.Not only that, but typical Continental West merchants also roamed the city with their specialities. Although the Western region was often considered less abundant in resources, their products were always unique and helped practitioners improve their cultivation.At that time, Suma Fen was engrossed in the lotus position, contemplating in meditation. His memory was triggered by the teachings of his mentor, Baron Wei. According to Baron Wei, the journey to immortality in the Cultivation Realm takes work. A practitioner will face obstacles
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Suma Fen replied, "Indeed... this thing does not actually belong to someone from the Great Ying Empire. However, I obtained it when I fought against someone in this Empire.""You know the requirements, right?" Mr Sky Tower replied. Mr Sky Tower replied to Suma Fen while trying to look at her face, which he clearly could not see."Please tell me your requirements. This is the first time I've asked the Heavenly Tower for guidance....""Well... well I'll explain..." Mr Sky Tower took a breath and explained the Sky Tower's requirements."Every clue or whatever it is given by the Sky Tower, we do not ask for payment with Stone Energy. Let alone gold coins...""Every time someone asks for guidance or asks for help from the Sky Tower, that person must do a mission for the Sky Tower....""Well... you know what? There is no free lunch..."Suma Fen then replied,"Tell me... what kind of mission should I do for the Sky Tower?""For each membership token we have assigned a suitable mission accord
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Golden Jade Angel.
This was the third night of their stay in the pine forest. They waited for three consecutive nights, but the wolf didn't show its nose.Neither bored by waiting for the wolf to appear, Suma Fen continued her cultivation amidst the falling snow.Yu Long just looked at his master and then followed the master by cultivating in the lotus position. When the night had turned into the early morning... The sound of "harrumph....".... was the growl of a wolf.Opening her eyes slightly, Suma Fen saw a giant wolf that was five metres tall. Then, closing her eyes, she said,"I guess that it's a silver core wolf." Yu Long, your job is to destroy that silver-core wolf. Take the core."Yu Long then engaged in a life-and-death battle against that wolf that had King Seven cultivation status.With a two-star Enlightened Spirit Realm cultivation realm, Yu Long was visibly under pressure under the Silver Core Wolf. All of the grip-shaped punches issued by the silver-core wolf contained power and were abl
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The Story of Lin Hong
The Ghost Dancer girl's sword rolled quickly toward Suma Fen like a hurricane. A Sword Technique used by the Ghost Dancer girl, part of the Sword Cloud Sect. Only the closest disciples of the group were proficient in this technique. As the Goddess of War's Sword Technique strike reached Suma Fen, a massive mirror materialized in front of him at once. Suma Fen used his magic to make the mirror. When the enormous cyclone collided with the mirror, it appeared to fade away. The girl with the Ghost Dancer said, "Don't block me," and launched a powerful attack. At that point, her power level increased to 100% and was focused on the sword. Still, the Ghost Dancer girl was taken aback once more. She found herself imprisoned in spatial space, akin to a gigantic balloon, by a powerful beam of light. She was cut off from the outside world and completely restricted. She exerted all of her strength to shatter the enormous balloon, but it did not collapse. A few hours later, he gave up and wai
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The North Star Constellation.
Yu Long and Suma Fen were astounded to hear the tale. The fact that Lin Hong had finally exacted revenge on his parents startled them. Regarding that, he was willing despite the fact that he would end up a fugitive within the Xue Chang Empire. "So your next plan is ....?" Suma Fen enquired of Lin Hong. "As a lone wolf, I'm not sure where else I'll go. Then let me to follow in your footsteps, just like Yu Long did." "I'm still not very good at this. I think I can get better at things if I follow you, so let me call you Master." Lin Hong knelt down and implored Suma Fen to become his subordinate. Suma Fen expressed her willingness to accept Lin Hong as a vassal and stated, "Please swear an oath and then you have the right to call me Sword Master." "You will become one of the wizards who inherit my wisdom one day by taking an oath and making me your Sword Master. Similar to how Yu Long will turn into a wizard." To sum up, Lin Hong took the Heavenly oath in the same way as Yu Long
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One Race, One Clan, and Four Sects - Part 1.
Suma Fen then took a drink jar from his spatial ring and offered it to Yu Long and Lin Hong."The right drink for a good song on a Full Moon night....""What is that drink, Sword Master?" asked Yu Long. Lin Hong also showed a curious face with a drink with a fragrant aroma.They had never smelled such a drink before.Laughing, Suma Fen showed the drink to Yu Long as well as Lin Hong,"This is a drink called Fion. It's a type of wine that belongs to the Elven. It cannot be found anywhere else. Although you have never visited the Elven domain, you can try this drink."Yu Long and Lin Hong took a sip of the Fion and the musical accompaniment of the songs composed by the ELVEN Bar.Composed by ELVEN Baron Wei... Yu Long and Lin Hong instantly entered a trance.Both of them felt as if they were in a world of their own that mesmerised them into dancing.Suma Fen then sent a spell in the form of light that touched the ears of the two followers. Yu Long and Lin Hong were embarrassed when they
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One Race, One Clan, and Four Sects - Part 2.
Then, he tried to look at Suma Fen's face. However, because Suma Fen was still covering his face with the Purple Jade Mask and blocking the magic aura, Mr Yan Bai could not see his face clearly. Yan Bai could not see Suma Fen's face."Master... are you really Secret Elder Suma Fen...?" Mr Yan Bai hesitantly asked. Yan Bai asked.Suma Fen laughed out loud, erased the magic aura and removed his mask."Mr Yan Bai, from now on you can call out to me. Yan Bai, from now on you can call me Suma Fen."Mr Yan Bai was stunned for a moment. The face in front of him was a face that did not depict the face of the human race. That face was similar to that of the Elven race.But as someone who was already experienced in the world of sword practitioners that was full of various oddities, and he had met different types of experts, so he did not ask any more questions,"Yes. That's right... You turned out to be the secret elder of the Treasure Hall... Suma Fen. Your appearance has now become more attra
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Five Heavenly Flames - Part 1.
"Because of this journey to the West, most of it will pass through the desert known as the Great Sun Desert. There are many high-ranked Dark Beasts along the desert, so the water ship mode of transport is the only safe way to go."Suma Fen nodded his head and then asked again,"Does Mr Yan Bai know about the power map of practitioners in the Western Region?""Of course..." said Mr Yan Bai. Yan Bai said."In the Western Region, there are six great untouchable powers.""The explanation is that there are Six forces known as 1 race, 1 family clan, and 4 sects that rule the west.""The first of the six forces is a race... I think you've met them. The one race is the Demon Race.""The demon race as you know is a race of immortal descendants that has a blood element cultivation base.""In addition to the physical abilities that are inherited from the blood demon race, they are also very capable of playing the illusion base cultivation practice. You know yourself, don't you? One of the demon
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The Five Heavenly Flames - Part 2.
Again, Mr Yan Bai sighed as if drained of energy after recounting the Western Region's power map to Suma Fen."Mr Yan Bai. Mr Yan Bai, I heard earlier that the Religious Head of the Bright Sect swallowed fire for his cultivation. And that fire is called the Bright Light Fire... Can you explain to me about that fire that you have described as heavenly fire?"Mr Yan Bai continued his story. Mr Yan Bai continued his story,"There are five types of heavenly fire in this world. Those heavenly flames are mostly used as fire in pill cultivation by alchemists. However, in some cases, cultivators or practitioners who have the fire element as their cultivation base try to ingest fire to further enhance the fire element within their bodies.""Unfortunately, the technique to cultivate heavenly fire when swallowed is impossible. Only a secret technique mastered by the Bright Sect is able to subdue heavenly flames. It has never been heard of someone from another sect being able to swallow fire and
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